
Belgium 1831 Constitution (reviewed 2014)

Table of Contents

TITLE IV. On International Relations

Article 167

  1. The King directs international relations, notwithstanding the competence of Communities and Regions to regulate international cooperation, including the concluding of treaties, for those matters that fall within their competences in pursuance of or by virtue of the Constitution.The King commands the armed forces; he states that there exists a state of war or that hostilities have ceased. He notifies the Houses with additional appropriate messages as soon as interests and security of the State permit.

    Cession, exchange or expansion of territory can only take place by virtue of a law.

  2. The King concludes treaties, with the exception of those regarding matters described in § 3. These treaties take effect only after they have received the approval of the House of Representatives.
  3. The Community and Regional Governments described in Article 121 conclude, each one in so far as it is concerned, treaties regarding matters that fall within the competence of their Parliament. These treaties take effect only after they have received the approval of the Parliament.
  4. A law adopted by a majority as described in Article 4, last paragraph fixes the specific rules for the concluding of treaties described in § 3 and of the treaties that do not exclusively concern matters falling within the competence of the Regions or Communities in pursuance of or by virtue of the Constitution.
  5. The King, by common consent with the Community or Regional Governments concerned, can denounce treaties concluded before 18 May 1993 and covering matters described in § 3.The King denounces these treaties if the Community or Regional Governments concerned invite him to do so. A law adopted by a majority as described in Article 4, last paragraph establishes the procedure in the event of disagreement between the Community and Regional Governments concerned.

Transitional provision

The second sentence of § 2 comes into force on the day when elections take place with a view to the complete renewal of the Community and Regional Parliaments in 2014. Until this day, treaties referred to in § 2 take effect only after they have received the approval of both Houses.

Article 168

From the beginning, the Houses are informed of negotiations concerning any revision of the treaties establishing the European Community and the treaties and acts which have modified or complemented them. They receive the draft treaty before its signature.

Article 168bis

With respect to the election of the European Parliament, the law determines special rules with a view to protecting the legitimate interests of French and Dutch-speaking people in the former province of Brabant.

The provisions which establish these special rules may only be amended by a law passed by a majority as described in Article 4, last paragraph.

Article 169

In order to ensure the observance of international or supranational obligations, the authorities mentioned in Articles 36 and 37 can, provided that the conditions stipulated by the law are met, temporarily replace the bodies mentioned in Articles 115 and 121. This law must be adopted by a majority as described in Article 4, last paragraph.

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