Article 184
The national defense and security are assured by the Defense and Security Forces.
Article 185
The Defense and Security Forces are composed of:
- the National Army;
the National Gendarmerie; the National Police; the National and Nomadic Guard; the Corps of Judicial Police.
Article 186
The Defense and Security Forces are in the service of the Nation.
They are subject to republican legality.
They are subordinated to civil power.
Article 187
The Defense and Security Forces are apolitical.
Article 188
The National Defense is assured by the National Army, the National Gendarmerie and the National and Nomadic Guard.
The maintenance of the public order and of security is assured by the National Police, the National Gendarmerie and the National and Nomadic Guard.
Chapter I. Of the National Army of Chad
Article 189
The National Army of Chad has for its mission the defense of territorial integrity and national unity. It must guarantee the national independence and security against any external aggression or threat.
Article 190
The National Army of Chad participates in tasks of economic and social development as well as in humanitarian operations.
Article 191
Missions not provided for by this Constitution are defined by the law.
Chapter II. Of the National Gendarmerie
Article 192
The National Gendarmerie has for its mission:
- to assure the protection of persons and of assets;
to assure the maintenance and the reestablishment of the public order in the outskirts of large towns and in the rural world; to assure respect for laws and regulations.
Its action is exercised on all of the national territory with respect for the freedoms and of the Rights of Man.
Chapter III. Of the National Police
Article 193
The National Police has for its mission:
- to see to the security of the State;
to assure the maintenance and the reestablishment of the public order; to see to the security and to the protection of persons and of assets; to see to the [public] tranquility and to the public health [salubrité]; to assure respect for the laws and regulations.
Article 194
The action of the National Police action is exercised on the whole of the national territory within respect for the freedoms and for the rights of Man.
Chapter IV. Of the National and Nomadic Guard
Article 195
The National and Nomadic Guard has for its mission:
- the protection of the political and administrative authorities;
the protection of public buildings; the maintenance of order in the rural and nomadic setting; the guarding and the surveillance of detention facilities
Article 196
The action of the National and Nomadic Guard is exercised on the whole of the national territory with respect for the freedoms and of the Rights of Man.
Chapter V. Of the Corps of the Judicial Police
Article 197
A Corps of Judicial Police is instituted.
Article 198
The Corps of Judicial Police is composed of officers and of agents of judicial police originally from the National Gendarmerie and from the National Police.
Article 199
The Corps of Judicial Police, is placed in the exclusive service of the Minister in charge of Justice, and has for its mission:
- to declare infractions, and to collect evidence of them, to investigate their actors, and to place these actors at the disposal of judicial authorities;
to assure respect for the laws and regulations.
Article 200
The organization, the operations, and the other missions and duties of the National Army, of the National Gendarmerie, of the National Police, of the National and Nomadic Guard and of the Corps of the Judicial Police, are established by the law.