
Plurinational State of Bolivia 2009 Constitution

Table of Contents


CHAPTER I. Armed Forces

Article 243

The Armed Forces of the State are organically comprised of the Commander in Chief, the Army, the Air Force and the Navy of Bolivia, the forces of which shall be defined by the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly at the proposal of the Executive Organ.

Article 244

The fundamental mission of the Armed Forces is the following: the defense and preservation of the independence, security and stability of the State, and the honor and sovereignty of the country; to assure the supremacy of the Constitution; to guarantee the stability of the legitimately constituted Government; and to participate in the development of the country.

Article 245

The organization of the Armed Forces is based on its hierarchy and discipline. It is essentially subservient, is not a deliberative body, and is subject to the laws and military regulations. As an institutional organ, it does not carry out any political activity; individually, its members enjoy and exercise the rights of citizens under the conditions established by the law.

Article 246

  1. The Armed Forces are subordinate to the President of the State and receive their orders administratively through the Minister of Defense as an intermediary, and with respect to technical aspects, from the Commander in Chief.
  2. In the event of war, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces shall direct the operations.

Article 247

  1. No foreigner may exercise command, nor be employed or occupy an administrative post in the Armed Forces without the prior authorization of the Captain General.
  2. To occupy their positions, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, the Chief of Staff, the Commanders and Chiefs of Staff of the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy of Bolivia, and of the large units, must be Bolivian by birth and meet the requisites set forth in the law. The same requisites are necessary for the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Defense.

Article 248

The Supreme Council of Defense of the Pluri-National State, the composition, organization and faculties of which are to be determined by law, shall be presided over by the Captain General of the Armed Forces.

Article 249

Every Bolivian shall be obligated to render military service in accordance with the law.

Article 250

The promotions in the Armed Forces shall be granted in accordance with the respective law.

CHAPTER II. Bolivian Police

Article 251

  1. The Bolivian Police, as a public force, has the specific mission to defend the society and conserve public order, and to assure compliance with the law in the entire territory of Bolivia. It shall carry out the police function in a comprehensive, indivisible manner and under a single command, pursuant to the Organic Law of the Bolivian Police and the other laws of the State.
  2. As an institution, it does not deliberate nor participate in party political activities, but individually its members enjoy and exercise their rights as citizens, in accordance with the law.

Article 252

The Bolivian Police Force is subordinate to the President of the State, through the intermediary of the Minister of Government.

Article 253

To be designated Commander General of the Bolivian Police, it is necessary to be a Bolivian by birth, a General of the institution, and to meet the requisites set forth in the law.

Article 254

In the event of international war, the forces of the Bolivian Police shall be subordinated to the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces for the time that the conflict lasts.

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