
Mali 1992 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 81

Judicial authority shall be independent of executive and legislative authority. It shall be exercised by the Supreme Court and the other Courts and Tribunals.

Judicial authority shall be the guardian of liberties defined in the present Constitution.

It shall protect the respect of rights and liberties defined by the present Constitution.

It shall be charged with the application in its proper domain of the laws of the Republic.

Article 82

Magistrates shall only yield in the exercise of their functions to the authority of the law.

Magistrates shall not be removable from their seats.

The President of the Republic shall be the guarantor of the independence of the judiciary.

He shall be assisted by the High Council of the Judiciary.

The High Council of the Judiciary shall be charged with the progress of the careers of Magistrates and shall advise on all questions of the independence of the judiciary.

The High Council of the Judiciary shall decide as Council of discipline for Magistrates.

An organic law shall determine the organization, composition, attributes and functioning of the High Council of the Judiciary.

The law shall equally determine rules of operation of the Judiciary with respect to the principles contained in the present Constitution.

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