Article 20
The duration of the transition shall not exceed twelve (12) months counting from the date of the investiture of the President of the Transition.
Article 21
The institutions of the period of the transition function until the effective installation of the new institutions.
Article 22
The participation of the Burkinabè abroad in the Presidential election which will be organized to put an end to the transition will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and of the Electoral Code.
Article 23
The expired [arrivé a échéance] mandate of the members of the Constitutional Council is extended, the case arising, until the establishment of the institutions of the transition.
Article 24
This Charter enters into force from its signature by the parties mentioned above in the preamble.
Its promulgation intervenes from its signature.
Article 25
In the case of opposition [contrariété] between the Charter of the Transition and the Constitution, the Constitutional Council decides.