
Plurinational State of Bolivia 2009 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 108

The duties of Bolivians are:

  1. To know, comply with, and ensure the enforcement of the Constitution and the laws.
  2. To know, respect, and promote the rights recognized in the Constitution.
  3. To promote and spread the practice of the values and principles proclaimed by the Constitution.
  4. To defend, promote, and contribute to the right to peace, and to encourage a culture of peace.
  5. To work, according to one’s physical and intellectual capacity, in legal and socially useful activities.
  6. To educate oneself in the educational system up to the diploma of bachelor.
  7. To pay taxes in proportion to one’s economic capacity, according to the law.
  8. To denounce and combat every act of corruption.
  9. To care for, feed, and education their children.
  10. To care for, protect, and help their ancestors.
  11. To provide aid, with all the help necessary, in cases of natural disaster and other contingencies.
  12. To serve in the military, which is obligatory for boys.
  13. To defend the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bolivia, and to respect its symbols and values.
  14. To safeguard, defend and protect the natural, economic and cultural patrimony of Bolivia.
  15. To protect and defend the natural resources, and to contribute to their sustainable use in order to preserve the rights of future generations.
  16. To protect and defend an environment suitable for the development of living beings.
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