
Niger 2010 Constitution (reviewed 2017)

Table of Contents


Article 176

The Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy [Conseil Supréme pour la Restauration de la Démocratie (CSRD)], the Government and the other organs of the Transition will continue to exercise their functions until the official installation of the new authorities.

Article 177

While waiting for the Constitutional Court to be put in place, its attributions are exercised by the Constitutional Council of Transition.

Article 178

While waiting for the Court of Cassation and for the Council of the State to be put in place, the State Court [Cour d’Etat] remains competent for the matters concerning the competence vested respectively in these jurisdictions.

The matters pending before the judicial chamber and the administrative chamber and concerning which they have not decided, will be transmitted respectively to the Court of Cassation and to the Council of State, from the installation of these jurisdictions.

Article 179

While waiting for the High Court of Justice to be put in place, the matters pending before the former will be transferred to the Court of the State.

Article 180

The President of the Republic elected as a result [à l’issue] of the period of Transition will take an oath before the Constitutional Council of Transition.

Article 181

The ordinance No. 2010-001 of the 22 of February of 2010 concerning the organization of the public powers during the period of Transition and its modifying texts remain in force until the entrance into [their] functions of the new authorities.

The ordinance No. 2010-002 of the II of March of 2010 relative to the neutrality of the members of the Government, of the secretaries general of the ministers and of certain units [cadres] of the territorial administration during the period of Transition remains in force until the entrance into [their] functions of the new authorities.

The ordinance No. 2010-003 dated on the 11 of March of 2010 relative to the ineligibility of the personnel of the forces of defense and security and of the members of the Government of Transition remains in force until the entrance into [their] functions of the new authorities.

Article 182

The legislation now [actuellement] in force remains applicable, insofar as it does not have anything contrary to this Constitution, except express abrogation.

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