
Myanmar 2008 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

Chapter IV. Legislature

A. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

Part 1. The formation of the Pyidaungsu

  1. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw comprises of the following two Hluttaws:
    1. in accord with the provisions of Section 109, the Pyithu Hluttaw formed with Hluttaw representatives elected on the basis of township as well as population and Hluttaw representatives being the Defence Services Personnel nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services;
    2. in accord with the provisions of Section 141, the Amyotha Hluttaw formed with Hluttaw representatives elected in equal numbers from Regions and States and Hluttaw representatives being the Defence Services Personnel nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services.

Part 2. The Head and the Deputy Heads of the respective Hluttaws

  1. On the day of commencement of the first Hluttaw session for each term of the Hluttaw concerned, the person who is to conduct and supervise the Hluttaw session held for the taking of affirmation of office by Hluttaw representatives and for electing the Hluttaw Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall be called the Chairperson, the Head and the Deputy Head of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall be called the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, the Head and the Deputy Head of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw, the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw shall be called the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker.

Part 3. Performance of duties by the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw


  1. The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall also serve as the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw from the day of term of the Pyithu Hluttaw commences up to the end of 30 months and the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall also serve as the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw for the remaining term.
  2. When the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is unable to perform the duties of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall temporarily perform the duties of the Speaker.

Part 4. Functions of the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

  1. The Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall:
    1. supervise the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw sessions;
    2. invite the President, if he is intimated of the President’s desire to address the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw;
    3. have the right to invite organizations or persons representing any of the Union level organizations formed under the Constitution to attend the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session and give clarifications on matters relating to ongoing discussions, if necessary;
    4. perform other duties and powers prescribed by the Constitution or any law.

Part 5. Convening the Sessions of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw

    1. The first regular session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall be held within 15 days from the first day of the commencement of the first session of the Pyithu Hluttaw. The Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall convene the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
    2. The Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall convene the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw regular session at least once a year. The maximum interval between the two regular sessions shall not exceed twelve months.
    3. The following functions shall be carried out at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session:
      1. recording the address delivered by the President;
      2. reading and recording the message sent by the President and other messages permitted by the Speaker;
      3. submitting, discussing and resolving on a Bill;
      4. discussing and resolving on the remarks of the President concerning a Bill approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw;
      5. discussing and resolving on matters to be undertaken by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in accord with the provisions of the Constitution;
      6. discussing, resolving and recording the reports submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw;
      7. submitting proposals, discussing and resolving;
      8. raising questions and replying;
      9. undertaking matters approved by the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
    4. Matters that require resolutions, consents and approvals of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall be implemented as follows:
      1. if the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is in session, the matter shall be discussed and resolved at that session;
      2. if the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is not in session, the matter shall be discussed and resolved at the nearest Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session;
      3. a special session or an emergency session shall be convened to discuss and resolve matters which need urgent action in the interest of the public.
    5. The Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw may convene a special session or an emergency session, if necessary.
    6. The Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall convene a special session or an emergency session as soon as possible when the President informs him to do so.
    7. The Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall convene a special session as soon as possible, if at least one-fourth of the total number of the representatives so require.


      1. The first day session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall be valid if more than half of the total number, who have the right to attend the session, are present. The session, if invalid, shall be adjourned.
      2. The sessions that are adjourned due to invalidity in accord with the Sub-Section (a) as well as the valid sessions that are extended shall be valid if at least one-third of the Hluttaw representatives are present.


      1. A matter that shall be resolved in the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, save as otherwise provided by the Constitution, shall be determined by a majority of votes of the representatives of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw who are present and voting.
      2. The Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw or the Deputy Speaker acting as such shall not vote in the first instance, but shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.
    1. If a representative of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is, without permission of the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, absent from sessions of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw for a period of at least 15 consecutive days, the Speaker shall inform the Hluttaw concerned to take action against the representative according to the prescribed procedures. In computing the said period of 15 days, no account shall be taken of any period during which the session is adjourned.
    2. Although there are vacant seats, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall have the right to carry out its functions. Moreover, the resolutions and proceedings of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall not be annulled, notwithstanding the acts of some person who was not entitled to do so sat or voted or took part in the proceedings are later discovered.
    3. The proceedings and the records of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall be published. However, the proceedings and the records prohibited by any law or the resolution of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall not be published.
    4. Members of the organizations representing any of the Union level organizations formed under the Constitution while attending the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw with the permission of the Speaker have the right to explain, converse and discuss the Bills and other matters in connection with the respective organization.
    5. The Union level organizations formed under the Constitution may submit the general situation in connection with the respective organization, which should be submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw with the permission of the Speaker.


    1. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the provisions of the law relating to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the representatives of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall have freedom of speech and voting at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Committee. Concerning the submitting, discussing and performing at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and the Joint Committee, no action shall be taken against, a representative of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, except under its law.
    2. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the provisions of the law relating to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, members of the organizations or persons representing any of the Union level organizations formed under the Constitution who are invited to attend the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session have the freedom of speech. No action shall be taken against such members or persons for their submission and speeches in Pyidaungsu Hluttaw by other law except under its law.
    3. If the persons mentioned in Sub-Sections (a) and (b) committed assault in exercising the said privileges, they shall be liable to punishment under the regulations, by-laws, procedures of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw or the existing law.
  1. If there is a need to arrest a Pyidaungsu Hluttaw representative attending the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session or a person attending the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session with the permission or invitation of the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, credible evidence shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. He shall not be arrested without the prior permission of the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  2. No action shall be instituted relating to the reports, documents, and Hluttaw records published by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw or under its authority.

Part 6. Legislation


  1. If a Bill initiated in the Pyithu Hluttaw or the Amyotha Hluttaw is approved by both Hluttaws, it shall be deemed that the Bill is approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  2. If there is a disagreement between the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw concerning a Bill, the Bill shall be discussed and resolved in the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  1. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall have the right to enact laws for the entire or any part of the Union related to matters prescribed in Schedule One of the Union Legislative List.


  1. When the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw enacts a law, it may:
    1. authorize to issue rules, regulations and by-laws concerning that law to any Union level organization formed under the Constitution;
    2. authorize to issue notifications, orders, directives and procedures to the respective organization or authority.
  2. The rules, regulations, notifications, orders, directives, and procedures issued under the power conferred by any law shall be in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the relevant law.
  3. If both the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw resolve to annul or amend any rule, regulation or by-law, it shall be deemed that the rule, regulation, or by-law is annulled or amended by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  4. If there is a disagreement to annul or amend any rule, regulation or by-law between the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw, it shall be discussed and resolved at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  5. If a resolution is passed to annul or amend any rule, regulation or by-law under Sub-Section (c) or (d), the resolution shall be without prejudice to the validity of any action previously taken under the relevant rule, regulation or by-law.

Part 7. Legislation relating to Other Matters

  1. The legislative power is vested in the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw relating to other matters not enumerated in the legislative list of the Union, Region or State and Self-Administered Division Leading Body or Self-Administered Zone Leading Body.

Part 8. Legislation relating to Union Territories

  1. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall enact the required laws if the need arises to do so for the Union territories relating to matters for which legislative powers are vested to the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw, or Self-Administered Division Leading Body or Self-Administered Zone Leading Body.

Part 9. Submission of a Bill


  1. The Union level organizations formed under the Constitution shall have the right to submit the Bills relating to matters they administered among the matters included in the Union Legislative List to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.
  2. Bills relating to national plans, annual budgets and taxation, which are to be submitted exclusively by the Union Government shall be discussed and resolved at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.
  1. The Bills submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw by the Union level organizations formed under the Constitution, except the Bills that are prescribed in the Constitution to be discussed and resolved exclusively at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, are entitled to initiate and discuss at either the Pyithu Hluttaw or the Amyotha Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.
  2. The Bills, which are to be discussed and resolved exclusively at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw need to be vetted before being discussed at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, those Bills shall be vetted jointly by the Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Committee and the Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee, and the findings and remarks of the Joint Committee together with the Bill may be submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session in accord with the prescribed procedures.

Part 10. Submission of the Union Budget Bill


  1. The President or the person assigned by him, on behalf of the Union Government, shall submit the Union Budget Bill to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  2. The following matters included in the Union Budget Bill shall be discussed at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw but not refused or curtailed:
    1. salary and allowance of Heads and Members of the Union level organizations formed under the Constitution and expenditures of those organizations;
    2. debts for which the Union is liable and expenses relating to the debts, and other expenses relating to the loans taken out by the Union;
    3. expenditures required to satisfy judgment, order, decree of any Court or Tribunal;
    4. other expenditures which are to be charged by any existing law or any international treaty.
  3. Approval, refusal and curtailing of other expenditures except the expenditures specified in Sub-Section (b) shall be passed by the majority consent of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  4. The Union Government shall perform as necessary in accord with the Union Budget Law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  5. If in respect of the relevant financial year a need has arisen to authorize the estimated receipts and authorized expenditures in the Union Budget Law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and in addition to estimate receipts and to authorize expenditures, the Supplementary Appropriation law shall be enacted in the above manner.
  6. The Union Government shall perform as necessary in accord with the Supplementary Appropriation Law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

Part 11. Ordinance

  1. When the President after promulgating an Ordinance submits it to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw for approval, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall:
    1. resolve to approve the Ordinance or not;
    2. if it is approved determine the period, the Ordinance shall continue to be in operation;
    3. if it is disapproved, cease to operate from the day of its disapproval.

Part 12. Promulgation as Law


  1. The President shall sign the Bills approved or the Bills deemed to be approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, within 14 days after the day of receipt, and shall promulgate it as Law.
  2. The President, within the prescribed period, may send the Bill back to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw together with his comments.
  3. If the President does not send the Bill back to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw together with his signature and comments within the prescribed period, or if the President does not sign to promulgate, on the day after the completion of that period, the Bill shall become a law as if he had signed it.


  1. If the President sends the Bill back to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw together with his comments within the prescribed period, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, after discussion of the President’s comments, may accept his comment and resolve to amend the Bill or may resolve to approve the Bill as it is without accepting the President’s comment.
  2. When the Bill which is amended in accord with the President’s comment or the Bill which is approved as it is without accepting the President’s comment is sent back to him by the resolution of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the President shall sign the Bill and promulgate it as law within seven days after receiving the Bill back.
  3. If the Bill sent back by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is not signed by the President within the prescribed period, it shall become law as if he had signed it on the last day of the prescribed period.
  1. The laws signed by the President or the laws deemed to have been signed by him shall be promulgated by publication in the official gazette. The Law shall come into operation on the day of such promulgation unless the contrary intention is expressed.
  2. The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw:
    1. shall give the resolution on matters relating to ratifying, annulling and revoking from international, regional or bilateral treaties, agreements submitted by the President;
    2. may confer the authority on the President to conclude, annul and revoke any kind of international, regional or bilateral treaties or agreements without the approval of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.

B. Pyithu Hluttaw

Part 1. Formation of the Pyithu Hluttaw

  1. The Pyithu Hluttaw shall be formed with a maximum of 440 Hluttaw representatives as follows:
    1. not more than 330 Pyithu Hluttaw representatives elected prescribing electorate in accord with law on the basis of township as well as population or combining with an appropriate township which is contagious to the newly-formed township if it is more than 330 townships;
    2. not more than 110 Pyithu Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services in accord with the law.

Part 2. Election of the Pyithu Hluttaw Chairperson


  1. A Pyithu Hluttaw representative shall be elected as the Chairperson at the commencement of the first session of the Pyithu Hluttaw for its term.
  2. The Chairperson shall take an affirmation of office before the Pyithu Hluttaw;
  3. The Chairperson shall supervise the Pyithu Hluttaw session up to the completion of the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw.

Part 3. Election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw


    1. The Pyithu Hluttaw representatives shall elect a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker from among the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives.
    2. When the seat of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker becomes vacant, the substitution shall be made at the nearest session of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
    3. When the Speaker is unable to perform the duties of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall temporarily perform the duties of the Speaker.
  1. The law relating to procedures to elect the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be enacted.

Part 4. Functions of the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw

  1. The Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall:
    1. supervise the Pyithu Hluttaw sessions;
    2. invite the President, if he is intimated of the President’s desire to address the Pyithu Hluttaw;
    3. have the right to invite members of the organization or persons representing any of the Union level organizations formed under the Constitution to attend the Pyithu Hluttaw and give clarifications on matters relating to ongoing discussions of the Pyithu Hluttaw session, if necessary;
    4. perform other duties and exercise powers prescribed by the Constitution or any law.

Part 5. Performance and termination of duties of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw


  1. The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall perform their duties until the first session of the next term of the Pyithu Hluttaw is held.
  2. If the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker resigns or has ceased to be a Pyithu Hluttaw representative, or has no right to continue to stand as a Pyithu Hluttaw representative, or is suspended from his position as the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker by the Pyithu Hluttaw, or has passed away, he shall have ceased from his position.
  1. Duties, powers and rights of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be prescribed by law. Formation of the Pyithu Hluttaw Committee, Commission and Bodies

Part 6. Formation of the Pyithu Hluttaw Committee, Commission and Bodies


  1. The Pyithu Hluttaw shall form Bill Committee, Public Accounts Committee, Hluttaw Rights Committee, and Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Vetting Committee with the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives.
  2. When the occasion arises to have studies made and submitted on defence and security matters or Military affairs, the Pyithu Hluttaw shall form the Defence and Security Committee with the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services Personnel, for a limited time. The Defence and Security Committee so formed may, if necessary, be included suitable Pyithu Hluttaw representatives who are not the Defence Services Personnel in accord with the volume of work.
  3. If there arises a need to study and submit other affairs, in addition to legislature, executive, national races affairs, economics, finance, social and foreign affairs, Hluttaw Committees may be formed with the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives for a limited time.
  4. The Pyithu Hluttaw shall determine the number of members, duties, powers, rights, and terms of Pyithu Hluttaw Committees.
  1. If there arises a certain matter to co-ordinate with the Amyotha Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw may elect and assign its representatives who will serve with the Joint Committee comprising an equal number of representatives from the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw to form that Committee. The term of the Joint Committee shall be until the time they have submitted the report to the Hluttaw concerned.
  2. When both the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw have certain matters to study, apart from matters to be performed by the Committees as prescribed in Sub-Sections (a) and (b) of Section 115, the Speakers of these Hluttaws may co-ordinate among themselves and form a Joint Committee comprising an equal number of representatives from the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw. The Pyithu Hluttaw may elect and assign the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives included in that Committee. The term of the Joint Committee shall be until the time they have submitted the report to the Hluttaw concerned.


  1. If there arises a need to study the remaining matters other than those studied by the Pyithu Hluttaw Committees, the Pyithu Hluttaw may form Commissions and Bodies with the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives or including suitable citizens.
  2. In forming the above Commissions and Bodies, the Pyithu Hluttaw shall determine the number of members, duties, powers, rights, and the terms of the said Commissions and Bodies.

Part 7. Term of the Pyithu Hluttaw

  1. The term of the Pyithu Hluttaw is five years from the day of its first session.

Part 8. Qualification of the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives

  1. Persons who possess the following qualifications shall be entitled to be elected as the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives:
    1. person who has attained the age of 25 years;
    2. citizen who was born of both parents who are citizens;
    3. person who has resided in the Union of Myanmar for at least ten consecutive years up to the time of his election as Pyithu Hluttaw representative;Proviso: The official period of stay in a foreign country with the permission of the Union shall be counted as a residing period in the Union,
    4. person who possesses qualifications prescribed by the Election Law.

Part 9. Disqualification for the Pyithu Hluttaw Representatives

  1. The following persons shall not be entitled to be elected as the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives:
    1. a person serving prison term, having been convicted by the Court concerned for having committed an offence;
    2. a person who has no right to be elected a Pyithu Hluttaw representative due to having committed an offence relating to disqualification for the Pyithu Hluttaw representative and being convicted for such offence, unless the period specified by the authority for him has not expired, before or after the Constitution comes into operation;
    3. person who is of unsound mind as adjudged by the relevant law;
    4. person who is an undischarged insolvent as being declared by the relevant court;
    5. person who owes allegiance to a foreign government, or subject to a foreign government or a citizen of a foreign country;
    6. person who is entitled to enjoy the rights and privileges of a subject of a foreign government or a citizen of a foreign country;
    7. person himself or is of a member of an organization who obtains and utilizes directly or indirectly the support of money, land, housing, building, vehicle, property, so forth, from government or religious organization or other organizations of a foreign country;
    8. person himself or is of a member of an organization who abets the act of inciting, giving speech, conversing or issuing declaration to vote or not to vote based on religion for political purpose;
    9. member of a religious order;
    10. Civil Services personnel;Proviso: The expression shall not be applied to Civil Services personnel including the Defence Services personnel selected and appointed in the Hluttaws and organizations formed under the Constitution.
    11. person himself or is of a member of an organization who obtains and utilizes directly or indirectly the State-owned money, land, housing, building, vehicle, property, so forth;Proviso:
      1. The expression ‘State-owned money’ does not include pension, allowance, money or salary, allowances, money officially granted by the Union for services rendered for the benefit of the Union;
      2. The expression ‘State-owned land, housing, building, vehicles and property’ does not include State-owned land, housing, building and apartments, other building and apartments, State-owned aircraft, trains, vessels and motor vehicles and property, so forth, which have been permitted by the Union to be used under an existing law or as required by duty, or leased from the Union on payment.
    12. a person who has no right to be elected a Pyithu Hluttaw representative due to having committed a malpractice under relating to the Election Law or acting an omission relating to disqualification for a Pyithu Hluttaw representative being convicted under the Election Law, the period specified by the authority for him has not expired, before or after the Constitution comes into operation.

Part 10. Qualifications of the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel

  1. The Defence Services personnel, nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel in accord with the law, shall possess the prescribed qualifications for the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives.

Part 11. Convening the Pyithu Hluttaw Session

    1. The first regular session of a term of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be held within 90 days after the commencement of the general election.


      1. The first regular session of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be held by the State Peace and Development Council after the Constitution comes into operation.
      2. The first regular sessions for the forthcoming terms of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be held by the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw who continues to perform his duties in accord with the provisions of the Constitution.


      1. The representatives of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall take an affirmation of office as mentioned in Schedule Four before the Chairperson of the Pyithu Hluttaw at the first regular session of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
      2. The representatives of the Pyithu Hluttaw who have not taken an affirmation of office shall do so before the Speaker of the Hluttaw at the session of the Pyithu Hluttaw at which they first attend.
    1. The Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall convene the regular session at least once a year. The maximum interval between regular sessions shall not exceed 12 months.
    2. The following functions shall be carried out at the Pyithu Hluttaw session:
      1. recording the address delivered by the President;
      2. reading and recording the message sent by the President and other messages permitted by the Speaker;
      3. submitting, discussing and resolving on a Bill;
      4. discussing and resolving on the matters to be undertaken by the Pyithu Hluttaw in accord with the provisions of the Constitution;
      5. discussing, resolving and recording the reports submitted to the Pyithu Hluttaw;
      6. submitting proposals, discussing and resolving;
      7. raising questions and replying;
      8. performing matters approved by the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw.


      1. The first day session of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be valid if more than half of the total number of the Hluttaw representatives, who have the right to attend the session, are present. The session, if invalid, shall be adjourned.
      2. The sessions that are adjourned due to invalidity in accord with the Sub-Section (a) as well as the valid sessions that are extended will be valid if at least one-third of the Hluttaw representatives are present.


      1. A matter that shall be resolved in the Pyithu Hluttaw, save as otherwise provided by the Constitution, shall be determined by a majority of votes of the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives who are present and voting.
      2. The Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw or the Deputy Speaker discharging duties as the Speaker at the Pyithu Hluttaw shall not vote in the first instance in the sessions of the Pyithu Hluttaw, but shall have and exercise a casting vote in the matter of an equality of votes.


      1. If a Pyithu Hluttaw representative is, without permission of the Pyithu Hluttaw, absent from a Pyithu Hluttaw session for a period of at least 15 consecutive days, the Pyithu Hluttaw may declare his seat vacant. In computing the said period of 15 days, no account shall be taken of any period during which the session is adjourned.
      2. If the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw informed the Pyithu Hluttaw that a Pyithu Hluttaw representative is absent from a Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session for a period of 15 consecutive days without permission, the Pyithu Hluttaw shall take action against the said representative in accord with the prescribed procedures.
    1. Although there are vacant seats, the Pyithu Hluttaw shall have the right to carry out its functions. Moreover, the resolutions and proceedings of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall not be annulled, notwithstanding the acts of some person who was not entitled to do so sat or voted or took part in the proceedings are later discovered.
    2. The proceedings and the records of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be published. However, the proceedings and the records prohibited by any law or the resolution of the Pyithu Hluttaw shall not be published.


      1. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the law relating to the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives shall have freedom of speech and voting at the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw Committee. Concerning the discussing, submitting and performing at the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw Committees, no action shall be taken against a Pyithu Hluttaw representative except under its law.
      2. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the provisions of the law relating to the Pyithu Hluttaw, members of the organizations or persons representing any of the Union level organizations formed under the Constitution who are permitted or invited to attend the session of the Pyithu Hluttaw or any committee of the Pyithu Hluttaw have the freedom of speech at the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw Committees. No action shall be taken against such members or persons for their submissions and speeches in the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw Committees by other law except under its law.
      3. If the persons mentioned in Sub-Sections (a) and (b) committed assault in exercising the said privileges, they shall be liable to punishment under the regulations, by-laws, procedures of the Pyithu Hluttaw or the existing laws.


    1. If there is a need to arrest a Pyithu Hluttaw representative attending the session or a person attending the Pyithu Hluttaw session with the permission or invitation of the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the credible evidence shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw. He shall not be arrested without the prior permission of the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
    2. If there is a need to arrest a member of a Committee or Commission or the Body of the Pyithu Hluttaw attending session of any Committee or session of Commission or the Body formed by the Pyithu Hluttaw, the credible evidence shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw through the Head of the Committee or Commission or Body concerned. He shall not be arrested without the prior permission of the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
    3. If a Pyithu Hluttaw representative is arrested, the Pyithu Hluttaw or the Pyithu Hluttaw Committee or the Commission or the Body formed by the Pyithu Hluttaw is not in session, the credible evidence in support of such arrest shall as soon as possible be submitted to the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
  1. No action shall be instituted relating to the reports, documents, and Hluttaw records published by the Pyithu Hluttaw or under its authority.

Part 12. Submission of Bill

    1. Bills relating to other matters , except the matters prescribed in the Constitution that the Bill shall be submitted and passed exclusively by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw stated in the Schedule One of Union Legislative List, shall be initiated in the Pyithu Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.


      1. After issuing any rule, regulation or by-law in accord with the law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Body concerned shall distribute and submit the said rule, regulation or by-law to its representatives at the nearest regular session of the Pyithu Hluttaw with the permitted arrangement of the Speaker of the Hluttaw.
      2. If it is found that a rule, regulation or by-law is in conformity with the provisions of relevant law, Hluttaw representatives may move to annul or amend the rule, regulation or by-law to the Pyithu Hluttaw within 90 days from the day that rule, regulation or by-law is submitted and distributed.
      3. If there is a disagreement between the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw to annul or amend any rule, regulation or by-law, it shall be submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.


      1. If Bills submitted by any Union level organization formed under the Constitution are sent in accord with the prescribed procedures of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, it shall be deemed that such Bills are initiated in the Pyithu Hluttaw, and shall be discussed and resolved in the Pyithu Hluttaw.
      2. Bills relating to other matters , except the matters prescribed in the Constitution that the Bill shall be submitted and passed exclusively by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw stated in the Union Legislative List, shall be initiated in the Pyithu Hluttaw in accord with the law. Such Bills shall be discussed and resolved by the Pyithu Hluttaw under the prescribed procedures.
      3. The Bills passed by the Pyithu Hluttaw shall be sent to the Amyotha Hluttaw to continue to discuss and resolve.


    1. After receiving a Bill sent by the Amyotha Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw may resolve to agree or disagree, or agree with amendments in accord with the resolution of the Amyotha Hluttaw. The Bill shall be sent back to the Amyotha Hluttaw together with the resolution of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
    2. When the Pyithu Hluttaw receives the Bill with amendments from the Amyotha Hluttaw it shall, if it accepts the Bill with amendments of the Amyotha Hluttaw, send to the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
    3. If there is a disagreement between the Pyithu Hluttaw and the Amyotha Hluttaw relating to the Bill sent to the Amyotha Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw shall take the resolution of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  1. Members of the organization representing any Union level Body formed under the Constitution are entitled:
    1. to explain, converse and discuss Bills or matters relating to their Bodies when they are attending the Pyithu Hluttaw session with the permission of the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw;
    2. to explain, converse and discuss Bills or matters relating to their Bodies when they are attending sessions of the Committees, Commissions and Bodies of the Pyithu Hluttaw with the permission of the Head of the Committee, Commission or Body concerned.

C. Amyotha Hluttaw

Part 1. Formation of the Amyotha Hluttaw

  1. The Amyotha Hluttaw shall be formed with a maximum of 224 Hluttaw representatives as follows:
    1. 168 Amyotha Hluttaw representatives elected in an equal number of 12 representatives from each Region or State inclusive of relevant Union territories and including one representative from each Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone;
    2. 56 Amyotha Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services in accord with the law, four representatives from each Region or State inclusive of relevant Union territories;
    3. in forming the Amyotha Hluttaw as mentioned in Sub-Sections (a) and (b), the relevant Union Territory means the Union Territories, prescribed under the Constitution, or prescribed by law of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, which are inclusive in State or Division, Region or State for the purpose of electing the Amyotha Hluttaw representative.

Part 2. Election of Chairperson of the Amyotha Hluttaw

  1. Election of Chairperson of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be carried out subject to the provisions relating to the election of Chairperson of the Pyithu Hluttaw under Section 110.

Part 3. Election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw

  1. Election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be carried out subject to the provisions relating to the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw under Section 111.

Part 4. Duties of the Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw

  1. The duties of the Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be subject to the provisions relating to the duties of the Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw under Section 112.

Part 5. Performance and termination of duties of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw

  1. Performance and termination of duties of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be subject to the provisions relating to the performance and termination of duties of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw under Section 113.
  2. Duties, powers and rights of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be prescribed by law.

Part 6. Formation of the Amyotha Hluttaw Committees, Commissions and Bodies


  1. The Amyotha Hluttaw shall form Bill Committee, Public Accounts Committee, Hluttaw Rights Committee, and Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Vetting Committee with the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives.
  2. When the occasion arises to have studies made and submitted on defence and security matters or Military affairs, the Amyotha Hluttaw shall form the Defence and Security Committee with the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel, for a limited time. The Defence and Security Committee so formed may, if necessary, be included suitable Amyotha Hluttaw representatives who are not the Defence Services personnel in accord with the volume of work.
  3. If there arises a need to study and submit on other affairs, in addition to legislature, executive, national races affairs, economics, finance, social and foreign affairs, the Hluttaw Committees may be formed with the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives for a limited time.
  4. The Amyotha Hluttaw shall determine the number of members, duties, powers, rights, and term of the Amyotha Hluttaw Committees.
  1. If there arises a certain matter to co-ordinate with the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw may elect and assign its representatives who will serve with the Joint Committee comprising an equal number of representatives from the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw to form that Committee. The term of the Joint Committee shall be until the time they have submitted the report to the Hluttaw concerned.
  2. When both the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw have certain matters to study, apart from matters to be performed by the Committees as prescribed in Sub-Sections (a) and (b) of Section 147, the Speakers of these Hluttaws may co-ordinate among themselves and form a Joint Committee comprising an equal number of representatives from the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw. The Amyotha Hluttaw may elect and assign the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives included in that Committee. The term of the Joint Committee shall be until the time they have submitted the report to the Hluttaw concerned.
  3. Formation of the Amyotha Hluttaw Commissions and Bodies of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be carried out subject to the provisions relating to the formation of Commission and Bodies of the Pyithu Hluttaw under Section 118.

Part 7. Term of the Amyotha Hluttaw

  1. The term of the Amyotha Hluttaw is the same as the term of the Pyithu Hluttaw. The term of the Amyotha Hluttaw expires on the day of the expiry of the Pyithu Hluttaw.

Part 8. Qualifications of the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives

  1. The Amyotha Hluttaw representatives shall be:
    1. persons who have attained the age of 30 years;
    2. persons who have qualifications, with the exception of the age limit, entitled to be elected as Pyithu Hluttaw representatives prescribed under Section 120;
    3. persons whose qualifications does not breach the provisions under Section 121 which disqualified a person from standing for election as the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives.

Part 9. Qualifications of the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel

  1. The Defence Services personnel, nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services as the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel in accord with the law, shall possess the prescribed qualifications for the Amyotha Hluttaw representatives.

Part 10. Convening of the Amyotha Hluttaw Session


  1. The commencement of the term of the Amyotha Hluttaw is the day of the commencement of the term of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
  2. The first regular session of the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be held within seven days after the commencement of the term of that Hluttaw.
  1. Convening the Amyotha Hluttaw session shall be carried out subject to the provisions relating to convening of the Pyithu Hluttaw sessions under Sections 124 to 135.

Part 11. Submission of Bill

    1. Bills relating to other matters, except the matters prescribed in the Constitution that the Bill was submitted and passed exclusively by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw stated in Union Legislative List, shall be initiated in the Amyotha Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.


      1. After issuing a rule, regulation or by-law in accord with the law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Body concerned shall distribute and submit the said rule, regulation or by-law to its representatives at the nearest regular session of the Amyotha Hluttaw with the permitted arrangement of the Speaker of the Hluttaw.
      2. If it is found that a rule, regulation or by-law is in conformity with the provisions of relevant law, Hluttaw representatives may move to annul or amend the rule, regulation or by-law to the Amyotha Hluttaw within 90 days from the day that rule, regulation or by-law is submitted and distributed.
      3. If there is a disagreement between the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw to annul or amend any rule, regulation or by-law, it shall be submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.


      1. If Bills submitted by any Union level organization formed under the Constitution are sent in accord with prescribed procedures of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, it shall be deemed that such Bills are initiated in the Amyotha Hluttaw, and shall be discussed and resolved in the Amyotha Hluttaw.
      2. Bills relating to other matters, except the matters prescribed in the Constitution that the Bill was submitted and passed exclusively by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw stated in the Union Legislative List shall be initiated in the Amyotha Hluttaw in accord with the law. Such Bills shall be discussed and resolved by the Amyotha Hluttaw under the prescribed procedures.
      3. The Bills passed by the Amyotha Hluttaw shall be sent to the Pyithu Hluttaw to continue to discuss and to resolve.


    1. After receiving a Bill sent by the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw may resolve to agree or disagree, or agree with amendments in accord with the resolution of the Pyithu Hluttaw. The Bill shall be sent back to the Pyithu Hluttaw together with the resolution of the Amyotha Hluttaw.
    2. When the Amyotha Hluttaw receives the Bill with amendments from the Pyithu Hluttaw it shall, if it accepts the Bill with amendments of the Pyithu Hluttaw, send to the Speaker of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
    3. If there is a disagreement between the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Pyithu Hluttaw relating to the Bill sent to the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw shall obtain the resolution of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
  1. Members representing any Union level Body formed under the Constitution are entitled:
    1. to explain, converse and discuss Bills or matters relating to their Bodies when they are attending the Amyotha Hluttaw session with the permission of the Speaker of the Amyotha Hluttaw;
    2. to explain, converse and discuss Bills or matters relating to their Bodies when they are attending sessions of the Committees, Commissions and Bodies of the Amyotha Hluttaw with the permission of the Head of the Committee, Commission or Body concerned.

D. Region Hluttaw or State Hluttaw

Part 1. Formation of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw

  1. The Region or State Hluttaw shall be formed with the following persons:
    1. representatives of the Region or State Hluttaw, two of each are elected from each township in the Regions or the States;
    2. representatives of the Region Hluttaw, each is elected from each national race determined by the authorities concerned as having a population which constitutes 0.1 percent and above of the population of the Union, of the remaining national races other than those who have already obtained the respective Region or a Self-Administered Area in that Region;
    3. representatives of the State Hluttaw, each is elected from each national race determined by the authorities concerned as having a population which constitutes 0.1 percent and above of the population of the Union, of the remaining national races other than those who have already obtained respective State or a Self-Administered Area in that State;
    4. representatives of the Region or State Hluttaw who are the Defence Services personnel nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services in accord with the law for an equal number of one-third of the total number of Hluttaw representatives elected under Sub-Sections (a) and (b) or (a) and (c).

Part 2. Election of the Chairperson of the Region or State Hluttaw

  1. Election of Chairperson of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw shall be carried out subject to the provisions relating to the election of Chairperson of the Pyithu Hluttaw under Section 110.

Part 3. Election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw

  1. Election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw shall be carried out subject to the provisions relating to the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw under Section 111. Duties of the Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw

Part 4. Duties of the Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw

  1. The Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw shall:
    1. supervise the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw sessions;
    2. invite the President, if he is informed of the President’s desire to address the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw;
    3. make necessary arrangement if the Chief Minister of the Region or State informs his desire to address;
    4. have the right to invite members of the organization or persons representing any Region or State level organization formed under the Constitution to attend the session of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw and give clarifications on matters relating to ongoing discussions, if necessary;
    5. perform other duties and powers prescribed by the Constitution or any law.

Part 5. Performance and termination of duties of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw

  1. Performance and termination of duties of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw shall be subject to the provisions relating to the performance and termination of duties of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw in Section 113.
  2. Duties, powers and rights of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw shall be prescribed by law. Formation of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw Committee and Bodies

Part 6. Formation of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw Committee and Bodies


  1. The Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw may, if necessary, form Committee and Bodies with the Region or State Hluttaw representatives concerned to study and submit legislation, national races affairs vested by the Constitution.
  2. The Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw may form above Committees and Bodies including suitable citizens.
  3. The Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw shall prescribe the number of members, duties, powers, rights and terms of the Committees or Bodies in forming those Committees and Bodies.

Part 7. Term of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw

  1. The term of the Region or State Hluttaw is the same as the term of the Pyithu Hluttaw. The term of the Region or State Hluttaw expires on the day of the expiry of the Pyithu Hluttaw.

Part 8. Qualifications of the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw representatives

  1. The Region or State Hluttaw representatives shall:
    1. have qualifications entitled to be elected as the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives under Section 120;
    2. shall be subject to the provisions of Section 121 which provide the disqualifications to be elected as the Pyithu Hluttaw representatives.

Part 9. Qualifications of the Region or State Hluttaw representatives who are Defence Services personnel

  1. The Defence Services personnel, nominated by the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services as the Region or State Hluttaw representatives who are the Defence Services personnel in accord with the law, shall possess the prescribed qualifications for the Region or State Hluttaw representatives.

Part 10. Convening the Region or State Hluttaw Sessions


  1. The commencement of the term of the Region or State Hluttaw is the day of the commencement of the term of the Pyithu Hluttaw.
  2. The first regular session of the Region or State Hluttaw shall be held within 15 days after the commencement of the term of the Hluttaw.


  1. The first regular session of the Region or State Hluttaw shall be convened by the State Peace and Development Council after the Constitution comes into operation.
  2. The first regular sessions for the forthcoming terms of the Region or State Hluttaw shall be held by the Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw who continues to perform his duties in accord with the provisions of the Constitution.


  1. The representatives of the Region or State Hluttaw shall take an affirmation of office as mentioned in Schedule Four before the Chairperson of the Region or State Hluttaw at the first regular session of the Region or State Hluttaw.
  2. The representatives of the Region or State Hluttaw who have not taken an affirmation of office shall do so before the Speaker of the Hluttaw at the session of the Region or State Hluttaw at which they first attend.
    1. The Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw shall convene the regular session at least once a year. The maximum interval between regular sessions shall not exceed 12 months.
    2. The following functions shall be carried out at the Region or State Hluttaw session:
      1. recording the addresses delivered by the President;
      2. reading and recording the message sent by President and other messages permitted by the Speaker;
      3. recording the address delivered by the Chief Minister of the Region or the State;
      4. submitting, discussing and resolving on a Bill;
      5. discussing and resolving on the matters to be undertaken by the Region or State Hluttaw in accord with the provisions of the Constitution;
      6. discussing, resolving and recording the reports submitted to the Region or State Hluttaw;
      7. submitting proposal, discussing and resolving;
      8. raising questions and replying;
      9. undertaking matters approved by the Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw.
    3. Matters that require resolution, agreement and approval of the Region or State Hluttaw shall be implemented as follows:
      1. if the Region or State Hluttaw is in session, the matter shall be resolved at that session;
      2. if the Region or State Hluttaw is not in session, the matter shall be resolved at the nearest Region or State Hluttaw session;
      3. a special session or an emergency session shall be convened to discuss and to resolve matters which need urgent action in the interest of the public.
    4. The Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw may convene a special session or an emergency session of the Region or State Hluttaw, if necessary.
    5. The Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw shall convene a special or an emergency session of the Region or State Hluttaw as soon as possible when the Chief Minister of the Region or State informs him to do so.
    6. The Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw shall convene a special session as soon as possible, if at least one-fourth of the total number of the Region or State Hluttaw representatives so require.


      1. The first day session of the Region or State Hluttaw shall be valid if more than half of the total number of Hluttaw representatives, who have the right to attend the Region or State Hluttaw session, are present. The session, if invalid, shall be adjourned.
      2. The sessions that are adjourned due to invalidity in accord with the Sub-Section (a) as well as the valid session that are extended will be valid if at least one-third of the Hluttaw representatives are present.


      1. A matter that shall be resolved in the Region or State Hluttaw, save as otherwise provided by the Constitution, shall be determined by a majority of votes of the Region or State Hluttaw representatives who are present and voting.
      2. The Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw discharging duties as the Speaker at the Region or State Hluttaw shall not voted in the first instance in the sessions of the Region or State Hluttaw, but shall have and exercise a casting vote in the matter of an equality of votes.
    1. If the Region or State Hluttaw representative is, without permission of the Region or State Hluttaw, absent from a Region or a State Hluttaw session for a period of at least 15 consecutive days, the Region or State Hluttaw may declare his seat vacant. In computing the said period of 15 days, it shall not be counted of any period during which the session is adjourned.
    2. Although there are vacant seats, the Region or State Hluttaw shall have the right to carry out its functions. Moreover, the resolutions and proceedings of the Region or State Hluttaw shall not be annulled, notwithstanding the acts of some person who was not entitled to do so sat or voted or took part in the proceedings are later discovered.
    3. The proceedings and the records of the Region or State Hluttaw shall be published. However, the proceedings and the records prohibited by any law or the resolution of the Region or State Hluttaw shall not be published.


      1. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the provisions of the law relating to the Region or State Hluttaw, the Region or State Hluttaw representatives shall have freedom of speech and voting at the Region or State Hluttaw and the Committee and Body formed by the Region or State Hluttaw. Concerning the discussing, submitting and performing at the Region or State Hluttaw and the Region or State Hluttaw Committees and Bodies, no action shall be taken against a Region or a State Hluttaw representative except under its laws.
      2. Subject to the provisions of the Constitution and the provisions of the law relating to the Region or State Hluttaw, members of the organizations or persons representing any of the Region or State level organizations formed under the Constitution who are permitted or invited to attend the session of the Region or State Hluttaw or any Committee and Body of the Region or State Hluttaw have the freedom of speech at the Region or State Hluttaw or the Region or State Hluttaw Committees and Bodies. No action shall be taken against such members or persons for their submissions and speeches in the Region or State Hluttaw by other law except under its laws.
      3. If the persons mentioned in Sub-Sections (a) and (b) committed assault in exercising the said privileges, they shall be liable to punishment under the regulations, by-laws, procedures of the Region or State Hluttaw or the existing laws.


    1. If there is a need to arrest a Region or a State Hluttaw representative attending the Region or State Hluttaw session or a person attending the Region or State Hluttaw session with the permission or invitation of the Speaker of the Hluttaw, the credible evidence shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw. He shall not be arrested without the prior permission of the Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw.
    2. If there is a need to arrest a member of a Committee or a Body of the Region or State Hluttaw attending session of any Committee or Body formed by the Region or State Hluttaw, the credible evidence shall be submitted to the Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw through the Head of the Committee or Body concerned. He shall not be arrested without the prior permission of the Speaker of the Hluttaw.
    3. If a representative of the Region or State Hluttaw is arrested, session of the Region or State Hluttaw or session of any Committee or any Body formed by the Hluttaw is not in session, the credible evidence in support of such arrest shall as soon as possible be submitted to the Speaker of the Region or State Hluttaw.
  1. No action shall be instituted relating to the reports, documents and Hluttaw records published by the Region or State Hluttaw or under its authority.

Part 11. Legislation

  1. The Region or State Hluttaw shall have the right to enact laws for the entire or any part of the Region or State related to matters prescribed in Schedule Two of the Region or State Hluttaw Legislative List.


  1. When the Region or State Hluttaw enacts a law, it may:
    1. authorize to issue rules, regulations and by-laws concerning that law to any Region or State level organization formed under the Constitution;
    2. authorize to issue notifications, orders, directives and procedures to the respective organization or authority.
  2. The rules, regulations, by-laws, notifications, orders, directives and procedures issued under the power conferred by any law shall be in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the relevant law.
  3. After issuing any rule, regulation or by-law in accord with the law enacted by the Region or State Hluttaw, the Body concerned shall distribute and submit the said rule, regulation or by-law to its representatives at the nearest regular session of the Region or State Hluttaw under the permitted arrangement of the Speaker of the Hluttaw.
  4. If it is found that a rule, regulation or by-law is in conformity with the provisions of relevant law, Hluttaw representatives may move to annul or amend the rule, regulation or by-law to the Region or State Hluttaw within 90 days from the day that rule, regulation or by-law is submitted and distributed.
  5. If the Region or State Hluttaw passes a resolution to annul or amend any rule, regulation or by-law, the resolution shall be without prejudice to the validity of any action previously taken under the relevant rules, regulations or by-laws.

Part 12. Submission of Bill


  1. The Region or State level organizations formed under the Constitution shall have the right to submit the Bills relating to matters they administered among the matters included in the Schedule Two of the Region or State Legislative List to the Region or State Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.
  2. Bills relating to regional plans, annual budgets and taxation of the Region or State, which are to be submitted exclusively by the Region or State government, shall be submitted to the Region or State Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.
  1. Representatives of the Region or State Hluttaw shall submit the Bills relating to other matters, except the matters prescribed in the Constitution that the Bill was submitted exclusively by the Region or State Hluttaw stated in the Schedule Two of the Region or State Legislative List, to the Region or State Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.


  1. Members, who are representatives of the Region or State Hluttaw among members representing any Region or State level organization formed under the Constitution, are entitled to explain, converse, discuss and vote Bills or matters relating to their organizations at the Hluttaw sessions.
  2. Members, who are not representatives of the Region or State Hluttaw among members representing any Region or State level organization formed under the Constitution, when they are attending Hluttaw session with the permission of the Speaker of the Hluttaw, are entitled to explain, converse and discuss Bills or matters relating to their organizations.

Part 13. Submission of Region and State Budget Bill


  1. The Region or State Annual Budget Bill to which only by the Region or State Government has the right to be submitted only to the Region or State Hluttaw in accord with the prescribed procedures.
  2. Relating to the Bill in Sub-Section (a), the Region or State Budget including finance received from the Union Fund of the Region or State under the Union Budget Law or the Supplementary Appropriation Law with the recommendation of the Chief Minister concerned shall be discussed, as may be necessary by the Region or State Hluttaw concerned and shall be carried out and approved, refused, curtailed with the majority consent. In doing so, the following matters may be discussed at the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw, but not refused or curtailed:
    1. salary and allowance of Heads and members of the Region or State level organizations formed under the Constitution and expenditures of those organizations;
    2. salary and allowance of Heads and members of Leading Bodies of Self-Administered Area formed under the Constitution and expenditures of those bodies;
    3. debts for which the Region or State is liable and expenses relating to the debts, other expenses relating to the loans taken out by the Region or State;
    4. expenditures required to satisfy judgment, order or decree of any Court or Tribunal;
    5. other expenditures which are to be charged by any law enacted by the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw.
  1. The Region or State Hluttaw shall pass a resolution when the Region or State government submits the Region or State estimated budget in accord with the prescribed procedures.

Part 14. Promulgation of Law


  1. The Chief Minister of the Region or State shall:
    1. sign and promulgate the Bills approved by the Region or State Hluttaw as law within seven days after the day of receipt in accord with the prescribed procedures;
    2. sign and promulgate the Bills approved by the Leading Body of Self-Administered Division or Self-Administered Zone as law within 14 days after the day of receipt.
  2. If the Chief Minister of the Region or State does not sign and promulgate the Bill as law within the prescribed period, on the day after the completion of that period, the Bill shall become a law as if he had signed it.
  3. The laws signed by the Chief Minister of the Region or State and laws which deemed to have been signed by him, shall be promulgated by the publication in the official gazette. The Law shall come into operation on the day of such promulgation unless the contrary intention is expressed.

Part 15. Self-Administered Division and Self-Administered Zone Leading Bodies

  1. The legislative power relating to the matters listed in the Schedule Three for respective Divisions or Zones are allotted to the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone Leading Bodies.

Part 16. Duties, powers and rights of the representatives of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Region or State Hluttaw

  1. Duties, powers and rights of the representatives of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the Amyotha Hluttaw and the Region or State Hluttaw shall be prescribed by law.

Part 17. Effect of Laws

  1. The effect of laws enacted by different levels of the Hluttaw and the Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Area is as follows:
    1. if any provision of the law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the Region Hluttaw, the State Hluttaw, the Leading Bodies of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone or, any existing law is inconsistent with any provision of the Constitution, the Constitution shall prevail;
    2. if any provision of the law enacted by the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw is inconsistent with any provision of the law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall prevail;
    3. if any provision of the law enacted by the Leading Body of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone is inconsistent with any provision of the law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, the law enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw shall prevail;
    4. if any provision of the law enacted by the Leading Body of the Self-Administered Division or the Self-Administered Zone is inconsistent with any provision of the law enacted by the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw concerned, the law enacted by the Region Hluttaw or the State Hluttaw concerned shall prevail.