
Cuba 1976 Constitution (reviewed 2002)

Table of Contents



The State protects the family, motherhood and matrimony.

The State recognizes in the family the fundamental cell of the society, and attributes to it essential responsibilities and functions in the education and training of the new generations.


Marriage is the voluntary established union between a man and a woman, who are legally fit to marry, in order to live together. It is based on full equality of rights and duties for the partners, who must see to the support of the home and the integral education of their children through a joint effort compatible with the social activities of both.

The law regulates the formalization, recognition and dissolution of marriage and the rights and obligations deriving from such acts.


All children have the same rights, regardless of being born in or out of wedlock.

Distinctions regarding a child’s filiation are abolished.

No statement shall be made either with regard to the difference in birth or the civil status of the parents in the registration of the child’s birth or in any other documents that mention parenthood.

The State guarantees, through adequate legal means, the determination and recognition of paternity.


The parents have the duty to provide nourishment for their children; to help them to defend their legitimate interests and in the realization of their just aspirations; and to contribute actively to their education and integral development as useful, well-prepared citizens for life in a socialist society.

It is the children’s duty, in turn, to respect and help their parents.

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