Article 136
The High Council of Communication is independent of any political power, of any political party, of any association or of any pressure group.
Article 137
The High Council of Communication is given the charge to assure the exercise of the freedom of expression and the equal access for all to the media, within respect for the laws in force.
Article 138
The High Council of Communication is endowed with powers of regulation and of decision.
Article 139
The High Council of Communication consists of nine (9) members including at least four (4) women.
The members of the High Council of Communication are designated from among the persons [of distinction] [personnalités] having at least ten (10) years of professional experience in the domains of journalism, of the arts and of culture, of communications, of law [droit] as well as of new technologies of information and of communication.
Their designation is confirmed by decree of the President of the Republic countersigned by the Prime Minister.
The duration of the mandate of the members of the High Council of Communication is of seven (7) years non-renewable.
Article 140
The members of the High Council of Communication elect from within a President among the professional members of the media or of communications, and a Vice President.
Article 141
The functions of member of the High Council of Communication are incompatible with the exercise of any political function, administrative [function], or [function] within a political party, of any lucrative activity, of any function of professional representation or of any salaried employment, with the exception of teaching and of the exercise of medicine.
Article 142
Before the entry into [their] functions, the members of the High Council of Communication make, [each] in [regard] to what concerns him, a written declaration of [their] patrimony, deposited at the Office of the Constitutional Court, which renders it public within eight (8) working days.
Within the thirty (30) days preceding the cessation of their functions, the members of the National Council of Mediation renew, each in [regard] to what concerns him, the written declaration of their patrimony within the conditions specified in the paragraph above.
An organic law determines the composition, the organization and the functioning of the High Council of Communication and the immunity of its members.