
Comoros 2001 Constitution (reviewed 2009)


The Comorian people solemnly affirm their will

  • to draw from Islam, the religion of the state, the permanent inspiration of the principles and rules that govern the Union;
    to guarantee the pursuit of a common destiny of the Comorians;

    to give themselves new institutions which are founded on the rule of law and democracy, respect the principles of good governance and guarantee a power-sharing between the Union and the islands which are its members in order to allow them to realize their legitimate aspirations, to administer and manage freely, without obstacles, their own affairs and to promote their socio-economic development;

    to emphasize their commitment to the principles and fundamental rights defined by the Charter of the United Nations, by the Charter of the Organization of African Unity, by the Pact of the League of Arab States, by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and by the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, as well as by the international conventions, particularly those relating to childrens’ and womens’ rights.

They proclaim:

  • the solidarity between the Union and the islands and among the islands themselves;
    the equality of the islands concerning rights and duties;

    the equality of all concerning rights and duties without distinctions based on sex, origin, race, religion or belief;

    the equality of all before the courts and the right of anyone who is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts to defend himself;

    the freedom and security of each individual under the sole condition that he does not commit any act likely to harm others;

    the right to obtain information from a variety of sources and to freedom of the press;

    freedom of expression and of assembly, freedom of association and freedom to organize trade unions, subject to respect for morals and public order;

    freedom of enterprise as well as the safety of capital and investments;

    the inviolability of the domicile in the conditions defined by law;

    the right to strike within the framework of the laws which regulate it;

    the guarantee of property rights, save in cases of public utility or necessity determined in accordance with the law and subject to just compensation;

    the right to health and education for all;

    the right of the child and of the youth to be protected by the public authorities against any form of abandonment, exploitation and violence;

    the right to an intact environment and the duty of all to preserve that environment.

This Preamble shall be considered an integral part of the Constitution.

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