
Bulgaria 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Chapter V. Council of Ministers

Article 105

  1. The Council of Ministers shall direct and conduct State’s domestic and foreign policy in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.
  2. The Council of Ministers shall ensure the public order and national security and shall exercise overall guidance over the state administration and the Armed Forces.
  3. The Council of Ministers shall inform the National Assembly on issues concerning the obligations of the Republic of Bulgaria resulting from its membership in the European Union.
  4. When participating in the drafting and adoption of European Union instruments, the Council of Ministers shall inform the National Assembly in advance, and shall give detailed account for its actions.

Article 106

The Council of Ministers shall manage the implementation of the state budget; organize the management of the state’s assets; conclude, confirm or denounce international treaties when authorized to do so by law.

Article 107

The Council of Ministers shall rescind any illegitimate or improper act issued by a minister.

Article 108

  1. The Council of Ministers shall consist of a Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and ministers.
  2. The Prime Minister shall head, coordinate and bear responsibility for the overall policy of the government. He shall appoint and remove the deputy ministers.
  3. Each member of the Council of Ministers shall head a ministry, except when the National Assembly resolves otherwise. Each minister shall account for his own activity.

Article 109

The members of the Council of Ministers shall swear before the National Assembly an oath envisaged in Article 76 para 2.

Article 110

Eligible for election to the Council of Ministers shall be any Bulgarian citizen qualified to be elected to the National Assembly.

Article 111

  1. The authority of the Council of Ministers shall expire upon any of the following occurrences:
    1. A vote of no confidence in the Council of Ministers or the Prime Minister;
    2. The resignation of the Council of Ministers or the Prime Minister;
    3. Death of the Prime Minister.
  2. The Council of Ministers shall hand in its resignation before the newly elected National Assembly.
  3. Should any of the above occur, the Council of Ministers shall continue to act until the election of a new Council of Ministers.

Article 112

  1. The Council of Ministers shall be free to ask the National Assembly’s vote of confidence in its overall policy, its programme declaration, or on a specific issue. A resolution shall require a majority of more than half of the votes of the National Assembly Members present.
  2. Should the Council of Ministers fail to receive the requested vote of confidence, the Prime Minister shall hand in the government’s resignation.

Article 113

  1. A member of the Council of Ministers shall not hold a post or engage in any activity incompatible with the status of a Member of the National Assembly.
  2. The National Assembly shall be free to determine any other post or activity which a member of the Council of Ministers shall not hold or engage in.

Article 114

Pursuant to and in implementation of the laws, the Council of Ministers shall adopt decrees, ordinances and resolutions. The Council of Ministers shall drafts rules and regulations by decree.

Article 115

The ministers shall issue rules, regulations, instructions and orders.

Article 116

  1. State employees shall be the executors of the nation’s will and interests. In the performance of their duty they shall be guided solely by the law and shall be politically neutral.
  2. The conditions for the appointment and removal of state employees and the conditions on which they shall be free to belong to political parties and trade unions, as well as to exercise their right to strike shall be established by law.