
Estonia 1992 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents


Article 120

The procedure for the relations of the Republic of Estonia with other states and with international organizations shall be provided by law.

Article 121

The Riigikogu shall ratify and denounce treaties of the Republic of Estonia:

  1. which alter state borders;
  2. the implementation of which requires the passage, amendment or repeal of Estonian laws;
  3. by which the Republic of Estonia joins international organizations or unions;
  4. by which the Republic of Estonia assumes military or proprietary obligations;
  5. in which ratification is prescribed.

Article 122

The land boundary of Estonia is determined by the Tartu Peace Treaty of 2 February 1920 and by other international boundary agreements. The sea and air boundaries of Estonia shall be determined on the basis of international conventions.

The ratification of international treaties which alter the state borders of Estonia requires a two-thirds majority of the membership of the Riigikogu.

Article 123

The Republic of Estonia shall not enter into international treaties which are in conflict with the Constitution.

If laws or other legislation of Estonia are in conflict with international treaties ratified by the Riigikogu, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply.

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