
Burundi 2005 Constitution

Table of Contents


Article 75

The multi-partisan is recognized in the Republic of Burundi.

Article 76

Political parties may organize freely conforming to the law. They are authorized conforming to the law.

Article 77

A political party is a nonprofit association uniting citizens around a project of democratic society founded on national unity with a distinct political program of precise objectives responding to the needs of the general interest and to assure the flourishing of all the citizens.

Article 78

The political parties, in their organization and their functioning, must respond to democratic principles. They must be open to all Burundi citizens and their national character must be reflected in their leadership. They may not promote violence, exclusion, or hate in any of their forms, notably those based on ethnic, regional, religious or gender affiliation.

Article 79

Political parties and coalitions of political parties must promote the free expression of suffrage and participate in politics through peaceful means.

Article 80

The law guarantees the non-interference of public powers in the internal matters of political parties, not including necessary restrictions to prevent ethnic, political, regional, religious or gender hate, and to maintain the public order.

Article 81

Political parties may form coalitions during election seasons, according to the modalities fixed by the election laws.

Article 82

Actives members of the defense and security corps, and magistrates may not belong to a political party.

Article 83

External financing for political parties is prohibited, except for any exceptional exemptions established by the law.

All financing that may threaten the country’s independence and national sovereignty is prohibited.

The law determines and organizes the sources of financing of political parties.

Article 84

Towards the ends of promoting democracy, the law may authorize the financing of the political parties of an equitable manner, proportional to the number of seats that they hold in the National Assembly. This financing may apply the functioning of political parties as to their electoral campaigns, and must be transparent. These types of subventions, of advantages and facilities that the State must accord to the political parties are fixed by the law.

Article 85

The conditions in which political parties are formed, and exercise and end their activities are determined by the law.

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