
Japan 1889 Constitution

CHAPTER III. The Imperial Diet

Art 33

The Imperial Diet shall consist of two houses, a House of Peers, and a House of Representatives.

Art 34

The House of Peers shall, in accordance with the Ordinance concerning the House of Peers, be composed of the members of the imperial family, of the orders of nobility, and of those persons who have been nominated thereto by the Emperor.

Art 35

The House of Representatives shall be composed of members elected by the people, according to the provisions of the electoral law.

Art 36

No one shall at one and the same time be a member of both houses.

Art 37

Every law requires the consent of the Imperial Diet.

Art 38

Both houses shall vote upon projects of law submitted to them by the government, and may respectively initiate projects of law.

Art 39

A bill, which has been rejected by either the one or the other of the two houses, shall not be again brought in during the same session.

Art 40

Both houses may make representations to the government as to laws or upon any other subject. When, however, such representations are not accepted, they can not be made a second time during the same session.

Art 41

The Imperial Diet shall be convoked every year.

Art 42

A session of the Imperial Diet shall last during three months. In case of necessity, the duration of a session may be prolonged by imperial order.

Art 43

When urgent necessity arises, an extraordinary session may be convoked, in addition to the ordinary one.

The duration of an extraordinary session shall be determined by imperial order.

Art 44

The opening, closing, prolongation of session, or prorogation of the Imperial Diet shall be effected simultaneously for both houses.

Art 45

When the House of Representatives has been ordered to dissolve, members shall be caused by imperial order to be newly elected, and the new house shall be convoked within five months from the day of dissolution.

Art 46

No debate shall be opened, and no vote shall be taken in either house of the Imperial Diet, unless not less than one third of the whole number of the members thereof is present.

Art 47

Votes shall be taken in both houses by absolute majority. In case of a tie, the president shall have the casting vote.

Art 48

The deliberations of both houses shall be held in public. The deliberations may, however, upon demand of the government or by resolution of the house, be held in secret sitting.

Art 49

Both houses of the Imperial Diet may respectively present addresses to the Emperor.

Art 50

Both houses may receive petitions presented by subjects.

Art 51

Both houses may enact, besides what is provided for in the present Constitution and in the Law of the Houses, rules necessary for the management of their internal affairs.

Art 52

No member of either house shall be held responsible outside the respective houses, for any opinion uttered or for any vote cast in the house. When, however, a member himself has given publicity to his opinions by public speech, by documents in print or in writing, or by any other means, he shall in the matter, be amenable to the general law.

Art 53

The members of both houses shall, during the session be free from arrest, unless with the consent of the house, except in cases where taken in flagrante delicto, or of offenses connected with a state of internal commotion or with a foreign trouble.

Art 54

The ministers of state and the delegates of the government may, at any time, take seats and speak in either house.

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