
Burundi 2018 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 87

The right to vote is guaranteed.

Article 88

Elections are free, transparent, and regular. The electoral code determines practical methods for elections.

Article 89

Elections are organized in an impartial manner at the levels of the nation, commune, colline, and district, along with other levels determined by law.

Article 90

An Independent National Electoral Commission guarantees freedom, impartiality, and independence in the electoral process.

Article 91

The Commission is composed of seven independent leading figures.

Its members are appointed by decree after having been previously approved separately by the National Assembly and by the Senate, in an absolute majority.

Article 92

The Commission is responsible for the following missions:

  1. Organize elections at the national level, the commune level, and the level of collines or districts;
  2. Ensure that the elections are free, regular, and transparent;
  3. Proclaim the preliminary results of the elections in a time period defined by law;
  4. Announce the arrangements, code of conduct, and technical details of polling places and their hours of operation;
  5. Receive grievances concerning the respect of electoral rules and follow up with them;
  6. The decisions of the Committee are unappealable;
  7. In applying the appropriate rules, ensure that electoral campaigns do not unfold in a manner which incites ethnic violence or in any other manner contrary to the present Constitution;
  8. Assure the respect of the provisions of the present Constitution in regards to multiethnicity and gender, and understand the disputes regarding these (categories).