
Armenia 1995 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents


Article 194. Functions and Powers of the Central Electoral Commission; the System of Electoral Commissions

  1. The Central Electoral Commission is an independent state body, which shall organize the elections of the National Assembly and local self-government bodies, as well as referenda, and shall supervise their lawfulness.
  2. In the cases and manner stipulated by law, the Central Electoral Commission shall adopt sub-legislative normative legal acts.
  3. The Central Electoral Commission shall present a communication about its activities to the National Assembly.
  4. The system of electoral commissions and their powers, procedure of formation and operation, and safeguards of activities shall be stipulated by the Electoral Code.

Article 195. Formation Procedure and Composition of the Central Electoral Commission

  1. The Central Electoral Commission shall consist of seven members.
  2. The Central Electoral Commission chairman and other members shall, upon nomination by the competent standing committee of the National Assembly, be elected by the National Assembly for a six-year term by at least a three-fifths majority vote of the total number of parliamentarians. The same person may not be elected as a member, including chairman, of the Central Electoral Commission for more than two consecutive terms.
  3. Anyone who has higher education and meets the requirements prescribed for a parliamentarian may be elected as a member of the Central Electoral Commission.
  4. The incompatibility requirements stipulated for parliamentarians shall apply to members of the Central Electoral Commission. Additional incompatibility requirements may be stipulated for them by law.
  5. During their term in office, members of the Central Electoral Commission may not be members of any party or otherwise engage in political activities. In public speeches, they shall exercise political restraint.
  6. In case of violating any requirement of Paragraphs 4 or 5 of this Article, the powers of a member of the Central Electoral Commission shall be terminated by the National Assembly by at least a three-fifths majority vote of the total number of parliamentarians.
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