
Baden 1818 Constitution


Carl, by the grace of God, Grand Duke of Baden, Duke of Zähringen, etc.

As we already repeatedly made known to our subjects in the year 1816, we want to give the Grand Duchy an Estates constitution. Therefore we fostered the desire and the hope that all the members of our federation would come to an agreement regarding this constitution, through the establishment of an unalterable and fundamental foundation, assured for all German people. Only through the further development of the established fundamental laws may a single State continue to create its own laws for its own particular needs, with continued consideration for existing relations.

Due, however, to the fact that even after the last vote regarding this matter during the federal assembly the point in time remains to be seen in which the creation of the Estates constitution shall become a matter of collaborative consultation, We see Ourselves as even more determined to begin fulfilling our promise to Our subjects in ways that are in accordance with Our free and determined inner conviction.

Infused with the most earnest desire to tie the band of trust between Us and Our people ever more securely, and to bring all of our State establishments closer to perfection on the trail that We are blazing, We have written the following constitutional charter, and solemnly promise for Us and Our successors that We will uphold and have her upheld loyally and conscientiously.

Part I. Of the Grand Duchy and the Government in General

Article 1

The Grand Duchy constitutes one component of the German Federation.

Article 2

All organic decisions of the Federal Assembly that pertain to the constitutional relations in Germany or the relations of German citizens in general, constitute part of the constitutional law of Baden. This law is binding for all classes of country nationals, after they have been declared as such by the Head of State.

Article 3

The Grand Duchy is indivisible and imprescriptible in all of its parts.

Article 4

The government of the country is hereditary in the Grand Ducal family according to the ordinances of the Declaration of the 4th of October 1817, which, as a foundation of the law of the House, constitutes an important component of the constitution and shall be regarded as included in the present document.

Article 5

The Grand Duke combines in himself all rights of the Government, and shall exercise them under the fixed regulations of this constitutional charter.

His person is sacred and inviolable.

Article 6

The Grand Duchy has an Estates constitution.

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