
Guinea 2010 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 127

The Mediator of the Republic is an intercessory organ, free [gracieux] and independent, between the Public Administration and the [persons] administered.

The Mediator of the Republic receives[,] within the conditions established by the law, the claims of the [persons] administered, in their relations with the administrations of the State, the territorial circumscriptions, the local collectivities, the public establishments, as well as any organ [organisme] invested with a mission of public service or to which the law attributes such competences.

Article 128

In accomplishing its functions, the Mediator of the Republic is not submitted to the directives, or to the control of any [nulle] other person or authority.

Article 129

The Mediator of the Republic is appointed by the President of the Republic for a mandate of seven (7) year non-renewable, by Decree taken in the Council of Ministers among the high functionaries retired [retratés] or not, having at least thirty years of service. He may only be removed from his functions in the case of definitive incapacity or of grave fault [faute] declared by the Supreme Court.

Article 130

The Mediator of the Republic may not be prosecuted, arrested, detained or judged on the occasion of the opinions that he emits or of the acts that he accomplishes in the exercise of his functions.

Article 131

An organic law determines the modalities for the referral [of matters] to, for the intervention of, [and] for the functioning of the Mediator of the Republic.

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