
Brunei Darussalam 1959 Constitution (reviewed 2006)


5. Establishment of Privy Council

  1. There shall be established a Privy Council (to be known in Malay as the Majlis Mesyuarat Di-Raja) constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
  2. The Privy Council, the Members of which shall be styled Privy Councillors, shall consist of—
    1. if such an appointment has been made, the Deputy Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan;
    2. the Regents, if a Council of Regency has been appointed;
    3. ex-officio Members, namely the Kepala Wazir, the Wazirs, Members of the Council of Ministers, Mufti Kerajaan, Chief Syar’ie Judge, Attorney General, Yang Di-Pertua Adat Istiadat and the person who holds such other office as may from time to time be designated by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan by Proclamation in the Gazette; and
    4. such other persons (who shall be styled Appointed Members) as His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan may, by Instrument under the State Seal, appoint.
  3. Every Appointed Member of the Privy Council shall hold office during His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan’s pleasure and subject thereto for such period and upon such conditions as may be specified in the Instrument appointing him.
  4. Every Member of the Privy Council shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take or make and subscribe before His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan, or, if a Council of Regency has been appointed, before the senior male Regent, or before such other person as His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan or, as the case may be, the senior male Regent may designate, an oath or declaration in the form set out as Form I in the First Schedule.
  5. Repealed.

6. Functions of Privy Council

  1. The Privy Council—
    1. shall advise His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan on any amendment, addition or revocation of any provision of this Constitution, in accordance with Article 85;
    2. shall, subject to any written law, advise His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan on the appointment of persons to Malay customary ranks, titles, honours and dignities and the designation of the functions appertaining thereto; and
    3. *shall perform such other functions as may be conferred on it by the Succession and Regency Proclamation, 1959, any other written law or by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan.[*As at the time of this Reprint, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan has, pursuant to the Constitution of Brunei Darussalam (Suspension) Order, 2006 (S 15/06), conferred on the Privy Council the function to advise His Majesty in connection with the exercise of His Majesty’s powers under Clause (1) of Article 9 of the Constitution of Brunei Darussalam.]
  2. Minutes shall be kept of all proceedings of the Privy Council.
  3. His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan shall appoint some fit and proper person to be the Clerk to the Privy Council, and such person shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe before His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan or the senior male Regent, as the case may be, an oath in the form set out as Form II in the First Schedule.
  4. Subject to any written law, the exercise of any power conferred on, or the doing of any act or thing by, the Privy Council may be signified under the hand of the Clerk to the Privy Council.
  5. His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan is not bound to act in accordance with the advice of the Privy Council.

7. Summoning and quorum

    1. The Privy Council shall not be summoned except by the authority of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan or, if a Council of Regency has been appointed, by the senior male Regent or, if His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan is not present in Brunei Darussalam and if no Council of Regency has been appointed, by the Kepala Wazir.


    1. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Privy Council if there are less than one-third of the Members of the Council (besides His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan or other person presiding) present at the meeting, and His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan or any other person presiding has objected to the transaction of business on that account.
    2. If the number of Members of the Privy Council is not a multiple of 3, then, for the purpose of this Clause, the number of Members shall be deemed to be the next highest multiple of 3.
  1. Any proceedings in the Privy Council and any such decision taken by that Council shall be valid notwithstanding that some person who was not entitled to do so took part in the proceedings.

8. Presiding in Privy Council

  1. His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan shall, so far as practicable, preside at meetings of the Privy Council.
  2. In the absence of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan, the person who shall preside shall be in the following priority—
    1. if such an appointment has been made, the Deputy Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan;
    2. if no Deputy Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan has been appointed and a Council of Regency has been appointed, the senior male Regent present;
    3. if no Deputy Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan and no Council of Regency has been appointed, such Member of the Privy Council as His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan may appoint or, in the absence of such Member or where no such Member has been appointed, the Kepala Wazir; and
    4. in any other case, the ex-officio Member of the Privy Council present who stands first in the order in which those officers are referred to in paragraph (c) of Clause (2) of Article 5.