
Croatia 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2013)

Table of Contents

IV. Organization of Government

1. The Croatian Parliament

Article 70

The Croatian Parliament (Sabor) is a representative body of the people and is vested with the legislative power in the Republic of Croatia.

Article 71

The Croatian Parliament shall have no less than 100 and no more than 160 members, elected on the basis of direct universal and equal suffrage by secret ballot.

Article 72

Members of the Croatian Parliament shall be elected for a term of four years.

The number of members of the Croatian Parliament, and the conditions and procedures for their election, shall be regulated by law.

Article 73

Elections for members of the Croatian Parliament shall be held not later than 60 days after the expiry of the mandate or dissolution of the Croatian Parliament.

The first session of the Croatian Parliament shall be held not later than 20 days after the completion of the elections.

The Croatian Parliament shall be constituted at the first session by the selection of its President by the majority of its members present.

Article 74

Members of the Croatian Parliament shall have no imperative mandate.

Members of the Croatian Parliament shall receive a regular monetary remuneration and shall have other rights specified by law.

Article 75

Members of the Croatian Parliament shall enjoy immunity.

No representative shall be prosecuted, detained or punished for an opinion expressed or vote cast in the Croatian Parliament.

No representative shall be detained, nor shall criminal proceedings be instituted against him, without the consent of the Croatian Parliament.

A representative may be detained without the consent of the Croatian Parliament only if he has been caught in the act of committing a criminal offence which carries a penalty of imprisonment of more than five years. In such a case, the President of the Croatian Parliament shall be notified thereof.

If the Croatian Parliament is not in session, approval for the detention of a representative, or for the continuation of criminal proceedings against him, shall be given and his right to immunity decided by the credentials-and-immunity committee, such a decision being subject to subsequent confirmation by the Croatian Parliament.

Article 76

The term of office of members of the Croatian Parliament may be extended by law only in the event of war or the cases provided for in Articles 17 and 101 of the Constitution.

Article 77

The Croatian Parliament may be dissolved in order to call early elections if so decided by the majority of all the members.

The President of the Republic may, in conformity with Article 104, dissolve the Croatian Parliament.

Article 78

The Croatian Parliament shall be in regular session twice a year: the first period between January 15 and July 15, and the second period between September 15 and December 15.

The Croatian Parliament shall convene emergency sessions at the request of the President of the Republic, the Government or the majority of its members.

The President of the Croatian Parliament may, upon prior consultation with the parliamentary clubs of members of the parliamentary parties, call it into an emergency session.

Article 79

The Croatian Parliament shall have the President and one or more Vice Presidents.

The internal organization and procedure of the Croatian Parliament shall be regulated by its Standing Rules.

The Standing Rules shall be passed by a majority vote of all the members.

Article 80

The Croatian Parliament shall:

  • Decide on the enactment and amendment of the Constitution;
    Pass laws;

    Adopt the state budget;

    Decide on war and peace;

    Pass documents which express the policy of the Croatian Parliament;

    Adopt the Strategy of national security and the Strategy of defense of the Republic of Croatia;

    Realize civil control over the armed forces and the security services of the Republic of Croatia;

    Decide on alternations of the borders of the Republic of Croatia;

    Call referenda;

    Carry out elections, appointments and reliefs of office, in conformity with the Constitution and law;

    Supervise the work of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and other holders of public authority responsible to the Croatian Parliament, in conformity with the Constitution and law;

    Grant amnesty for criminal offenses;

    Conduct other affairs as specified by the Constitution.

Article 81


Article 82

Unless otherwise specified by the Constitution, the Croatian Parliament shall make decisions by a majority vote, provided that a majority of representatives are present at the session.

Representatives shall vote in person.

Article 83

Laws (organic laws) which regulate the rights of national minorities shall be passed by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority vote of all representatives.

Laws (organic laws) which elaborate the constitutionally defined human rights and fundamental freedoms, the electoral system, the organization, authority and operation of government bodies and the organization and authority of local and regional self-government shall be passed by the Croatian Parliament by a majority vote of all representatives.

The decision provided by Article 8 of the Constitution shall be passed by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority of all representatives.

Article 84

Sessions of the Croatian Parliament shall be public.

Article 85

Each representative of the Croatian Parliament, the parliamentary clubs of representatives and the working bodies of the Croatian Parliament, and the Government of the Republic of Croatia shall have the right to propose laws.

Article 86

Members of the Croatian Parliament shall have the right to ask the Government of the Republic of Croatia and individual ministers questions.

At least one tenth of the representatives of the Croatian Parliament may submit an interpellation on the operation of the Government of the Republic of Croatia or some of its individual members.

Questioning and interpellation shall be more specifically regulated by the Standing Rules.

Article 87

The Croatian Parliament may call a referendum on a proposal for the amendment of the Constitution, on a bill, or any other issue within its competence.

The President of the Republic may, at the proposal of the Government and with the counter-signature of the Prime Minster, call a referendum on a proposal for the amendment of the Constitution or any other issue which he considers to be important for the independence, unity and existence of the Republic of Croatia.

The Croatian Parliament shall call a referendum upon the issues from sections 1 and 2 of this Article when so demanded by ten percent of all voters in the Republic of Croatia.

At such a referendum, the decision shall be made by the majority of the voters taking part therein.

Decisions made at referenda shall be binding.

A law on referenda shall be passed. Such law may also stipulate the conditions for holding a consultative referendum.

Article 88

The Croatian Parliament may authorize the Government of the Republic of Croatia, for a maximum period of one year, to regulate by decrees certain issues within its competence, except those relating to the elaboration of the constitutionally defined human rights and fundamental freedoms, national rights, the electoral system, the organization, authority and operation of government bodies and local self-government.

Decrees based on statutory authority shall not have a retroactive effect.

Decrees passed on the basis of statutory authority shall cease to be valid after the expiry of the period of one year from the date when such authority was granted, unless otherwise decided by the Croatian Parliament.

Article 89

Laws shall be promulgated by the President of the Republic within eight days from the date when they were passed in the Croatian Parliament.

If the President of the Republic considers the promulgated law not in accordance with the Constitution, he may initiate proceedings to review the constitutionality of the law before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia.

Article 90

Before coming into force, laws and other rules and regulations of governmental bodies shall be published in “Narodne Novine”, the official gazette of the Republic of Croatia.

The rules and regulations of bodies vested with public authority shall, before coming into force, be publicized in an accessible way, in accordance with law.

A law shall come into force at the earliest on the eight day after its publication, unless otherwise specified by law for exceptionally justified reasons.

Laws and other regulations of governmental bodies or bodies vested with public authority shall not have a retroactive effect.

Only individual provisions of a law may have a retroactive effect for exceptionally justified reasons.

Article 91

State revenues and expenditures shall be determined by the state budget.

The Croatian Parliament shall enact the central budget by a majority vote of all deputies.

A law whose implementation requires financial funds shall specify the sources of such funds.

Article 92

The Croatian Parliament may form commissions of inquiry regarding any issue of public interest.

The composition, competence and powers of the commissions of inquiry shall be in accord with law.

The chairperson of a commission of inquiry shall be appointed by a majority of representatives from among the representatives of the opposition.

Article 93

The Ombudsperson shall be a commissioner of the Croatian Parliament responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, laws and international legal instruments on human rights and freedoms ratified by the Republic of Croatia.

Everyone may lodge a complaint to the Ombudsperson if he/she deems that his/her constitutional or legal rights have been threatened or violated as a result of any illegal or irregular act by governmental bodies and the civil service, local and regional self-governmental bodies and bodies vested with public authority.

The Croatian Parliament shall elect the Ombudsperson for a term of eight years. The Ombudsperson shall be autonomous and independent in his/her work.

Conditions for the election and dismissal of the Ombudsperson and his/her deputies, their authority, and the method of their work shall be regulated by law. By law, the Ombudsperson may also be vested with certain powers with regard to legal and natural persons in order to protect the fundamental constitutional rights.

The Ombudsperson and other commissioners of the Croatian Parliament responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms shall enjoy the same immunity as deputies in the Croatian Parliament.

2. The President of the Republic of Croatia

Article 94

The President of the Republic of Croatia shall represent and stand for the Republic of Croatia at home and abroad.

The President of the Republic shall take care of regular and harmonized functioning and stability of the state government.

The President of the Republic is responsible for the defense of independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Croatia.

Article 95

The President of the Republic shall be elected in direct elections by secret ballot, on the basis of universal and equal suffrage, for a term of five years.

No one shall be elected the President of the Republic more than twice.

The President of the Republic shall be elected by a majority of vote of all electors who have voted. If none of the candidates has obtained such a majority, new elections shall be held after 14 days.

The two candidates who obtained the largest number of votes in the first election shall have the right to stand at the new election. If one of these candidates withdraws, the candidate who is next in the number of votes obtained shall acquire the right to stand for the new election.

Elections for the President of the Republic shall be held no less than 30 and no more than 60 days before the expiry of the term of office of the incumbent President.

Before assuming duty, the President of the Republic shall take a solemn oath before the President of the Constitutional Court swearing loyalty to the Constitution.

The election of the President of the Republic, the oath and its taking shall be regulated by law.

Article 96

The President of the Republic shall not perform any other public or professional duty.

After the election, the President of the Republic shall resign from membership in the political party and notify the Croatian Parliament thereof.

Article 97

In case when the President of the Republic is temporarily prevented from performing his duties, because of his absence or illness or yearly leave of absence, the President of the Republic may confide the President of the Croatian Parliament to substitute for him. The President of the Republic decides upon his return to duty.

In case the President of the Republic is prevented from performing his duties for a longer period of time, because of illness or inability, and particularly if he is unable to decide on confiding his duties to a temporary substitute, the President of the Croatian Parliament shall assume the duty of the temporary President of the Republic upon the decision of the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court shall decide thereof upon the proposal of the Government.

In case of death, or resignation which shall be submitted to the President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia and the President of the of the Croatian Parliament notified thereof, or when the Constitutional Court determines the reasons for termination of the mandate of the President of the Republic, the duty of the temporary President of the Republic shall be taken over by the President of the Croatian Parliament by force of the Constitution.

When the President of the Croatian Parliament as temporary President of the Republic issues an act on promulgation of the law, the act shall be counter-signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia.

Elections for the new President of the Republic shall be held within the term of 60 days from the day the temporary President of the Republic has taken over the duty according to section 3 of this Article.

Article 98

The President of the Republic shall:

  • Call elections for the Croatian Parliament and convene their first session;
    Call referenda, in conformity with the Constitution;

    Confide the mandate to form the Government to the person who, upon the distribution of the seats in the Croatian Parliament and consultations held, enjoys confidence of the majority of its members;

    Grant pardons;

    Confer decorations and other awards specified by law;

    Perform other duties specified by the Constitution.

Article 99

The President of the Republic and the Government of the Republic of Croatia cooperate in formulation and execution of the foreign policy.

The President of the Republic shall, at the Government’s proposal and with the counter-signature of the Prime Minister, decide on the establishment of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Croatia abroad.

The President of the Republic shall, with the prior counter-signature of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, appoint and recall diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Croatia, at the proposal the Government and upon the opinion of the authorized committee of the Croatian Parliament.

The President of the Republic shall receive letters of credence and the letters of recall from foreign diplomatic representatives.

Article 100

The President of the Republic is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Croatia.

The President of the Republic shall appoint and relieve of duty military commanders, in conformity with law.

On the basis of the decision of the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic may declare war and conclude peace.

In case of an immediate threat to the independence, unity and existence of the State, the President of the Republic may, with the counter signature of the Prime Minister, order the employment of the armed forces even if the state of war has not been declared.

Article 101

During the state of war the President of the Republic may issue decrees with the force of law on the grounds and within the authority obtained from the Croatian Parliament. If the Croatian Parliament is not in session, the President of the Republic is authorized to regulate all the issues required by the state of war by decrees with the force of law.

In case of an immediate threat to the independence, unity and existence of the State, or if the governmental bodies are prevented from performing their constitutional duties regularly, the President of the Republic shall, at the proposal of the Prime Minister and with his counter-signature, issue decrees with the force of law.

The President of the Republic shall submit decrees with the force of law for approval to the Croatian Parliament as soon as the Parliament is in a position to convene.

If the President of the Republic does not submit a decree for approval to the Croatian Parliament as required by section 3 of this Article, or if the Croatian Parliament fails to approve it, the decree with the force of law ceases to be in force.

In the case stated in sections 1 and 2 of this Article the President of the Republic may call a session of the Government and preside over such a session.

Article 102

The President of the Republic may propose to the Government to hold a session and consider certain issues.

The President of the Republic may be present at the meeting of the Government and take part in deliberations.

Article 103

The President of the Republic and the Government of the Republic of Croatia shall, in accordance with the Constitution and law, cooperate in directing the operations of the security services.

The appointment of the heads of the security services shall, upon a prior opinion of the authorized committee of the Croatian Parliament, be counter-signed by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia.

Article 104

The President of the Republic, at the proposal of the Government and with the counter-signature of the Prime Minister, after consultations with the representatives of the clubs of parliamentary parties, dissolve the Croatian Parliament if, at the proposal of the Government, the Parliament has passed a vote of no confidence to the Government, or if it has failed to approve the state budget within 120 days from the date when it was proposed.

The President of the Republic may not, at the proposal of the Government, dissolve the Croatian Parliament if the impeachment proceedings against him for violation of the Constitution have been instituted.

Article 105

The President of the Republic shall be impeachable for any violation of the Constitution he has committed in the performance of his duties.

Proceedings for the impeachment of the President of the Republic may be instituted by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority vote of all representatives.

The impeachment of the President of the Republic shall be decided upon by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia by a two-thirds majority vote of all the judges.

The Constitutional Court shall decide upon the impeachment of the President of the Republic during the term of 30 days form the day of the submission of the proposal to impeach the President of the Republic for violation of the Constitution.

If the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia sustains the impeachment, the duty of the President of the Republic shall cease by force of the Constitution.

Article 105a

The President of the Republic shall enjoy immunity.

The President of the Republic may not be detained nor may criminal proceedings be instituted against him without prior consent of the Constitutional Court.

The President of the Republic may be detained without prior consent of the Constitutional Court only if he has been caught in the act of committing a criminal offence which carries a penalty of imprisonment of more than five years. In such a case the state body which has detained the President of the Republic shall instantly notify the President of the Constitutional Court thereof.

Article 106

In the performance of his duties the President of the Republic shall be assisted by advisory bodies. The members of these bodies shall be appointed and relieved by the President of the Republic. Appointments contrary to the principle of separation of powers shall not be permitted.

Advisory, professional and other tasks shall be performed by the Office of the President of the Republic. The Office of the President of the Republic and the staff services of the Government of the Republic of Croatia shall co-operate in the performance of tasks of common interest. The funding required for the work of the Office of the President of the Republic shall be secured in the central budget of the Republic of Croatia.

3. The Government of the Republic of Croatia

Article 107

The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall exercise executive powers in conformity with the Constitution and law.

Article 108

The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall consist of a Prime Minster, one or more Deputy Prime Ministers and ministers.

The Prime Minister and other members of the Government may not perform any other public or professional duty without consent of the Government.

Article 109

The person to whom the President of the Republic confides the mandate to form the Government shall propose its members.

Immediately upon the formation of the Government, but not later than 30 days from the acceptance of the mandate, the mandatary shall present the Government and its program to the Croatian Parliament and demand a vote of confidence to be passed.

The Government shall assume its duty if the vote of confidence is passed by a majority vote of all members of the Croatian Parliament.

The Prime Minister and the members of the Government shall take a solemn oath before the Croatian Parliament. The text of the oath shall be determined by law.

Upon the decision of the Croatian Parliament to express confidence to the Government of the Republic of Croatia, the ruling on the appointment of the Prime Minister shall be brought by the President of the Republic, with the counter signature of the President of the Croatian Parliament, and the ruling on the appointment of the members of the Government shall be brought by the Prime Minster with the counter signature of the President of the Croatian Parliament.

Article 109a

If the mandatary fails to form the Government within the term of 30 days from the day of the acceptance of the mandate, the President of the Republic may decide to extend the term for not more than 30 additional days.

If the mandatary fails to form the Government during the extended term, or if the proposed Government fails to obtain confidence of the Croatian Parliament, the President of the Republic shall confide the mandate to form the Government to another person.

Article 109b

If the Government is not formed in accordance with Articles 110 and 111 of the Constitution, the President of the Republic shall appoint temporary non-party Government and simultaneously call early elections for the Croatian Parliament.

Article 110

The Government of the Republic of Croatia shall:

  • Propose legislation and other acts to the Croatian Parliament;
    Propose the state budget and the annual accounts;

    Execute laws and other decisions of the Croatian Parliament;

    Enact decrees to implement the laws;

    Guide the foreign and internal policies;

    Direct and control the operation of the state administration;

    Take care of the economic development of the country;

    Direct performance and development of the public services;

    Perform other duties determined by the Constitution and law.

Article 111

The organization, mode of operation and decision- making of the Government shall be regulated by law and the rules of procedure.

Article 112

The Government shall be responsible to the Croatian Parliament.

The Prime Minister and members of the Government shall be jointly responsible for the decisions made by the Government, and shall be personally responsible for their respective competencies.

Article 113

At the proposal of at least one fifth of the members of the Croatian Parliament, a vote of confidence in the Prime Minster, in individual members of the Government, or in the Government as a whole, shall be put in motion.

A vote of confidence in the Government may also be requested by the Prime Minister.

No debate or vote of confidence may be taken before the expiry of seven days from the date when the motion was submitted to the Croatian Parliament.

Debate and vote of confidence shall be carried through not later than 30 days from the day the motion was submitted to the Croatian Parliament.

A no confidence decision shall be accepted if it has been voted for by the majority of the total number of members of the Croatian Parliament.

If the Croatian Parliament rejects the proposal for a vote of no confidence, the representatives who have submitted it may not make the same proposal again before the expiry of six months.

If a vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister or in the Government as a whole is passed, the Prime Minister and the Government shall submit their resignation. If the vote of confidence to a new mandatary and the members he proposes for the Government is not passed during the term of 30 days, the President of the Croatian Parliament shall notify thereof the President of the Republic of Croatia. After the notification is received the President of the Republic shall instantly issue a decision to dissolve the Croatian Parliament, and simultaneously call elections for the Croatian Parliament.

If a vote of no confidence in an individual member of the Government is passed, the Prime Minster may propose to the Croatian Parliament another member for a vote of confidence or the Prime Minister and the Government as a whole may submit their resignation.

In all the cases of resignation of the Prime Minister or the Government section 7 of this Article shall be applied.

Article 114

The organization and responsibilities as well as operation of the state administration shall be regulated by law.

Certain responsibilities of the state administration may be entrusted by law to the bodies of the local and regional self-government and legal bodies vested with public authority.

The status of state officials and the legal status of the state employees shall be regulated by law and other regulations.

4. Judicial Power

Article 115

Judicial power shall be exercised by courts.

Judicial power shall be autonomous and independent.

Courts shall administer justice according to the Constitution, law, international treaties and other valid sources of law.

Article 116

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia, as the highest court of law, shall ensure uniform application of laws and equality of all before the law.

The President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia shall be appointed and relieved from duty by the Croatian Parliament at the proposal of the President of the Republic, with a prior opinion of the general session of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia and of the authorized committee of the Croatian Parliament. The President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia shall be appointed for a four-year term of office.

The establishment, jurisdiction, composition and organization of courts and court proceedings shall be regulated by law.

Article 117

Court hearings shall be open to the public and judgments shall be pronounced publicly in the name of the Republic of Croatia.

The public may be barred from a hearing or part of it for the reasons necessary in a democratic society in the interest of morals, public order or State security, in particular if minors are tried, or in order to protect private lives of the parties, or in marital disputes and proceedings in connection with guardianship and adoption, or for the purpose of protection of military, official or business secrets and for the protection of the security and defense of the Republic of Croatia, but only to the extent which is in the opinion of the court absolutely necessary in the specific circumstances in which the public might be harmful to the interests of justice.

Article 118

Judicial duty shall be vested in judges personally.

Lay magistrates and court advisors shall participate in court proceedings in compliance with law.

Article 119

Judges shall enjoy immunity in accordance with the law.

Judges and lay assessors who take part in the administration of justice shall not be called to account for an opinion or a vote given in the process of judicial decision-making unless there exists violation of law on the part of a judge which is criminal offence.

A judge may not be remanded in custody or investigative detention in connection with any criminal prosecution initiated for a criminal offence perpetrated in the performance of his/her judicial duty without the prior consent of the National Judicial Council.

Article 120

Judicial office shall be permanent.

A judge shall be relieved of his judicial office:

  • At his own request,
    If he has become permanently incapacitated to perform his office,

    If he has been sentenced for a criminal offence which makes him unworthy to hold judicial office,

    If, in conformity with law, so decides the National Judicial Council due to the commission of an act of serious infringement of discipline,

    When reaching seventy years of age.

Against the decision of being relieved from his duty the judge shall have the right to appeal to the Constitutional Court within the term of 15 days from the day the decision has been served, onto which the Constitutional Court shall decide in the procedure and composition determined by the Constitutional Act on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia.

Against the decision of the National Judicial Council on disciplinary responsibility, the judge shall have the right to appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia within the term of 15 days from the day the decision has been served. The Constitutional Court shall decide on the appeal in the way and the procedure determined by the Constitutional Act on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia.

In the cases from sections 3 and 4 of this Article, the Constitutional Court shall decide within the term not longer than 30 days from the day the appeal has been submitted. The decision of the Constitutional Court excludes the right to the constitutional complaint.

A judge shall not be transferred against his will except in the case the Court is abolished or reorganized in conformity with law.

A judge shall not hold an office or perform work defined by law as being incompatible with his judicial office.

Article 121

The National Judicial Council is an autonomous and independent body that ensures the autonomy and independence of the judicial branch in the Republic of Croatia.

The National Judicial Council shall autonomously decide, in conformity with the Constitution and law, on the appointment, promotion, transfer, dismissal and disciplinary accountability of judges and presiding judges, except in the case of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia.

The decisions specified in paragraph (2) of this Article shall be made by the Council in an impartial manner on the basis of the criteria set forth by law.

The National Judicial Council shall participate in the training and development of judges and other judicial personnel.

The National Judicial Council shall consist of eleven members, of whom seven shall be judges, two university professors of law and two members of Parliament, one of whom shall be from ranks of the opposition.

The members of the National Judicial Council shall elect a chair from their ranks.

The presidents of courts may not be elected to the National Judicial Council.

The members of the National Judicial Council shall be elected for a four-year term. No one may serve as member of the National Judicial Council for more than two terms of office.

The purview, organisation, manner of election and mode of operation of the National Judicial Council shall be regulated by law.

5. The Office of the Public Prosecutions

Article 121a

The Public Prosecution Service is an autonomous and independent judicial body empowered and duty-bound to instigate prosecution of perpetrators of criminal and other penal offences, to initiate legal measures to protect the property of the Republic of Croatia and to apply legal remedies to protect the Constitution and law.

The Croatian Parliament shall appoint the Prosecutor General for a four-year term of office, at the proposal of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and following a prior opinion of the relevant committee of the Croatian Parliament.

Deputy Prosecutors General shall be appointed, dismissed and have their disciplinary accountability determined by the National Prosecutorial Council.

The decisions specified to in paragraph (3) of this Article shall be made by the National Prosecutorial Council in an impartial manner on the basis of the criteria set forth by law.

Deputy Prosecutors General shall have life tenure.

The National Prosecutorial Council shall consist of eleven members, of whom seven shall be deputy prosecutors general, two university law professors and two members of Parliament, one of whom shall be from among the ranks of the opposition.

The members of the National Prosecutorial Council shall be elected for a term of four years. No one may serve as member of the National Prosecutorial Council for more than two terms of office.

The members of the National Prosecutorial Council shall elect a chair from their ranks.

The chiefs of Public Prosecution Office may not be elected into the National Prosecutorial Council.

The purview, organisation, manner of election and mode of operation of the National Prosecutorial Council shall be regulated by law.

The establishment, organisation, purview and jurisdiction of the National Prosecutorial Council shall be regulated by law.