
Liechtenstein 1921 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


Article 14

The supreme function of the State is to promote the general welfare of the People. For this purpose, the State shall provide for the institution and maintenance of law, and for the protection of the religious, moral and economic interests of the People.

Article 15

The State shall devote particular attention to education and schooling. This must be so ordered and administered that, from the co-operation of the family, the school and the Church, the younger generation may be imbued with religious and moral principles and patriotic sentiments and may be fitted for their future occupations.

Article 16

  1. The whole field of education and schooling shall be under the supervision of the State, without prejudice to the inviolability of the doctrine of the Church.
  2. Education shall be compulsory for all.
  3. The State shall ensure that adequate compulsory instruction in the elementary subjects is given free of charge in public schools.
  4. Religious instruction shall be given by the Church authorities.
  5. All persons with children in their care shall ensure that they receive education of the standard prescribed for public elementary schools.
  6. Annulled
  7. Annulled
  8. Private education shall be permissible provided that it conforms with the legal regulations governing the period of schooling, the educational aims and the arrangements prevailing in the public schools.

Article 17

  1. The State shall support and promote education and schooling.
  2. It shall provide appropriate scholarships to help children of good intellectual attainments but without financial means attend institutes of higher education.

Article 18

The State shall be responsible for the public health system, assist institutions for the care of the sick, and seek by legislation to combat intemperance and to reform alcoholics and work-shy persons.

Article 19

  1. The State shall safeguard the right to work and shall protect the workers, especially women and young persons employed in commerce and industry.
  2. Sundays and public holidays recognized by the State shall be observed as public days of rest, without prejudice to the legal regulations concerning rest on Sundays and public holidays.

Article 20

  1. To increase employment and to advance its economic interests, the State shall promote and assist agriculture, alpine farming, trade and industry. In particular, it shall promote insurance against damage and injuries to which workers and goods are exposed, and shall take measures to prevent such injuries and damage.
  2. It shall pay special attention to the development of the transportation system in accordance with modern requirements.
  3. It shall support landslide control measures and afforestation and drainage operations and shall monitor and encourage every endeavour to develop new sources of income.

Article 21

The State shall possess sovereign rights over waters in conformity with the laws existing or to be enacted hereafter in this matter. The utilisation and distribution of such waters and flood control measures shall be regulated by law and promoted, with due regard to the development of technology. Rights relating to electricity shall be regulated by law.

Article 22

The State shall exercise sovereign rights over hunting, fishing and mining; when legislating on these matters, it shall protect the interests of agriculture and of communal revenues.

Article 23

The currency and banking system shall be regulated by the State.

Article 24

  1. By enacting the necessary legislation, the State shall provide for an equitable system of taxation, which shall exempt from taxation incomes below a minimum standard of living and shall impose heavier burdens on persons in higher wealth or income brackets.
  2. The financial situation of the State must be improved to the utmost possible extent and every effort must be made to open up new sources of revenue to meet public needs.

Article 25

Public poor relief shall be administered by the communes in conformity with specific laws. The State shall be responsible, however, for the supervision of such activities. It may grant appropriate assistance to the communes, especially for the proper care of orphans, the mentally handicapped, persons suffering from incurable diseases and the aged.

Article 26

The State shall support and promote health, old age, disability and fire insurance schemes.

Article 27

  1. The State shall provide for a rapid procedure for legal actions and the execution thereof, under conditions that will safeguard material rights; it shall also provide for a system of administrative law based on the same principles.
  2. The exercise of the professional representation of parties shall be regulated by law.
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