
United Arab Emirates 1971 Constitution (reviewed 2009)

Table of Contents


Article 45

The federal authorities consist of the following:

  1. The Federal Supreme Council.
  2. The UAE President and Vice President.
  3. The Federal Council of Ministers.
  4. The Federal National Council.
  5. The Federal Judiciary.


Article 46

The Federal Supreme Council is the highest authority in the UAE. The Federal Supreme Council consists of the Rulers of all the member Emirates of the UAE; In case of a Ruler’s absence or when it is not possible for a Ruler to attend, the acting Ruler in the Emirate substitutes the Ruler in the Federal Supreme Council.

An Emirate has a single vote in the deliberations of the Council.

Article 47

The Federal Supreme Council has the following powers:

  1. Draw up the general policy in all the matters vested in the UAE by the Constitution and consider anything that may achieve the goals of the UAE and the common interest of the member Emirates.
  2. Sanction the federal laws before they are promulgated including the Annual General Budget Act and the Closing Account Act.
  3. Sanction the decrees relating to the matters which, under the provisions of the Constitution, must be sanctioned or approved by the Supreme Council before these decrees are promulgated by the President of the UAE.
  4. Sanction, by decree, the international treaties and conventions.
  5. Upon a proposal by the President of the UAE, approve the appointment of the Prime Minister of the UAE, accept his resignation, and remove him from office.
  6. Approve the appointment and accept the resignation and, in the cases provided in the Constitution, the dismissal of the President and Judges of the Federal Supreme Court. In all cases, a decree is issued.
  7. Exercise high oversight over the UAE’s affairs, in general.
  8. Assume such responsibilities as may be provided in the Constitution or in the federal laws.

Article 48

  1. The Supreme Council lays down its by-law including its operating procedure and the way of voting on its decisions. The Council’s deliberations are held in camera.
  2. The Supreme Council shall establish a General Secretariat staffed by an adequate number of officers to assist the Council in performing its duties.

Article 49

The decisions of the Supreme Council on substantive matters are taken by majority of five of its members provided that Abu Dhabi and Dubai Emirates must be among the five members. The minority shall abide by the opinion of the majority.

The decisions of the Council on procedural matters are taken by majority vote. The Council’s by-law specifies these matters.

Article 50

The sessions of the Supreme Council are held in the UAE’s capital city and may be held in such other place as may be agreed upon in advance.


Article 51

The Federal Supreme Council elects from among its members a President and a Vice President. The Vice President exercises all the powers of the President in the event of the President’s absence for any reason.

Article 52

The term of office of the President and the Vice President is five years according to the Gregorian calendar and may be re-elected for the same office.

The President and the Vice President takes, on assuming office, the following oath before the Supreme Council

“I swear by Allah, the Great, that I shall be faithful to the United Arab Emirates; respect its Constitution and laws; protect the interests of the people of the UAE; discharge my duties honestly and faithfully, and safeguard the independence of the UAE and its territorial integrity.”

Article 53

Where the office of the President or the Vice President falls vacant for death or resignation, or because any one of them ceases to be the Ruler in his Emirate for any reason, the Supreme Council is called into session within a month from that date to elect a successor to the vacant office for the period mentioned in Article 52 hereof. In the event that the two offices of the President and the Vice President of the Supreme Council become vacant at the same time, the Council is immediately called into session by any one of its members or by the Prime Minister of the UAE to elect a new President and Vice President to fill the two vacant offices.

Article 54

The President of the UAE has the following powers:

  1. Preside over the Supreme Council and direct its discussions.
  2. Convene and dismiss the Supreme Council as may be provided in the rules of procedure specified by the Council in its by-law. The Council must be convened if a member of the Council so requests.
  3. Call, if necessary, on the Supreme Council and the Council of Ministers to hold a joint session.
  4. Sign and promulgate the federal laws, decrees and decisions sanctioned by the Supreme Council.
  5. Subject to the approval of the Supreme Council, appoint the Prime Minister, accept his resignation, and relieve him from office; and, upon the proposal of the Prime Minister of the UAE, appoint the Deputy Prime Ministers and the ministers, accept their resignation, and relieve them from office.
  6. Subject to the approval of the Federal Council of Ministers, appoint the UAE’s diplomatic representatives to foreign states and other civil and military senior federal officials except for the President and the judges of the Federal Supreme Court, accept their resignation, and dismiss them. Such appointment, acceptance of resignation, or dismissal must be done by decree in accordance with the federal laws.
  7. Sign the letters of credence of the UAE’s diplomatic representatives to foreign states and organizations, accept the credentials of diplomatic and consular representatives of foreign states to the UAE, and receive their letters of credence; and sign the instruments appointing and accepting the credence of the representatives.
  8. Supervise, through the Federal Council of Ministers and the competent ministers, the implementation of federal laws, decrees and decisions.
  9. Represent the UAE internally, before the other states, and in all international relations.
  10. Grant pardon, commutate punishment, and approve capital sentences in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and federal laws.
  11. Confer civil and military decorations and Medals of Honor in accordance with the relevant laws.
  12. Exercise such powers as may be vested in him by the Supreme Council or provided in the Constitution or federal laws.


Article 55

The Federal Council of Ministers consists of the Prime Minister, his deputies and a number of ministers.

Article 56

For a person to be a minister that person must be a citizen of the UAE known for his competence and experience.

Article 57

The Prime Minister, his deputies and the ministers shall, before assuming office, take the following oath before the President of the UAE:

“I swear by Allah, the Great, that I shall be loyal to the United Arab Emirates; respect its Constitution and laws; discharge my duties faithfully; completely observe the interests of the people of the UAE, and completely safeguard the existence of the UAE and its territorial integrity.”

Article 58

The law specifies the powers and responsibilities of the ministers and the powers of each minister. The first Federal Council of Ministers shall be composed of the following ministries:

  1. Foreign Affairs
  2. Interior
  3. Defense
  4. Finance, Economy and Industry
  5. Justice
  6. Education
  7. Public Health
  8. Public Works and Agriculture
  9. Communications, Post, Telegraph and Telephone
  10. Labor and Social Affairs
  11. Information
  12. Planning

Article 59

The Prime Minister presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers, calls the Council into session, runs its discussions, follows up the activities of the ministers, and supervises the co-ordination of activities among the ministries and in all the executive organs of the UAE.

One of the Deputy Prime Ministers shall exercise all the powers of the Prime Minister in the event of the Prime Minister’s absence for any reason.

Article 60

The Council of Ministers, being the executive organ of the UAE, manages under the high oversight of the President of the UAE and the Supreme Council all the federal internal and foreign affairs as provided in the Constitution and the federal laws.

The Council of Ministers, in particular, exercises the following powers:

  1. Follow up the implementation of the general policy of the UAE Government inside and outside the country.
  2. Initiate federal bills and submit them to the Federal National Council before they are sent to the President of the UAE for forwarding them to the Supreme Council for approval.
  3. Lay down the federal annual general budget and closing account.
  4. Prepare draft decrees and different decisions.
  5. Issue such regulations as may be necessary for implementing the federal laws insomuch as these regulations do not amend, put on hold, or except certain persons from the implementation of these laws; and issue police regulations and other regulations regulating the public departments and administrations as provided in the Constitution and the federal laws. A competent federal minister or any other administrative authority may be delegated, by special law provision or by the Council of Ministers, to issue some of these regulations.
  6. Supervise, through all the competent authorities in the UAE or in the Emirates, the implementation of the federal laws, decrees, decisions and regulations.
  7. Supervise the execution of judgments rendered by the federal courts and the implementation of international treaties and conventions concluded by the UAE.
  8. Appoint and dismiss federal employees in accordance with the provisions of the law provided that such appointment and dismissal does not need to be made by a decree.
  9. Oversee the performance of activities in the federal public departments and administrations and the conduct and discipline of the federal employees in general.
  10. Have such powers as may be vested in the Council of Ministers by law or determined by the Supreme Council within the limits of the Constitution.

Article 61

The deliberations of the Council of Ministers are held in camera. The decisions of the Council of Ministers are issued by majority vote of its members. In case of equal vote, the Prime Minister has a casting vote. The minority shall abide by the opinion of the majority.

Article 62

While in office, the Prime Minister, the Deputies of the Prime Minister, or any Minister of the UAE may not practice any professional, commercial or financial activity or enter into any commercial transactions with the Government of the UAE or the Governments of the Emirates or holds, besides his office, more than one official post in the Government of an Emirate.

Article 63

Members of the Council of Ministers shall seek to serve the interests of the UAE, enhance the public welfare, avoid completely to make personal benefits, and shall not exploit their official post in any way to their benefit or to the benefit of anyone with whom they have special relationship.

Article 64

The Prime Minister, his deputies and the ministers collectively are politically answerable to the President of the UAE and the Federal Supreme Council for implementing the internal and foreign general policy of the UAE. Each one of them is personally answerable to the President of the UAE and the Supreme Council for the activities of his ministry or office.

Where the Prime Minister resigns, is removed from office, or is dead or where his office falls vacant for any reason whatsoever, the whole Cabinet is deemed resigned. The President of the UAE may ask the ministers to remain in office temporarily to manage urgent affairs till the new Cabinet is formed.

Article 65

At the beginning of every financial year, the Council of Ministers submits to the President of the UAE a detailed report on the internal achievements and on the UAE’s relations with other states and international organizations. The President of the UAE then submits the report to the Supreme Council. The report also contains the recommendations of the Cabinet on the best ways to strengthen the foundations of the UAE, consolidate its security and stability, and achieve its goals and progress in all fields.

Article 66

  1. The Council of Ministers makes its own by-law including its rules of procedure.
  2. The Council of Ministers establishes a general secretariat staffed by a number of officers to assist the Council in performing its duties.

Article 67

The law determines the salaries of the Prime Minister, his deputies and the other ministers.



Article 68

The Federal National Council (FNC) consists of forty members. The seats of the FNC are distributed to the member Emirates as follows:

  • Abu Dhabi – 8 seats
    Dubai – 8 seats

    Sharjah – 6 seats

    Ras AI Khaimah – 6 seats

    Ajman – 4 seats

    Umm AI Quwain – 4 seats

    Fujairah – 4 seats

Article 69

An Emirate is free to determine the method of selection of its representatives in the FNC.

Article 70

For a person to be a member of the FNC, that person must:

  1. Be a citizen of an Emirate of the UAE, and resides permanently in the Emirate which that person represents in the FNC.
  2. Be, when selected, not less than twenty-five years of age according to Gregorian calendar.
  3. Has civil capacity, is known for good manners and reputation, and has not previously been convicted of an offence against honor unless he has been rehabilitated in accordance with the law.
  4. Has adequate knowledge of reading and writing.

Article 71

A person may not be a member of the FNC and at the same time holds a public office in the UAE including ministerial portfolios.

Article 72

The term of membership in the FNC is four years, according to the Gregorian calendar, commencing from the date the FNC holds its first session.

Article 73

Before a member of the FNC assumes office in the FNC or in its committees, that member shall take the following oath before the FNC in a public session:

“I swear by Allah, the Great, that I shall be loyal to the United Arab Emirates; respect the Constitution and the laws of the UAE, and discharge my duties in the FNC and its committees honestly and truthfully.”

Article 74

If, for any reason, a seat of a member of the FNC falls vacant before the end of the term of his membership, a substitute shall be selected within two months from the date the vacancy is announced by the FNC, unless the vacancy occurs during the three months preceding the end of the FNC’s term. The new member completes the term of membership of his predecessor.

Article 75

The sessions of the FNC are held in the capital city of the UAE. The FNC, by way of exception, may by decision taken by majority vote of the members and subject to the approval of the Council of Ministers, hold its sessions in any other place in the UAE.

Article 76

The FNC shall decide upon the validity of the mandate of its members. It shall also decide upon disqualifying members, if they lose one of the required conditions, by a majority of all its members and on the proposal of five among them. The FNC shall be competent to accept resignation from membership . The resignation shall be considered as final from the date of its acceptance by FNC

Article 77

A member of the FNC represents the entire people of the UAE and not merely the Emirate which that member represents in the FNC.

SECTION 2. Rules of Procedure

Article 78

The FNC meets in an annual regular session for a minimum of seven months, commencing on the third week of October every year. The FNC may be called into a special session, if necessary. The FNC may not hear at a special session any matter other than those for which it has been called into session.

Article 79

The FNC is called into session and is dismissed by decree issued by the President of the UAE subject to the approval of the Federal Council of Ministers. A meeting of the FNC convened without a formal call or in a place other than that specified for its meetings in the Constitution is deemed invalid and has no effect.

However, if the FNC is not convened for its annual regular session before the third week of November, the FNC is convened ipso facto on the twenty first of that month.

Article 80

The President of the UAE inaugurates the regular annual session of the FNC and delivers a speech addressing the State of the Union, the major events and matters which happened during the year, and the bills and reforms the Federal Government intends to make during the new session. The President of the UAE may delegate the Vice President or the Prime Minister to open the session or to deliver the inaugurating speech.

The FNC selects, from among its members, a committee to prepare a draft reply to the inauguration speech containing the FNC’s remarks and wishes. After the reply is passed by the FNC, it is then sent to the President of the UAE to be forwarded to the Supreme Council.

Article 81

A member of the FNC is not accountable for any opinions or views he expresses while performing his duties in the FNC or in its committees.

Article 82

Except in case of flagrante delicto, no penal procedure may, without permission by the FNC, be taken against a member of the FNC while the FNC is in session. Where such procedure is taken while the FNC is in recess, the FNC must be so notified.

Article 83

The FNC’s Speaker and other members are entitled from the date of taking the oath before the FNC to such remuneration as may be specified by law in addition to travel expenses from their place of residence to the place where the FNC meets.

Article 84

The FNC shall have a Bureau consisting of a Chairman, First and Second Deputy Chairman, and two controllers, all of whom are selected by the FNC from among its members.

The term of office of the Chairman and the Chairman’s deputies expire with the end of the term of FNC or when it is dissolved, in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 88.

The term of the office of the two Controllers expires with the selection of two new controllers at the opening of the next regular annual session. Where a post in the bureau becomes vacant, the FNC selects a substitute to fill that vacancy during the remaining period.

Article 85

The FNC shall have a General Secretariat headed by a General Secretary. The FNC’s By-law specifies the General Secretary’s responsibilities. The FNC makes its by-law and the by-law is issued by decision of the President of the UAE subject to the approval of the Federal Supreme Council.

Article 86

The sessions of the FNC are held in public. Secret sessions may be held upon the request of a representative of the Government, the Speaker of the FNC, or one third of the FNC’s members.

Article 87

A meeting of the FNC is valid only if attended by a majority of its members at least. The FNC’s resolutions are taken by absolute majority of the votes of the members present, except in cases where a special majority is required. In case of equal vote, the chairman of the session has a casting vote.

Article 88

The meetings of the FNC may, by decree issued by the President of the UAE with the approval of the Federal Council of Ministers, be adjourned for a period not exceeding one month provided that such adjournment is not repeated in one session except with the approval of the FNC and for once only. The period of adjournment is not calculated as part of the term of the regular session.

The FNC may be dissolved by decree issued by the President of the UAE with the approval of the Federal Supreme Council provided that the decree of dissolution calls on the new FNC to meet within sixty days from the date of the decree of dissolution. The FNC may not be dissolved again for the same reason.

SECTION 3. Powers of the FNC

Article 89

Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 110, federal bills, including financial bills, are presented to the FNC and, then, sent to the President of the UAE who forward them for approval to the Supreme Council. The FNC discusses the bills brought before it and may approve, amend, or reject them.

Article 90

During its regular annual session, the FNC examines the Federal Annual General Budget Bill and the Closing Account Bill as provided in part eight of the Constitution.

Article 91

The Government shall notify the FNC of the international treaties and conventions the Government concludes with other states and the different international organizations together with the appropriate explanations. The President of the UAE determines, by decision, the international treaties and conventions that must be referred to the FNC for consideration before they are approved.

Article 92

The Federal National Council may discuss any general issue pertaining to the affairs of the UAE except where the Council of the Ministers notifies the FNC that discussing that issue is against the UAE’s high interests. The Prime Minister or the competent minister attends the deliberations. The FNC may make recommendations and determine the issues that it desires to discuss. If the Council of Ministers does not approve the recommendations, it shall so notify the FNC of the reasons of disapproval.

Article 93

The Government of the UAE is represented in the meetings of the Federal National Council by the Prime Minister or one of his deputies, or at least by a member of the Federal Government . The Prime Minister, one of his deputies or the competent minister shall answer questions put to them by any member of the FNC requesting explanation of any matters within their jurisdiction , in conformity with the procedures prescribed in the by-law of the FNC .


Article 94

Justice is the basis of government. In performing their duties, judges are independent and are influenced only by the rule of law and their own conscience.

Article 95

The UAE has a Federal Supreme Court and federal first instance courts as provided in the following articles.

Article 96

The Federal Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice and a maximum of five judges who are appointed by decree issued by the President of the UAE after the approval of the Supreme Council. The law specifies the number of the chambers of the Supreme Court, its regulations, procedures, the conditions of service and retirement of its members, and the conditions and requirements that they must meet.

Article 97

The Chief Justice and the judges of the Federal Supreme Court may not be removed from office while they administer justice. Their tenure of office may not be terminated except for one of the following reasons:

  1. Death.
  2. Resignation.
  3. The expiration of the term of the contract of those who are appointed by contract or the completion of the term of secondment.
  4. Reaching the retirement age.
  5. Proved disability to perform their duties for health reasons.
  6. Disciplinary dismissal for the reasons, and by the procedures, provided in law.
  7. Assign other posts to them after their consent.

Article 98

Before taking up their office, the Chief Justice and the judges of the Federal Supreme Court swear before the President of the UAE and in the presence of the UAE Minister of Justice that they will render justice without fear or prejudice and that they will be loyal to the Constitution and the laws of the UAE.

Article 99

The Federal Supreme Court has the following powers:

  1. Decide on different disputes among the member Emirates of the UAE, or between any one or more Emirates and the federal government in case that the dispute is remitted to the Court upon the request of any of the concerned parties.
  2. Consider the constitutionality of a federal law if it is challenged by one or more Emirates on the grounds that it is in conflict with the Constitution of the UAE. The Court also has the power to consider the constitutionality of a legislation enacted by an Emirate if it is challenged by a federal authority on the grounds that it is in conflict with the Constitution of the UAE or the federal laws.
  3. Consider the constitutionality of laws, legislations and regulations in general if it is so requested by any court in the country while hearing a relevant case. The concerned court shall comply with the decision of the Federal Supreme Court rendered in this connection.
  4. Interpret the provisions of the Constitution, if it is so requested by any federal authority or by the Government of any Emirate. Any such interpretation is binding on everyone.
  5. Call into account the ministers and senior officials of the UAE appointed by decree for their actions while performing their official duties upon the request of the Supreme Council and in accordance with the relevant law.
  6. Decide on the crimes which directly affect the interests of the UAE, such as the crimes relating to the UAE’s internal or external security, forgery of the official records or seals of a federal authority, and counterfeiting of currency.
  7. Hear the cases of conflict of jurisdiction between a federal court and a local court in an Emirate.
  8. Hear the cases of conflict of jurisdiction between a court in an Emirate and a court in another Emirate. The rules governing these cases are regulated by a federal law.
  9. Any other powers provided in the Constitution or which may be conferred upon the Federal Supreme Court by a federal law.

Article 100

The Federal Supreme Court sits in the capital city of the UAE. The Court may, by way of exception, sit when necessary in the capital city of any Emirate.

Article 101

A judgment of the Federal Supreme Court is final and binding upon everyone.

If the Court, when considering the constitutionality of a law, legislation or regulation, holds that a federal legislation is inconsistent with the federal constitution, or that local legislation or regulation under consideration contains provisions which are inconsistent with the federal constitution or a federal law, the concerned authority in the UAE or in the Emirate, as the case may be, shall immediately take the necessary measures to remove or correct the violation of the Constitution.

Article 102

The UAE shall have one or more Federal Court of First Instance which shall sit in the permanent capital city of the UAE or in certain capital cities of the Emirates. A Federal Court of First Instance has, within the territory of its jurisdiction, the powers to hear the following cases:

  1. The civil, commercial and administrative disputes between the UAE and an individual no matter whether the UAE is the plaintiff or the defendant.
  2. The crimes committed within the boundaries of the permanent capital city of the UAE, with the exception of the matters reserved for the Federal Supreme Court under Article 99 of the Constitution.
  3. Personal status cases, civil and commercial cases and other cases between individuals, which arise in the permanent capital city of the UAE.

Article 103

The law regulates all matters related to the Federal Courts of First Instance in respect of its class, formation, and chambers; venue jurisdiction; the procedures to be followed before it; the oath to be sworn by its judges and their conditions of service; and the ways of appeal against its judgments.

The law may provide that a judgment of the Federal Court of First Instance may be heard before a chamber of the Federal Supreme Court in such cases and in accordance with such procedures as may be determined by that law.

Article 104

The local judicial authorities in each Emirate have jurisdiction in all judicial matters not assigned to the UAE courts under the Constitution.

Article 105

Any or all of the powers conferred upon a local judicial authority under the preceding Article may be transferred by federal law enacted upon the request of the Emirate concerned, to the Federal Courts of First Instance.

A federal law specifies the cases where a judgment by a local judicial authority in a criminal, civil, commercial or any other lawsuit may be appealed before a federal courts. A federal court’s judgment on such appeal is final.

Article 106

There shall be a Federal General Attorney who is appointed by a federal decree issued with the approval of the Council of Ministers. The Federal Attorney General is assisted by a number of public prosecutors.

The law regulates the matters relating to the members of the Federal Public Prosecution Office with respect to the way of their appointment, ranks, promotion, retirement and the qualifications that they must meet.

The Federal Code of Criminal Procedure regulates the powers and procedures of the Federal Public Prosecution Office, and the authority conferred upon the law enforcement and public security officers who assist it in its functions.

Article 107

The President of the UAE may, upon the proposal of the Federal Minister of Justice and subject to the approval of a committee formed and chaired by the Minister, pardon a convicted person from the execution of a sentence delivered by a federal judicial authority before the sentence is executed or while the punishment is being served or commute the punishment. The Committee formed for this purpose consists of six members selected by the Federal Council of Ministers for a renewable term of three years. The members of the committee are selected from citizens known for their wise judgment and efficiency.

The membership of the committee is free of charge. The Committee’s deliberations are held in camera and its decisions are taken by majority vote.

Article 108

A final death penalty delivered by a federal judicial authority is executed only after the President of the UAE approves the sentence. The President of the UAE may substitute a lesser sentence for the death penalty in accordance with the procedures provided in the preceding Article.

Article 109

A full pardon from a crime or certain crimes is granted only by an Act.

An Act of Pardon remits the penalty and releases the convicted person from the execution of the entire penalty or from a part of the penalty that has yet to be served.

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