
Cuba 2018 Draft Constitution

Table of Contents

Title V. Principles of the Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Policy

Article 95

The State orients, fosters, and promotes education, the sciences, and culture in all of their forms.

In its educational, scientific, and cultural policy, the State attends to the following:

  1. That it be based on the advances in science and technology as well as the universal and progressive Cuban pedagogical traditions;
  2. Teaching is a function of the State, it is secular, and is based on the contributions of science as well as on the principles and values of our society;
  3. Education must promote knowledge of the nation’s history and develop a high level of ethical, moral, civic, and patriotic values within students;
  4. The State’s policy promotes the participation of citizens in the realization of their educational and cultural policy;
  5. It orients, fosters, and promotes physical culture and sport in all of its forms as a means of education and a means to contribute to the holistic development of the citizens;
  6. Scientific and technical research with a focus on development and innovation is encouraged, prioritizing that which is oriented towards solving problems of social concern and that benefit the population;
  7. It favors the incorporation of people with scientific aptitude;
  8. Artistic creation is free and its content respects the socialist values of Cuba. The forms of expression through art are free;
  9. With the purpose of elevating the culture of the people, the State fosters and develops artistic education, the vocation of creation, the cultivation of art, and the capacity to appreciate it
  10. It defends the Cuban identity and culture, cares for the artistic, patrimonial, and historic wealth and ensures its protection. The goods that belong to the cultural patrimony of the nation are inalienable, imprescriptible, and may not be seized, and
  11. It protects the monuments of the nation and the locations notable for their natural beauty and recognized artistic or historical value.
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