
United Arab Emirates 1971 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents


Article 144

  1. If the Supreme Council considers that the topmost interests of the UAE require the amendment of this Constitution, it shall submit a draft constitutional amendment to the Federal National Council.
  2. The procedure for approving the constitutional amendment shall be the same as the procedure for approving laws.
  3. The approval of the Federal National Council for a draft constitutional amendment shall require the agreement of two-thirds of the votes of members present.
  4. The President of the UAE shall sign the constitutional amendment in the name of the Supreme Council and as its representative and shall promulgate the amendment.

Article 145

Under no circumstances, may any of the provisions of this Constitution be suspended, except when martial law is in force and within the limits specified by the rules regulating martial law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, sessions of the Federal National Council may not be suspended during that period nor may the immunity of its members be violated.

Article 146

In case of necessity defined by law, martial law shall be declared by a decree promulgated with the approval of the Supreme Council on the basis of a proposal made by the President of the UAE with the consent of the Federal Council of Ministers. Such decree shall be notified to the Federal National Council at its next meeting.

Martial law shall be similarly lifted by decree issued with the approval of the Supreme Council when the need, for which it was imposed, no longer exists.

Article 147

Nothing in the application of this Constitution shall affect treaties or agreements concluded by member Emirates with states or international organizations unless such treaties or agreements are amended or abrogated by agreement between the parties concerned.

Article 148

All matters established by laws, regulations, decrees, orders and decisions in the various member Emirates of the UAE in effect upon the coming into force of this Constitution, shall continue to be applicable unless amended or replaced in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

Similarly, the measures and organizations existing in the member Emirates shall continue to be effective until the promulgation of laws amending them in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

Article 149

As an exception to the provisions of Article 121 of this Constitution, the Emirates may promulgate legislations necessary for the regulation of the matters set out in the said Article without violation of the provisions of Article 151 of this Constitution.

Article 150

The federal authorities shall strive to issue the laws referred to in this Constitution as quickly as possible so as to replace the existing legislations and systems, particularly those which are not consistent with the provisions of the Constitution.

Article 151

The provisions of this Constitution shall prevail over the Constitutions of the member Emirates of the UAE and the federal laws which are issued in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution shall have priority over the legislations, regulations and decisions issued by the authorities of the Emirates.

In case of conflict, that part of the inferior legislation which is inconsistent with the superior legislation shall be rendered null and void to the extent that removes the inconsistency. In case of dispute, the matter shall be referred to the Federal Supreme Court for its ruling.

Article 152

This Constitution shall take effect from the date to be fixed in a declaration to be issued by the Rulers signatories to this Constitution.

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