
Cuba 1976 Constitution (reviewed 2002)

Table of Contents



The State guides, fosters, and promotes education, culture and sciences in all their manifestations.

In its educational and cultural policy, [the State] adheres to the following principles:

  1. bases its educational and cultural policy on the advances of science and technology, the Marxist and Martian ideology, the Cuban progressive pedagogical tradition, and the universal one;
  2. education is a function of the State, and free of charge. It is based on the conclusions and contributions of science, and on the closest relationship between study and life, work, and production.The State maintains an extensive system of grants for students, and provides multiple facilities for study for workers, so that they may reach the highest possible levels of knowledge and skills.

    The law specifies the formation and structure of the national system of education, as well as the scope of compulsory schooling, and defines the basic general training that every citizen must acquire, as a minimum.

  3. to promote the patriotic education and communist training for the new generations, and the preparation of children, young people, and adults for social life;To implement this principle, general education and specialized [instruction] of a scientific, technical, or artistic nature are combined with work, research for development, physical education, sports, and participation in political, social and military training activities;
  4. artistic creativity is free as long as its content is not contrary to the Revolution. Forms of expression of art are free;
  5. in order to raise the level of culture of the people, the State will take measures to promote and develop artistic education, the vocation for the creation of artistic culture and the capacity for its appreciation.
  6. creative and investigative activity in science is free. The State encourages and facilitates research, and prioritizes that which is aimed at solving the problems related to the interest of society and the benefit of the people;
  7. the State fosters the workers’ incorporation in scientific work and the development of science.
  8. the State guides, fosters, and promotes physical culture and sports in all their manifestations as a means of education and a contribution to the overall training of citizens;
  9. the State defends the identity of Cuban culture, and oversees the conservation of the cultural heritage, and the artistic and historical resources of the nation. It protects the national monuments and sites notable for their natural beauty, or for their recognized artistic or historical value;
  10. the State promotes the participation of citizens in the implementation of its educational and cultural policy through the country’s mass and social organizations.


Children and youth benefit from particular protection on the part of the State and the society.

The family, the school, the State organs, and the mass and social organizations have the duty to pay special attention to the complete training of children and the youth.

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