Article 128
This Constitution enters into force from the day of its promulgation.
Article 129
The President of the Republic-elect enters into his functions, and the National Assembly meets within a time period of six months counted from this promulgation. Until the President of the Republic-elect enters into his functions, the President of the Republic in exercise and the Government of transition take the measures necessary for the functioning of the public powers, for the life of the Nation, for the protection of persons and of property and to safeguard the freedoms. However, the President of the Republic assuming the transition cannot, in any fashion and in whatever form that may be, modify the Constitution, the Electoral Code, the law concerning the Political Parties and Groups and the law establishing the regime of associations and of the press.
Article 130
Until the implementation of the other Institutions, the Institutions established continue to exercise their functions and attributions conforming to the laws and regulations in force.
Article 131
For the elections of the year 2000, the Supreme Court exercises the functions of control and of verification devolved by this Constitution to the Constitutional Council within the conditions established by law, and receives, in solemn audience, the oath of the President of the Republic.
Article 132
Civil and penal immunity is granted to the members of the National Committee of Public Salvation (C.N.S.P.) and to all of the authors of the events having brought about the change of regime which intervened on 24 December 1999.
Article 133
The legislation presently in force in Côte d’Ivoire remains applicable, save with the intervention of new texts, if it contains nothing contrary to this Constitution.