Article 301
Any person having exercised the functions of President of the Republic during the period of transition is ineligible in the first presidential elections.
Article 302
Exceptionally, the first President of the Republic of the post-transition period is elected by the elected National Assembly and the elected Senate meeting in Congress, with a majority of two-thirds of the members. If this majority is not obtained on the first two ballots, it immediately proceeds to other ballots until a candidate obtains the suffrage equal to the two-thirds of the members of the Parliament.
In the case of vacancy of the first President of the Republic of the post-transition period, his successor is elected according to the same modalities specified in the preceding paragraph.
The President elected for the first post-transition period may not dissolve the Parliament.
Article 303
Equally exceptionally and to the sole ends of the first elections of the Deputies, and only if one party has obtained more than three-fifths of the seats by direct suffrage, a total of eighteen to twenty-one supplementary members are coopted in equal numbers from the lists of all parties having registered at least the minimum established for the suffrage, or in a rate of two persons per party in the case where more than seven parties should meet the required conditions.