
Barbados 1966 Constitution (reviewed 2007)


    1. If a member of the tribunal dies or resigns from his office or becomes unable to perform the functions thereof, another person qualified to be appointed as a member of the tribunal may be appointed in his place.
    2. The Governor-General may appoint a secretary to the tribunal to record the proceedings of the tribunal and generally to perform such duties connected with the enquiry as the tribunal may direct.
    3. If the members of the tribunal are equally divided on any question that arises during the proceedings of the tribunal, the chairman of the tribunal shall have and exercise a casting vote.
    4. The tribunal may regulate its own procedure and may make rules for this purpose.
    5. No member of the tribunal shall be liable to any action or suit for anything done by him as a member of the tribunal.
    6. The tribunal shall have the powers of the Supreme Court to summon witnesses, to call for the production of documents and to examine persons appearing before it on oath. All summonses for the attendance of witnesses or the production of documents shall be signed by one of the members of the tribunal, and oaths may be administered by one of the members or by the secretary to the tribunal.


      1. All persons summoned to attend and give evidence or to produce documents at any sitting of the tribunal shall be bound to obey the summons served upon them as fully in all respects as witnesses are bound to obey subpoenas issued from the Supreme Court, and shall be entitled to the like expenses as if they had been summoned at the instance of the Crown to attend the Supreme Court on a criminal trial, if the same shall be allowed by the tribunal, but the tribunal may disallow the whole or any part of such expenses in any case if it thinks fit. The procedure for the payment of such witnesses shall be the same as nearly as may be for the payment of witnesses in the Supreme Court.
      2. Every person refusing or omitting, without sufficient cause, to attend at the time and place mentioned in the summons served on him, and every person attending, but leaving the enquiry without the permission of the tribunal, or refusing without sufficient cause to answer, or to answer fully and satisfactorily to the best of his knowledge and belief, all questions put to him by or with the concurrence of the tribunal, or refusing or omitting without sufficient cause to produce any documents in his possession or under his control and mentioned or referred to in the summons served on him, and every person who shall at any sitting of the tribunal wilfully insult any member of the tribunal or the secretary or wilfully interrupt the proceedings of the tribunal shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars to be recovered in a summary manner before any Magistrate.
      3. A person giving evidence before the tribunal shall not be compellable to criminate himself, and every such person shall, in respect of any evidence given by him before the tribunal, be entitled to all privileges to which a witness giving evidence before the Supreme Court is entitled in respect of evidence given by him before that court.
    1. The person to whom the enquiry relates shall be entitled to be represented at the enquiry by a person entitled to practise in Barbados as a barrister or solicitor, and any other person concerned in the enquiry may, by leave of the tribunal, be so represented.
    2. The Governor-General may direct the Commissioner of Police to detail constables to attend upon the tribunal to preserve order during the proceedings of the tribunal, and to serve summonses on witnesses, and to perform such ministerial duties as the tribunal may direct.


    1. The Governor-General may direct
      1. what remuneration, if any, shall be paid to the members of the tribunal and to the secretary, and to any other persons employed in connection with the proceedings of the tribunal; and
      2. payment of any other expenses attendant upon the carrying out of the enquiry or upon any proceedings for any penalty under this Schedule.
    2. Any sums directed to be paid under the preceding sub-paragraph are hereby charged on the Consolidated Fund.
  1. No proceeding shall be commenced for any penalty under this Schedule except by the direction of the Director of Public Prosecutions or of the tribunal. The tribunal may direct its secretary, or such other person as it may think fit, to commence and prosecute the proceedings for any such penalty.
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