
El Salvador 1983 Constitution (reviewed 2014)

Table of Contents


Article 246

The principles, rights, and obligations established by this Constitution may not be altered by laws that regulate their exercise.

The Constitution shall prevail over all laws and regulations. The public interest shall come before private interest.

Article 247

Any person may seek amparo before the Constitutional Division (Sala de lo Constitucional) of the Supreme Court of Justice for the violation of rights granted by this Constitution.

Habeas Corpus may be requested before the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court of Justice or before the Chambers of Second Instance which do not reside in the capital. A ruling of the Chamber which should deny the liberty of the person availing himself (favorecido) may be the object of review, on motion by the interested party, by the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Article 248

Reformation of this Constitution may be decided by the Legislative Assembly, with the vote of one-half plus one of the elected Deputies.

For this amendment to be decreed, it must be ratified by the following Legislative Assembly by a vote of two-thirds of the elected Deputies. Thus ratified, the corresponding decree shall be issued and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Amendments may only be proposed by elected Deputies, by a number no less than ten.

Under no circumstances, may the articles of this Constitution, which refer to the form and system of government, to the territory of the Republic, and to the principle that a President cannot succeed himself (alternabilidad), be amended.

Article 249

The Constitution proclaimed by Decree No. 6, of the eighth of January of 1962, published in the Official Gazette, No. 110, Vol. 194, dated the sixteenth of the same month and year, adopted by the Constituent Decree No. 3, of the twenty-sixth of April of 1982, published in the Official Gazette, No. 75, Vol. 275, of the same date, its regimen of exceptions, as well as all those constitutional provisions which conflict with any precept of this Constitution, are repealed.

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