
Sweden 1974 Constitution (reviewed 2012)

Table of Contents

Chapter 4. Preparation of business

Part 1. Mandatory preparation of business

Article 1

Government bills, written communications from the Government, submissions or reports from a Riksdag body other than a committee and private members’ motions shall be referred to a committee for preparation. The same shall apply to applications under Chapter 3, Article 16, for consent to prosecution or deprivation of liberty which have been notified to the Chamber by the Speaker.

Before a matter is referred to a committee for preparation, it shall be tabled at a meeting of the Chamber, unless the Chamber decides on immediate referral.

Part 2. Riksdag committees

Article 2

The Riksdag shall appoint from among its members, for each electoral period, a Committee on the Constitution, a Committee on Finance, a Committee on Taxation and an appropriate number of other committees. Such elections shall be valid for the duration of the electoral period.

The Riksdag may also appoint committees during the electoral period to serve no longer than the remainder of the electoral period.

Supplementary provision 4.2.1

The Riksdag shall appoint the following fifteen committees no later than the eighth day following the first meeting of the Chamber in the electoral period of the Riksdag:

  1. a Committee on the Constitution;
  2. a Committee on Finance;
  3. a Committee on Taxation;
  4. a Committee on Justice;
  5. a Committee on Civil Affairs;
  6. a Committee on Foreign Affairs;
  7. a Committee on Defence;
  8. a Committee on Social Insurance;
  9. a Committee on Health and Welfare;
  10. a Committee on Cultural Affairs;
  11. a Committee on Education;
  12. a Committee on Transport and Communications;
  13. a Committee on Environment and Agriculture;
  14. a Committee on Industry and Trade; and
  15. a Committee on the Labour Market.

The committees shall be elected in the order in which they are listed above.

Supplementary provision 4.2.2

If the Riksdag appoints any additional committee it shall indicate the committee’s primary responsibilities.

Part 3. Number of members of a committee

Article 3

Each committee shall consist of an odd number of members, but no fewer than fifteen.

Supplementary provision 4.3.1

The size of the committees is determined by the Riksdag in response to a proposal from the Nominations Committee.

Part 4. Responsibilities of the Committee on the Constitution

Article 4

The Committee on the Constitution shall prepare matters concerning the fundamental laws and the Riksdag Act. Rules concerning the responsibilities of the Committee on the Constitution are also laid down in Chapter 2, Article 22; Chapter 8, Article 14; and Chapter 13, Article 1 of the Instrument of Government; and in Chapter 2, Article 9; Chapter 3, Article 14; Chapter 4, Article 11; Chapter 6, Articles 1 and 4; Chapter 8, Articles 11 and 13; Chapter 9, Article 8; Chapter 10, Article 6; and Supplementary provisions 4.6.1; 5.4.1; 8.4.1; 8.5.1; 8.11.1; 8.11.2; and 8.12.1 of this Act.

Part 5. Responsibilities of the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Taxation

Article 5

The Committee on Finance shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. general guidelines for economic policy and the determination of the national budget; and
  2. the activities of the Riksbank.

If the Riksdag has approved the allocation of State spending to expenditure areas under Chapter 5, Article 12, the Committee on Finance shall also prepare proposals for expenditure limits for expenditure areas, and for draft estimates of State revenue. Rules concerning the responsibilities of the Committee on Finance are also laid down in Chapter 9, Article 5 of the Instrument of Government; and Chapter 3, Article 7; Chapter 4, Article 8; Chapter 9, Article 8; and Supplementary provisions 4.6.2; 4.9.1; and 8.7.1 of this Act.

The Committee on Taxation shall prepare matters concerning State and local government taxation. Rules concerning the responsibilities of the Committee on Taxation are also laid down in Supplementary provision 4.6.3 of this Act.

Part 6. Allocation of matters among committees

Article 6

The Riksdag prescribes the principles according to which other matters shall be allocated among committees. In this connection matters falling within the same subject area shall be referred to the same committee. The Riksdag may however determine that there shall be a committee for the preparation of matters concerning legislation under Chapter 8, Article 2, paragraph one, point 1 of the Instrument of Government, irrespective of subject area.

The Riksdag may depart from the principles thus established and from Article 5 if this is deemed necessary in a particular case, having regard to the interdependence of different matters, the particular nature of a matter, or working conditions.

A committee may transfer a matter to another committee under the circumstances set out in paragraph two, provided this committee consents. The committee transferring the matter may deliver an opinion in the matter to the receiving committee in conjunction with the transfer.

Supplementary provision 4.6.1

The Committee on the Constitution shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. legislation of a constitutional and general administrative nature;
  2. legislation concerning radio, television and film;
  3. freedom of expression, formation of public opinion and freedom of worship;
  4. financial support for the press and the political parties;
  5. the National Audit Office, in respect of the election of an Auditor General, the removal of an Auditor General from office and the prosecution of an Auditor General;
  6. the Riksdag, and authorities under the Riksdag in general, except for the Riksbank;
  7. the county administration and the division of the country into administrative units;
  8. local self-government; and
  9. the consent of the Riksdag to the prosecution of a member of the Riksdag or interference with the personal liberty of a member.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 1 Governance are prepared by the Committee on the Constitution.

Supplementary provision 4.6.2

The Committee on Finance shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. monetary, credit, currency and central government debt policy;
  2. the credit and finance markets;
  3. the commercial insurance market;
  4. the National Audit Office, insofar as these matters do not fall to the Committee on the Constitution to prepare;
  5. local government finance;
  6. the State as employer, national statistics, accounting, audits and administrative efficiency;
  7. State property and public procurement in general;
  8. other questions of administrative finance not solely concerned with a particular subject area; and
  9. budgetary questions of a technical nature.

The Committee shall also examine estimates of State revenue and coordinate the national budget.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure areas 2 Economy and financial administration; 25 General grants to local government; 26 Interest on central government debt, etc.; and 27 The contribution to the European Union are prepared by the Committee on Finance.

Supplementary provision 4.6.3

The Committee on Taxation shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. tax assessment and tax collection;
  2. the population registers; and
  3. the enforcement service.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 3 Taxes, customs and enforcement are prepared by the Committee on Taxation.

Supplementary provision 4.6.4

The Committee on Justice shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. the law courts;
  2. the leasehold and rent tribunals;
  3. the public prosecution service;
  4. the police service;
  5. forensic medicine;
  6. the correctional care system; and
  7. the Penal Code, the Code of Judicial Procedure and acts of law which supersede or are closely associated with provisions of these Codes.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 4 Justice are prepared by the Committee on Justice.

Supplementary provision 4.6.5

The Committee on Civil Affairs shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. the Marriage, Parental, Inheritance, Commercial, Land, and Enforcement Codes and acts of law which supersede or are related to provisions of these Codes, insofar as these matters do not fall to any other committee to prepare;
  2. insurance contract law;
  3. company and association law;
  4. law of torts;
  5. transport law;
  6. bankruptcy law;
  7. consumer policy;
  8. international private law;
  9. legislation on other matters having the nature of general private law;
  10. housing policy;
  11. water rights;
  12. land development planning;
  13. building and construction;
  14. physical planning; and
  15. expropriation, the formation of property units and land survey.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 18 Community planning, housing provision, construction and consumer policy are prepared by the Committee on Civil Affairs.

Supplementary provision 4.6.6

The Committee on Foreign Affairs shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. relations and agreements of the Realm with other states and with international organisations;
  2. development assistance to other countries; and
  3. other foreign trade and international economic cooperation, all insofar as these matters do not fall to any other committee to prepare.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure areas 5 International cooperation; and 7 International development cooperation are prepared by the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Supplementary provision 4.6.7

The Committee on Defence shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. military and civil defence;
  2. emergency and rescue services;
  3. measures to reduce the vulnerability of society;
  4. nuclear safety and protection against radiation; and
  5. maritime rescue and coastguard services, all insofar as these matters do not fall to any other committee to prepare.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 6 Defence and contingency measures are prepared by the Committee on Defence.

Supplementary provision 4.6.8

The Committee on Social Insurance shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. national insurance;
  2. national pensions;
  3. occupational injury insurance;
  4. financial support for families with children;
  5. Swedish citizenship; and
  6. migration.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure areas 8 Migration; 10 Financial security for the sick and disabled; 11 Financial security for the elderly; and 12 Financial security for families and children are prepared by the Committee on Social Insurance.

Supplementary provision 4.6.9

The Committee on Health and Welfare shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. care and welfare services for children and young people insofar as these matters do not fall to any other committee to prepare;
  2. care and welfare of the elderly and disabled;
  3. measures to combat drug and alcohol abuse, and other social services questions;
  4. alcohol policy measures;
  5. health and medical care; and
  6. social welfare questions in general.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 9 Health and medical care, social services are prepared by the Committee on Health and Welfare.

Supplementary provision 4.6.10

The Committee on Cultural Affairs shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. cultural and educational purposes in general;
  2. popular education;
  3. youth activities;
  4. international cultural cooperation;
  5. sports and outdoor activities;
  6. religious communities, insofar as these do not fall to the Committee on the Constitution to prepare; and
  7. radio and television, insofar as these do not fall to the Committee on the Constitution to prepare.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 17 Culture, media, religious communities, leisure are prepared by the Committee on Cultural Affairs.

Supplementary provision 4.6.11

The Committee on Education shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. the school system, certain special types of education and other educational activities;
  2. higher education and research; and
  3. financial support for students.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure areas 15 Financial support for students; and 16 Education and academic research are prepared by the Committee on Education.

Supplementary provision 4.6.12

The Committee on Transport and Communications shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. roads and road transport;
  2. railways and rail transport;
  3. ports and shipping;
  4. airports and civil aviation;
  5. postal services;
  6. electronic communications; and
  7. IT policy.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure area 22 Transport and communications are prepared by the Committee on Transport and Communications.

Supplementary provision 4.6.13

The Committee on Environment and Agriculture shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. agriculture, forestry, horticulture, hunting and fishing;
  2. meteorological services;
  3. nature conservation; and
  4. other environmental protection questions not falling to any other committee to prepare.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure areas 20 General environmental protection and nature conservation; and 23 Agricultural sciences, rural areas and food are prepared by the Committee on Environment and Agriculture.

Supplementary provision 4.6.14

The Committee on Industry and Trade shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. general guidelines for industry and trade policy and associated research questions;
  2. industry and handicrafts;
  3. trade;
  4. intellectual property law;
  5. energy policy;
  6. regional development policy;
  7. state-owned enterprises; and
  8. price and competition conditions in the business sector.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure areas 19 Regional development; 21 Energy; and 24 Industry and trade are prepared by the Committee on Industry and Trade.

Supplementary provision 4.6.15

The Committee on the Labour Market shall prepare matters concerning:

  1. labour market policy;
  2. working life policy, including labour law;
  3. integration;
  4. measures to combat discrimination, insofar as these matters do not fall to any other committee to prepare; and
  5. equality between women and men, insofar as these matters do not fall to any other committee to prepare.

Matters concerning appropriations falling within expenditure areas 13 Integration and gender equality; and 14 The labour market and working life are prepared by the Committee on the Labour Market.

Part 7. Sharing of matters between two or more committees

Article 7

Matters other than the Budget Bill may be shared between two or more committees only where special grounds so warrant.

Part 8. Cooperation between committees

Article 8

A committee may provide another committee with an opportunity to deliver an opinion concerning a matter or an issue affecting that committee’s area of competence. Before a committee delivers a report containing proposals in a matter which has been raised in the Riksdag, the Committee on Finance shall be provided with an opportunity to comment, if the proposal could have significant future repercussions for public revenue and expenditure.

If, during the consideration of a matter, at least five members of a committee so request, the committee shall obtain an opinion under paragraph one. The same shall apply if such a request has been put forward unconnected with the consideration of a matter, if the question relates to European Union activities. The committee may reject a request for an opinion if it is put forward during the consideration of a matter and the committee concludes that the action requested would so delay consideration of the matter that serious detriment would result. In such a case, the committee shall state in its report its reasons for rejecting the request.

A committee may reach agreement with one or more other committees to prepare a matter jointly through deputies on a joint committee.

Part 9. Mandatory consideration in committee

Article 9

The committees shall deliver reports to the Chamber on all matters which have been referred to them, and which have not been withdrawn. Joint committees deliver reports to the Chamber.

Reports on matters the consideration of which has been deferred to the following electoral period under Chapter 5, Article 10, shall be delivered by the committees appointed by the newly-elected Riksdag.

When notifying the Chamber of a decision held in abeyance under Chapter 3, Article 14, a committee shall append an opinion in the matter.

If a draft law has been held in abeyance for a minimum of twelve months under Chapter 2, Article 22, paragraph one of the Instrument of Government, the committee shall deliver a new report on the matter.

Supplementary provision 4.9.1

A decision of the Committee on Finance on a question under Chapter 9, Article 5 of the Instrument of Government shall be reported to the Government in a written communication.

Supplementary provision 4.9.2

The committees shall inform the Chamber in written communications of the matters concerning which no report has been delivered.

Part 10. Referral back and referral to another committee

Article 10

A matter on which a committee has delivered a report shall be referred back to the committee by the Chamber for further preparation if at least one third of those voting concur in a motion to this effect. The same matter may not be referred back more than once under this Article.

The Chamber may also refer the matter to another committee for further preparation. If a motion for referral to another committee and a motion for referral back to the same committee are put forward concurrently, the motion for referral back shall be considered first. If the motion for referral back is approved, the motion for referral to another committee lapses.

Part 11. Obligation of a State authority to furnish information and deliver opinions to a committee

Article 11

A State authority shall furnish information and deliver opinions when so requested by a committee, unless it follows otherwise from Article 13, paragraph three. This obligation however applies to the Government only in respect of European Union activities falling within the committee’s subject area. An authority which is not an authority under the Riksdag may refer a request from a committee to the Government for decision.

If, during the consideration of a matter, at least five members of a committee so request, the committee shall obtain information or an opinion under paragraph one. The same shall apply if such a request has been put forward unconnected with the consideration of a matter, if the question relates to European Union activities. The committee may reject a request for information or an opinion if the request is put forward during the consideration of a matter and the committee concludes that the action requested would so delay consideration of the matter that serious detriment would result. In such a case, the committee shall state in its report its reasons for rejecting the request.

The Committee on the Constitution may not declare that Chapter 2, Article 22, paragraph one of the Instrument of Government is not applicable in respect of a particular draft law without obtaining the opinion of the Council on Legislation in the matter.

Part 12. Times of committee meetings

Article 12

Committees convene as the work of the Riksdag requires.

Supplementary provision 4.12.1

A committee convenes for the first time within two days from its election in response to a summons from the Speaker. The committee is convened thereafter by its chair. The chair shall convene the committee if so requested by at least five members of the committee. The Committee on Finance shall also be convened by the Speaker in response to a request from the Government, for purposes under Chapter 9, Article 5 of the Instrument of Government.

A personal summons shall be sent to all members and deputy members. The summons should be posted, if possible, in the premises of the Riksdag no later than 6 p.m. on the day prior to the meeting.

Supplementary provision 4.12.2

A committee may meet concurrently with the Chamber only if the deliberations in the Chamber relate to business other than the settlement of a matter or an election.

Supplementary provision 4.12.3

Pending the election of a chair, that member from among those present who has been a member of the Riksdag longest presides. If two or more members have been members of the Riksdag equally long, the member who is senior in age has precedence.

Supplementary provision 4.12.4

A record shall be kept of committee meetings.

Part 13. Meetings behind closed doors and meetings open to the public

Article 13

Committees shall meet behind closed doors. A committee may, however, determine that a meeting shall be open to the public, in whole or in part, in respect of that part of it which relates to information-gathering.

If special grounds exist, a committee may permit a person other than a member, deputy member or official of the committee to be present at a meeting behind closed doors.

A representative of a State authority shall not be obliged, during a public part of a committee meeting, to furnish information which is subject to secrecy rules at the authority.

Supplementary provision 4.13.1

Sound or video recordings may be made of a public part of a committee meeting unless otherwise determined by the committee.

Supplementary provision 4.13.2

Special places shall be provided for the general public at a public part of a committee meeting. A member of the public who creates a disturbance may be ejected forthwith. In the event of disorder developing among the general public, the chair may have all the members of the public ejected.

A visitor attending a public part of a committee meeting shall surrender, on request, his or her outdoor clothing, carrying bags, and any objects capable of being used to create a disturbance at the meeting. A person who fails to comply with such a request may be refused admission to the meeting. Personal possessions thus surrendered shall be stored in special accommodation for the duration of the visit.

Rules concerning security controls are laid down in the Act on Security Controls in the Riksdag (SFS 1988:144).

Part 14. Disqualification at committee meetings

Article 14

No one may be present at a meeting of a committee when a matter is being deliberated which personally concerns himself or herself or a close associate.

Part 15. Voting at a committee meeting and the right to append a reservation

Article 15

Voting in a committee shall be by open ballot. In the event of a tied vote, the opinion in which the chair concurs shall prevail.

A member who loses a vote in a committee may append a reservation, with a motion, to the committee’s report. If the vote relates to the committee’s decision regarding an opinion to be delivered to another committee, the member may append a dissenting view to the opinion. The report or opinion shall not, however, be delayed as a result.

Part 16. Separate statements

Article 16

A member may explain his or her position in a separate statement appended to a committee report or an opinion delivered to another committee.

Part 17. Committees’ duty of confidentiality

Article 17

A member, deputy member, or official of a committee may not without authority disclose any matter which the Government, or the committee, has determined shall be kept secret, having regard to the security of the Realm or for any other reason of exceptional importance arising out of relations with another state or an international organisation.

Part 18. Follow-up and evaluation by committees

Article 18

The preparation of business by the committees shall include the task of following-up and evaluating Riksdag decisions within the subject areas set out for each committee in Articles 4 to 6 and associated supplementary provisions.

Part 19. Preparation of audit reports from the National Audit Office

Article 18a

Audit reports from the National Audit Office shall be delivered by the Speaker to the committee responsible for the subject area dealt with in the report according to provisions in Articles 4 to 6 and associated supplementary provisions. If the committee wishes to obtain information in connection with such an audit report, the procedure set out in Article 11 shall apply.

The Speaker shall deliver audit reports not dealing with the activities pursued by the Riksdag or an authority under the Riksdag to the Government.

The Government shall deliver a written communication to the Riksdag for each audit report on the performance audit that the Speaker delivers to the Government. In the written communication, the Government shall give an account to the Riksdag of the measures the Government has taken or intends to take in response to the observations of the National Audit Office. If the Government has taken or intends to take similar measures in response to several audit reports, however, the Government may deliver a written communication covering several audit reports to the Riksdag.

The written communication from the Government shall be delivered to the Riksdag within four months of the Government receiving the report. When calculating the respite, July and August shall not be counted.

Part 20. Foreign travel by committees

Article 19

A committee shall consult the Riksdag Board before taking a decision concerning foreign travel. The Board shall deliver an opinion concerning the appropriateness of the journey. In this connection, consideration shall be had to the international relations of the Riksdag, the cost and other circumstances. The Riksdag Board may issue more detailed rules concerning foreign travel by committees.

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