
The Gambia 2020 Draft Constitution

Table of Contents


299. Establishment, composition and finances of National Commission for Civic Education

  1. There is established the National Commission for Civic Education (“the Commission”).
  2. The Commission shall comprise a Chairperson and four other members appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the National Assembly.
  3. The National Assembly shall in each year allocate adequate funds to enable the Commission to perform its functions, and its budget shall–
    1. be a separate vote; and
    2. be charged on the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

300. Qualifications and disqualifications

The qualifications and disqualifications mentioned in section 276 (1) and (2) apply to the members of the Commission as if the reference in that section to “service commission” were a reference to the National Commission for Civic Education.

301. Functions of the Commission

  1. The functions of the Commission include the following–
    1. create and sustain within society an awareness of the principles and objectives of this Constitution as the fundamental law of The Gambia;
    2. educate and encourage the public to defend this Constitution against all forms of abuse and violence;
    3. sensitise the people on proposed legislative measures published for public and expert opinion to enable the public to understand the issues and provide meaningful contributions;
    4. educate and sensitise the public on key legislation that affect their lives and affairs as a mechanism for ensuring greater compliance with the laws;
    5. formulate, from time to time, for the consideration of the Government programmes at national, constituency, ward and district levels aimed at realising the objects of this Constitution;
    6. formulate, implement and oversee programmes aimed at inculcating in the citizens of The Gambia awareness of their civic and fundamental human rights, duties and responsibilities;
    7. raise awareness that service rendered by public officials and civil society are not in the nature of favours to the people but rather as constitutional, legal and civic responsibilities;
    8. educate the citizens of The Gambia about treaties and conventions that apply to The Gambia; and
    9. exercise such powers and perform such functions as an Act of the National Assembly may provide.
  2. An Act of the National Assembly may provide for the establishment of district branches of the Commission.
  3. In the exercise of its functions, the Commission shall be non-partisan and, save as may be provided by an Act of the National Assembly, shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority.
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