Article 128
The Central African Republic is organized in Territorial Collectivities on the basis of the principle of decentralization within respect for national unity.
The Central African State sees to the harmonious development of all the Territorial Collectivities on the basis of national solidarity, of regional potentials and of interregional equilibrium.
Article 129
The Territorial Collectivities of the Central African Republic are the regions and the communes.
Any other category of Territorial Collectivity may only be created and modified by the law.
The Territorial Collectivities administer themselves freely by elected organs and are provided with a regulatory power for the exercise of their competences.
In the Territorial Collectivities of the Republic, the representative of the State is the representative of each of the members of the Government. They are responsible for the national interests, for administrative control and for respect for the laws.
However, that which arises within the domain of the Judicial Power eludes [échappe] all delegation of power.
An organic law determines the modalities of application of this provision.