
Bhutan 2008 Constitution

Article 16. Public Campaign Financing

  1. Parliament shall, by law, establish a Public Election Fund into which shall be paid every year such amounts as the Election Commission may consider appropriate to fund registered political parties and their candidates during elections to the National Assembly and candidates to the National Council.
  2. The payment out of the Public Election Fund shall be made by the Election Commission in a non-discriminatory manner to registered political parties and candidates in accordance with laws made by Parliament.
  3. The Election Commission shall fix a ceiling for the total expenditure that may be incurred by political parties and their candidates taking part in elections to the National Assembly.
  4. The Election Commission shall fix a ceiling for contribution offered voluntarily by any of its registered members to a political party subject to the provisions of the Election Fund Act.
  5. The funding received by political parties and their candidates shall be subjected to scrutiny and auditing as called for by the Election Commission in accordance with laws made by Parliament or law in force.

Article 17. Formation of Government

  1. The Druk Gyalpo shall confer Dakyen to the leader or nominee of the party, which wins the majority of seats in the National Assembly, as the Prime Minister.
  2. No person shall hold office as Prime Minister for more than two terms.
  3. The Druk Gyalpo shall appoint Ministers from among the members of the National Assembly, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, or shall remove a Minister on the advice of the Prime Minister.
  4. A candidate for the post of Prime Minister or Minister shall be an elected member of the National Assembly and a natural born citizen of Bhutan.
  5. Not more than two members elected from the electoral constituencies of the same Dzongkhag shall be entitled to be appointed as Ministers.
  6. A motion of no confidence against the Government may be moved by not less than one-third of the total number of members of the National Assembly.
  7. A vote of no confidence against the Government, if passed by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of the National Assembly, shall require the Government to be dismissed by the Druk Gyalpo.
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