
Chad 1996 Constitution (reviewed 2015)

Table of Contents

Title X. Of the High Council of Communication

Article 182

A High Council of Communication is instituted.

The High Council of Communication is an independent administrative authority.

Article 183

The High Council of Communication is composed of nine (9) members appointed by Decree of President of the Republic.

They are appointed in the following manner:

  • two (2) notable persons [personnalités] by the President of the Republic;
    two (2) notable persons by the President of the National Assembly;

    three (3) professionals in audiovisual Communication and the written press designated by their peers;

    one magistrate appointed by the President of the Supreme Court;

    one notable persons of the world of culture, of the arts and letters[,] designated by his peers.

Article 184

The High Council of Communication elects its Bureau from among its members.

Article 185

The High Council of Communication:

  • sees to the respect of the rules of ethics [déontologie] in matters of information and of communication;
    guarantees the freedom of the press and the pluralistic expression of opinions;

    regulates the relations of communication between the public powers, the organs of information and the public;

    assures to the political parties the equal access to the public media;

    guarantees to the associations the equitable access to the public media;

    gives technical advice, [and] recommendations on the questions touching the domain of information.

Article 186

The other attributions, the organization and the functioning of the High Council of Communication are specified by the law.

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