ART 217
A High Islamic Council shall be established under the auspices of the President of the Republic in order to:
- encourage and promote Ijtihad;
provide its opinion on matters submitted to it with regard to the Shari’ah rules; submit a periodic report on its activity to the President of the Republic.
ART 218
The High Islamic Council shall be composed of fifteen (15) members, including the President, who shall be nominated by the President of the Republic among the national elites in various sciences.
ART 219
A High Council of Security shall be established under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic. This organ shall have the task of providing counsel to the President of the Republic on all issues relating to national security.
The modalities of the organisation and functioning of the High Council of Security shall be determined by the President of the Republic.
ART 220
The National Social, Economic, and Environmental Council, hereinafter referred to as “The Council,” shall represent a framework for dialogue, consultation and proposals in the economic, social, and environmental fields.
It shall be the advisor of the Government.
ART 221
The Council shall be in charge of:
- providing a framework for the participation of civil society in the national consultations on policies related to social, economic, and environmental growth in the framework of sustainable development;
ensuring a constant dialogue and consultation between the national economic and social partners; evaluating and addressing the issues of national interest in the economic, social, environmental, educational, vocational, and higher education fields; preparing proposals and recommendations for the Government.
ART 222
A National Council of Human Rights, hereinafter referred to as “The Council,” shall be established under the authority of the President of the Republic in his quality as guarantor of the Constitution.
It shall be granted administrative and financial autonomy.
ART 223
The Council shall carry out the function of monitoring and providing early warnings and evaluation in terms of respecting human rights.
Without undermining the functions of the judiciary power, the Council shall consider any case of violation of human rights it becomes aware of or is brought to its attention, and it shall proceed with the appropriate action. It shall submit the results of its investigation to the concerned administrative authorities and, if necessary, to the competent judicial authorities.
The Council shall initiate awareness-raising actions, information and communication to promote human rights.
It shall also give its opinions, suggestions and recommendations in relation to the promotion and protection of human rights.
The Council shall prepare an annual report to submit to the President of the Republic, Parliament and the Prime Minister, and publish it.
The composition and the modalities of nominating the members of the Council as well as the rules related to its organisation and functioning shall be determined by law.
ART 224
A High Council of Youth shall be established as a consultative institution under the auspices of the President of the Republic.
The Council shall include representatives of the youth, the government and the public institutions in charge of youth issues.
ART 225
The High Council of Youth shall express its opinions and recommendations on issues related to the needs of the youth as well as their prosperousness in economic, social, cultural and sporting fields.
The Council shall contribute as well to the promotion, among the youth, of the national values, the patriotic conscience, the civil spirit and social solidarity.
ART 226
A National Council for Scientific Research and Technology shall be established, hereinafter referred to as “The Council.”
ART 227
The Council shall be in charge of:
- promoting national research in the field of technological and scientific innovation;
proposing measures fostering the development of national capacities in terms of research and development; evaluating the efficiency of the national arrangements for the valorisation of the outcome of research for the benefit of the national economy within the framework of sustainable development.
The Council shall be chaired by a recognised national competence nominated by the President of the Republic.
The other tasks, organisation, and composition of the Council shall be determined by law.
ART 228
An Algerian Academy for Science and Technology shall be established.
The Academy shall be an independent constitutional institution of a scientific and technological nature.
It shall enjoy artificial personhood and financial independence.
The formation, organization, operation, and tasks of the Academy shall be determined by law.
ART 229
Either the law or regulation may establish advisory bodies according to the case.