
Bhutan 2008 Constitution

Article 9. Principles of State Policy

  1. The State shall endeavour to apply the Principles of State Policy set out in this Article to ensure a good quality of life for the people of Bhutan in a progressive and prosperous country that is committed to peace and amity in the world.
  2. The State shall strive to promote those conditions that will enable the pursuit of Gross National Happiness.
  3. The State shall endeavour to create a civil society free of oppression, discrimination and violence, based on the rule of law, protection of human rights and dignity, and to ensure the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people.
  4. The State shall endeavour to protect the telephonic, electronic, postal or other communications of all persons in Bhutan from unlawful interception or interruption.
  5. The State shall endeavour to provide justice through a fair, transparent and expeditious process.
  6. The State shall endeavour to provide legal aid to secure justice, which shall not be denied to any person by reason of economic or other disabilities.
  7. The State shall endeavour to develop and execute policies to minimize inequalities of income, concentration of wealth, and promote equitable distribution of public facilities among individuals and people living in different parts of the Kingdom.
  8. The State shall endeavour to ensure that all the Dzongkhags are treated with equity on the basis of different needs so that the allocation of national resources results in comparable socioeconomic development.
  9. The State shall endeavour to achieve economic self-reliance and promote open and progressive economy.
  10. The State shall encourage and foster private sector development through fair market competition and prevent commercial monopolies.
  11. The State shall endeavour to promote those circumstances that would enable the citizens to secure an adequate livelihood.
  12. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to work, vocational guidance and training and just and favourable conditions of work.
  13. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
  14. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to fair and reasonable remuneration for one’s work.
  15. The State shall endeavour to provide education for the purpose of improving and increasing knowledge, values and skills of the entire population with education being directed towards the full development of the human personality.
  16. The State shall provide free education to all children of school going age up to tenth standard and ensure that technical and professional education is made generally available and that higher education is equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
  17. The State shall endeavour to take appropriate measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination and exploitation against women including trafficking, prostitution, abuse, violence, harassment and intimidation at work in both public and private spheres.
  18. The State shall endeavour to take appropriate measures to ensure that children are protected against all forms of discrimination and exploitation including trafficking, prostitution, abuse, violence, degrading treatment and economic exploitation.
  19. The State shall endeavour to promote those conditions that are conducive to co-operation in community life and the integrity of the extended family structure.
  20. The State shall strive to create conditions that will enable the true and sustainable development of a good and compassionate society rooted in Buddhist ethos and universal human values.
  21. The State shall provide free access to basic public health services in both modern and traditional medicines.
  22. The State shall endeavour to provide security in the event of sickness and disability or lack of adequate means of livelihood for reasons beyond one’s control.
  23. The State shall encourage free participation in the cultural life of the community, promote arts and sciences and foster technological innovation.
  24. The State shall endeavour to promote goodwill and co-operation with nations, foster respect for international law and treaty obligations, and encourage settlement of international disputes by peaceful means in order to promote international peace and security.
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