Article 221
The Republic of Chad may finalize with other States agreements of cooperation or of association on the basis of the principles of equality, of mutual respect of sovereignty, of territorial integrity, of reciprocal advantages and of national dignity.
It may create with the States organizations of common management, of coordination and cooperation within the economic, monetary, financial, scientific, technical, military and cultural domains.
Article 222
The President of the Republic negotiates and ratifies the treaties. He is informed of any negotiation regarding the finalization of an international agreement not submitted to ratification.
Article 223
The peace treaties, the defense treaties, the treaties of commerce, the treaties relative to the use of the national territory or to the exploitation of the natural resources, the agreements relative to international organization, those which engage the finances of the State or those which are relative to the state of persons, may only be approved or ratified after the authorization of the National Assembly.
These treaties and agreements only take effect after having been approved and ratified.
No cession, no exchange, no addition of territory, is valid without the consent of the People expressed by means of referendum.
Article 224
If the Supreme Court, referred to the matter by the President of the Republic or by the President of the National Assembly, has declared that an international engagement contains a clause contrary to the Constitution, the authorization of ratification may only take effect after Constitutional revision.
Article 225
The Treaties or Agreements regularly ratified have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the national laws, under reserve for each Agreement or Treaty of its application by the other party.