
Afghanistan 2004 Constitution

Table of Contents

Chapter VI. Loya Jirga

Article 110

The Loya Jirga is the highest manifestation of the will of the people of Afghanistan. The Loya Jirga consists of:

  1. Members of the National Assembly;
  2. Presidents of the provincial as well as district assemblies.

Ministers, Chief Justice and members of the Supreme Court as well as the attorney general shall participate in the Loya Jirga sessions without voting rights.

Article 111

The Loya Jirga shall convene in the following situations:

  1. To decide on issues related to independence, national sovereignty, territorial integrity as well as supreme national interests;
  2. Amend provisions of this Constitution;
  3. Impeach the President in accordance with the provisions of Article 69 of the Constitution.

Article 112

In its first session, the Loya Jirga shall elect, from amongst its members, a Chairperson, a Deputy-Chair, and a Secretary and an Assistant Secretary.

Article 113

The quorum of the Loya Jirga shall be complete for voting with the presence of the majority of members. The decision of the Loya Jirga, except in situations explicitly stated in this Constitution, shall be adopted by a majority of members present.

Article 114

Sessions of the Loya Jirga shall be open unless one-fourth of its membership demand secrecy, and the Loya Jirga accept this demand.

Article 115

During the sessions of the Loya Jirga, provisions of Articles 111 and 112 of this Constitution shall be applied to its members.