
Central African Republic 2004 Constitution (reviewed 2010)

Table of Contents


Article 69

The President of the Republic negotiates, signs, ratifies and revokes the international treaties and agreements.

The ratification or the revocation may only intervene after the authorization of the Parliament, notably in that which concerns the peace treaties, the defense treaties, the commercial treaties, the treaties concerning the environment and the natural resources or agreements concerning international organization, those which engage the finances of the State, those which modify the provisions of a legislative nature, those which concern the status of persons and the rights of Man, [and] those which involve cession, exchange or addition of territory.

No cession, no exchange [or] no addition of territory is valid without the consent of the Central African People called to decide on it by means [voie] of referendum.

The President of the Republic is informed of any negotiations tending to the conclusion of an international agreement not submitted to ratification.

Article 70

The Republic may, after [a] referendum, conclude with any African State agreements of association or merger [fusion] involving partial or total abandonment of sovereignty in order to realize African Unity.

It may create with all States intergovernmental organs [organismes] of common[commune] management, of coordination and of free cooperation.

Article 71

If the Constitutional Court[,] referred to [the matter] by the President of the Republic, by the President of the National Assembly, or by one-third (1/3) of the Deputies, has declared that a international commitment includes a clause contrary to the Constitution, the authorization to ratify or to approve the international commitment in question can only intervene after the revision of the Constitution.

Article 72

The treaties or agreements regularly ratified or approved have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve, for each agreement or treaty, of its application by the other party.