
Central African Republic 2004 Constitution (reviewed 2010)

Table of Contents


Article 106

The initiative of revision of the Constitution belongs concurrently to the President of the Republic and to the National Assembly deciding with the majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the members who compose it.

Article 107

The revision intervenes when the bill presented in complete form [a l’tat] has been voted by the National Assembly with a majority of three quarters (3/4) of the members who compose it or has been adopted by referendum.

No procedure of revision can be initiated or followed in the case of the vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic or when it infringes the integrity of the territory.

Article 108

Expressly excluded from revision are:

  • the republican and secular form of the State;
    the number and duration of the presidential mandates;

    the conditions of eligibility;

    the incompatibilities to the functions of Head of State;

    the fundamental rights of the citizen.