
Chad 2018 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 171

A National Commission of the Rights of Man is instituted.

The National Commission of the Rights of Man (CNDH) is an independent administrative authority.

Article 172

The National Commission of the Rights of Man has for its mission:

  • to formulate opinions for the Government on the questions relative to the Rights of Man and including the condition of women, the rights of the child and of the handicapped;
    to assist the Government and the other national and international institutions concerning all questions relative to the Rights of Man in Chad in conformity with the Charter of the Rights of Man and of the Fundamental Freedoms;

    to participate in the revision of the legislation in force and in the elaboration of new norms relative to the Rights of Man, with a view to the construction of the State of Law and to the reinforcement of democracy;

    to proceed with inquiries, studies, and publications relative to the Rights of Man;

    to advise the Government concerning the ratification of international juridical instruments relative to torture and to inhuman and degrading treatment.

Article 173

The National Commission of the Rights of Man (CNDH) is autonomous concerning the choice of the questions that it examines since it refers itself to the matters. The Commission is entirely free in its opinions that it sends to the President of the Republic and of which it assures diffusion for public opinion.

Article 174

The rules of organization and of functioning as well as the composition of the National Commission of the Rights of Man are determined by the law.

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