
Namibia 1990 Constitution (reviewed 2014)

Table of Contents

SCHEDULE 1. Oath / Affirmation Of Judges

“I,………………………….. do hereby swear/solemnly affirm that as a Judge of the Republic of Namibia I will defend and uphold the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia as the Supreme Law and will fearlessly administer justice to all persons without favour or prejudice and in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Namibia.

(in the case of an oath) So help me God.”


Part A. Oath or Affirmation of The Vice-President, Prime Minister and Deputy-Prime Minister

‘I, ………………………………………… do hereby swear/solemnly affirm,

That I will strive to the best of my ability to uphold, protect and defend as the Supreme Law the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, and faithfully to obey, execute and administer the laws of the Republic of Namibia;

That I will protect the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the material and spiritual resources of the Republic of Namibia;

That I will not divulge directly or indirectly any matters brought before the Cabinet and entrusted to me under secrecy; and

That I will endeavour to the best of my ability to ensure justice for all the inhabitants of the Republic of Namibia, to deputise, assist and advise the President, and to perform the duties of my office and the functions entrusted to me by the President conscientiously and to the best of my ability.

So help me God. / I so affirm.”

Part B. Oath or Affirmation of Ministers And Deputy-Ministers

“I ……………………………………….. do hereby swear/solemnly affirm that I will be faithful to the Republic of Namibia, hold my office as Minister/Deputy-Minister with honour and dignity, uphold, protect and defend the Constitution and faithfully obey, execute and administer the laws of the Republic of Namibia, serve the people of Namibia to the best of my ability, not divulge directly or indirectly any matters brought before the Cabinet and entrusted to me under secrecy, and perform the duties of my office and the functions entrusted to me by the President conscientiously and to the best of my ability.

So help me God. / I so affirm.”

SCHEDULE 3. Oath / Affirmation of Members of the National Assembly and the National Council

“I,……………………………… do hereby swear/solemnly affirm that I will be faithful to the Republic of Namibia and its people and I solemnly promise to uphold and defend the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Namibia to the best of my ability.

(in the case of an oath) So help me God.”

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