
Central African Republic 2004 Constitution (reviewed 2010)

Table of Contents


Article 18

The form of the State is the Republic.

The Central African State has for its name: Republique Centrafricaine [Central African Republic].

The Central African Republic is a State of law, sovereign, indivisible, secular and democratic.

Its capital is Bangui. It can only be transferred by virtue of a law, when the superior interest of the Nation requires it.

Its official languages are Sango and French.

Its emblem is the flag of four (4) horizontal bands of equal width, of blue, white, green and yellow colors, crossed perpendicularly in their middle [milieu], by a band of equal width of red color and struck in the superior left quadrant by a star of five (5) points of yellow color.

Its motto is: Unite-Dignite-Travail [Unity Dignity Work].

Its anthem is the Renaissance.

Its National Day is established as 1st December, the date of the proclamation of the Republic.

Its currency is defined by the law.

The Seal of the State and the Coat-of-Arms of the Republic are defined by the law.

Article 19

The principle of the Republic is “Government of the People, By the People and For the People”.

National sovereignty belongs to the people who exercise it by way [voie] of referendum or by their representatives.

No part of the people nor any individual may arrogate its exercise or alienate it.

The usurpation of sovereignty by coup d’etat or by other means constitutes an imprescriptible crime against the Central African People. Any person or any third estate [Etat tiers] performing such acts will have declared war on the Central African People.

All Central Africans of the two (2) sexes, aged eighteen (18) years of age, enjoying their civil rights, are electors within the conditions determined by the law.

Every citizen has a duty to vote.

Suffrage may be direct or indirect within the conditions specified by the Constitution. It is always universal, equal and secret.

Article 20

The political parties or groups concur in the expression of suffrage, [and] to the animation of the political, economic and social life.

A law determines the conditions of their formation, of their functioning, of their funding [financement] and of their dissolution.