Article 154
The Head of the State of the Transition remains in place until the effective taking of [his] function by the President of the Republic, Head of the State democratically elected.
The Prime Minister, Head of the Government of Transition remains in place until the appointment of his successor by the President democratically elected.
The National Council of the Transition remains in place until the effective installation of the elected National Assembly.
The Constitutional Court of the Transition remains in place until the effective installation of the Constitutional Court deriving [issue] from this Constitution.
The High Council of Communication of the Transition remains in place until the effective installation of the High Council of Communication deriving from this Constitution.
Article 155
The institutions provided for by this Constitution will be put in place within the twelve (12) months that follow the date of the investiture of the President of the Republic elected[,] with the exemption of the Senate which will be established after the municipal and regional elections.
Article 156
While awaiting the establishment of the Senate, the National Assembly exercises the totality of the Legislative Power.
Article 157
The legislation resulting from the laws and regulations applicable in the Central African State at the date of the coming into force of this Constitution, remains in force in their provisions that are not contrary to the stipulations of this [Constitution], as long as they have not been modified by [the] legislative or regulatory way [voie].
Article 158
The provisions of Article 35 of this Constitution apply to the mandate of the President of the Republic elected under the authority of the Constitutional Charter of Transition of 18 July 2013. He begins in this way the first of the two (2) consecutive mandates specified by Article 35 above.
Article 159
This Constitution is adopted by the People through referendum and promulgated by the Head of the State of the Transition on the day of the investiture of the President of the Republic, Head of the State, democratically elected.
It will be published in the Journal Officiel [Official Gazette] and executed as the Constitution of the Central African Republic.