
Bhutan 2008 Constitution

Article 3. Spiritual Heritage

  1. Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan, which promotes the principles and values of peace, non-violence, compassion and tolerance.
  2. The Druk Gyalpo is the protector of all religions in Bhutan.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of religious institutions and personalities to promote the spiritual heritage of the country while also ensuring that religion remains separate from politics in Bhutan. Religious institutions and personalities shall remain above politics.
  4. The Druk Gyalpo shall, on the recommendation of the Five Lopons, appoint a learned and respected monk ordained in accordance with the Druk-lu, with the nine qualities of a spiritual master and accomplished in ked-dzog, as the Je Khenpo.
  5. His Holiness the Je Khenpo shall, on the recommendation of the Dratshang Lhentshog, appoint monks with the nine qualities of a spiritual master and accomplished in ked-dzog as the Five Lopons.
  6. The members of the Dratshang Lhentshog shall comprise:
    1. The Je Khenpo as Chairman;
    2. The Five Lopons of the Zhung Dratshang; and
    3. The Secretary of the Dratshang Lhentshog who is a civil servant.
  7. The Zhung Dratshang and Rabdeys shall continue to receive adequate funds and other facilities from the State.

Article 4. Culture

  1. The State shall endeavour to preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the country, including monuments, places and objects of artistic or historic interest, Dzongs, Lhakhangs, Goendeys, Ten-sum, Nyes, language, literature, music, visual arts and religion to enrich society and the cultural life of the citizens.
  2. The State shall recognize culture as an evolving dynamic force and shall endeavour to strengthen and facilitate the continued evolution of traditional values and institutions that are sustainable as a progressive society.
  3. The State shall conserve and encourage research on local arts, custom, knowledge and culture.
  4. Parliament may enact such legislation as may be necessary to advance the cause of the cultural enrichment of Bhutanese society.