
Republic of North Macedonia 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2011)

Table of Contents


Article 114

The right of citizens to local self-government is guaranteed. Municipalities are units of local self-government.

Within municipalities forms of neighbourhood self-government may be established.

Municipalities are financed from their own sources of income determined by law as well as by funds from the Republic.

Local self-government is regulated by a law adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives.

Article 115

In units of local self-government, citizens directly and through representatives participate in decision-making on issues of local relevance particularly in the fields of urban planning, communal activities, culture, sport, social security and child care, preschool education, primary education, basic health care and other fields determined by law.

The municipality is autonomous in the execution of its constitutionally and legally determined spheres of competence; supervision of the legality of its work is carried out by the Republic. The carrying out of specified matters can by law be entrusted to the municipality by the Republic.

Article 116

The territorial division of the Republic and the area administered by each municipality are defined by law.

Article 117

The City of Skopje is a particular unit of local self-government the organization of which is regulated by law. In the City of Skopje, citizens directly and through representatives participate in decision-making on issues of relevance for the City of Skopje particularly in the field of urban planning, communal activities, culture, sport, social security and child care, preschool education, primary education, basic health care and other fields determined by law. The City of Skopje is financed from its own sources of income determined by law, as well as by funds from the Republic.

The City is autonomous in the execution of its constitutionally and legally determined spheres of competence; supervision of the legality of its work is carried out by the Republic.

By law, the Republic can entrust the carrying out of specified matters to the City.


Article 118

The international agreements ratified in accordance with the Constitution are part of the internal legal order and cannot be changed by law.

Article 119

International agreements are concluded in the name of the Republic of Macedonia by the President of the Republic of Macedonia.

International agreements may also be concluded by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, when it is so determined by law.

Article 120

A proposal for association in a union or community with other states or for dissociation from a union or community with other states may be submitted by the President of the Republic, the Government or by at least 40 Representatives.

The proposal for association in or dissociation from a union or community with other states is accepted by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of Representatives.

The decision of association in or dissociation from a union or community is adopted if it is upheld in a referendum by the majority of the total number of voters in the Republic.

Article 121

A decision of association or dissociation concerning membership in international organizations is adopted by the Assembly by a majority vote of the total number of Representatives of the Assembly and proposed by the President of the Republic, the Government or at least 40 Representatives of the Assembly.

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