
Bulgaria 1991 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Chapter VII. Local Self-Government and Local Administration

Article 135

  1. The territory of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be divided into municipalities and regions. The territorial division and the prerogatives of the capital city and the other major cities shall be established by law.
  2. Other administrative territorial units and bodies of self government shall be establishable by law.

Article 136

  1. A municipality shall be the basic administrative territorial unit at the level of which self-government shall be practiced. Citizens shall participate in the government of the municipality both through their elected bodies of local self government and directly, through a referendum or a general meeting of the populace.
  2. The borders of a municipality shall be established following a referendum of the populace.
  3. A municipality shall be a legal entity.

Article 137

  1. Municipalities shall be free to associate in the solution of common matters.
  2. The law shall establish conditions conducive to association among municipalities.

Article 138

The body of local self-government within a municipality shall be a municipal council elected directly by the populace for a term of four years by a procedure envisaged by the law.

Article 139

  1. The mayor shall be the executive power within a municipality. He shall be elected for a term of four years by the populace or by the municipal council in a manner established by law.
  2. In his activity a mayor shall be guided by the law, the acts of the municipal council and the decisions of the populace.

Article 140

A municipality shall be entitled to own municipal property, which it shall use to the interest of the territorial community.

Article 141

  1. A municipality shall have its own budget.
  2. A municipality’s permanent sources of revenue shall be established by law.
  3. The municipal council shall determine the size of local taxes under conditions, by a procedure and within the frames, established by law.
  4. The municipal council shall determine the size of local charges by a procedure, established by law.
  5. The State shall ensure the normal work of the municipalities through budget appropriations and other means.

Article 142

The region shall be an administrative territorial unit for the conduct of a regional policy, the implementation of state governance on a local level, and the ensuring the concurrance of national and local interests.

Article 143

  1. Each region shall be governed by a regional governor aided by a regional administration.
  2. A regional governor shall be appointed by the Council of Ministers.
  3. The regional governor shall ensure the implementation of the State’s policy, the safeguarding of the national interests, law and public order, and shall exercise administrative control.

Article 144

The central bodies of State and their territorial sub divisions shall exercise control over the legality of the acts of the bodies of local government only when authorized to do so by law.

Article 145

A municipal council shall be free to challenge before a court any act which infringes its rights.

Article 146

The organization and the procedures of the bodies of local self-government and local administration shall be established by law.

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