
Armenia 1995 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents


Article 82. Working Conditions

Every worker shall, in accordance with law, have the right to healthy, safe, and dignifying working conditions, to limitation of the maximum working time, to daily and weekly rest, and to annual paid leave.

Article 83. Social Security

Everyone shall, in accordance with law, have the right to social security in cases of maternity, having many children, illness, disability, workplace accidents, need of care, loss of breadwinner, old age, unemployment, loss of employment, and in other cases.

Article 84. Dignifying Existence and Minimum Salary

  1. Every person in need and every elderly person shall, in accordance with law, have the right to a dignifying existence.
  2. The amount of minimum salary shall be stipulated by law.

Article 85. Health Care

  1. Everyone shall, in accordance with law, have the right to protection of health.
  2. The law shall stipulate the list of basic medical services provided free of charge and the procedure of their provision.

Article 86. The Main Objectives of State Policy

The main objectives of state policy in the economic, social, and cultural spheres shall be:

  1. To improve the business environment and to promote entrepreneurship;
  2. To support population employment and the improvement of work conditions;
  3. To foster housing construction;
  4. To promote factual equality between women and men;
  5. To promote the birth rate and the having of many children;
  6. To create favorable conditions for the complete and comprehensive development of the individuality of children;
  7. To implement health protection and improvement programs for the population, and to create conditions for effective and affordable medical services for the population;
  8. To implement disability prevention and treatment programs and programs for the rehabilitation of health of persons with disabilities, and to promote the participation of persons with disabilities in public life;
  9. To protect consumer interests, and to oversee the quality of goods, services, and works;
  10. To develop the regions proportionately;
  11. To develop physical culture and sports;
  12. To promote the participation of the youth in political, economic, and cultural life;
  13. To develop free-of-charge higher and other vocational education;
  14. To develop fundamental and applied science;
  15. To support everyone’s unhindered access to national and universal values; and
  16. To promote charity for the purpose of establishing cultural, educational, scientific, health, sports, social, and other institutions, their financing, and ensuring their financial independence.

Article 87. Fulfillment of the Main Objectives of State Policy

  1. To the extent of their powers and possibilities, state government and local self-government bodies shall be obliged to fulfill the objectives enshrined in Article 86 of the Constitution.
  2. As part of the report prescribed by Article 156 of the Constitution, the Government shall present information on the fulfillment of the objectives stipulated by Article 86 of the Constitution.