Article 86
The Greek and the Turkish Communities respectively shall elect from amongst their own members a Communal Chamber which shall have the competence expressly reserved for it under the provisions of this Constitution.
Article 87
- The Communal Chambers shall, in relation to their respective Community, have competence to exercise within the limits of this Constitution and subject to paragraph 3 of this Article, legislative power solely with regard to the following matters:-
- all religious matters;
- all educational, cultural and teaching matters;
- personal status;
- the composition and instances of courts dealing with civil disputes relating to personal status and to religious matters;
- in matters where the interests and institutions are of purely communal nature such as charitable and sporting foundations, bodies and associations created for the purpose of promoting the well-being of their respective Community;
- imposition of personal taxes and fees on members of their respective Community in order to provide for their respective needs and for the needs of bodies and institutions under their control as in Article 88 provided;
- in matters where subsidiary legislation in the form of regulations or bye-laws within the framework of the laws relating to municipalities will be necessary to enable a Communal Chamber to promote the aims pursued by municipalities composed solely of members of its respective Community;
- in matters relating to the exercise of the authority of control of producers’ and consumers’ co-operatives and credit establishments and of supervision in their functions of municipalities consisting solely of their respective Community, vested in them by this Constitution:Provided that-
- any communal law, regulation, bye-law or decision made or taken by a Communal Chamber under this sub-paragraph (h) shall not directly or indirectly be contrary to or inconsistent with any law by which producers’ and consumers’ co-operatives and credit establishments are governed or to which the municipalities are subject;
- nothing in paragraph (i) of this proviso contained shall be construed as enabling the House of Representatives to legislate on any matter relating to the exercise of the authority vested in a Communal Chamber under this subparagraph (h),
- in such other matters as are expressly provided by this Constitution.
- Nothing in sub-paragraph (f) of paragraph I of this Article contained shall be construed as in any way curtailing the power of the House of Representatives to impose, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, any personal taxes.
- Any law or decision of a Communal Chamber made or taken in exercise of the power vested in it under paragraph I of this Article shall not in any way contain anything contrary to the interests of the security of the Republic or the constitutional order or the public safety or the public order or the public health or the public morals or which is against the fundamental rights and liberties guaranteed by this Constitution to any person.
Article 88
- The power of imposing taxes under sub-paragraph (f) of paragraph 1 of Article 87 of a Communal Chamber shall be exercised for the purposes of meeting the part of its expenditure provided in its budget in each financial year which is not met by the payment made to such Communal Chamber in respect of such financial year by the Republic out of its Budget as provided in paragraph 2 of this Article or by any other revenue which such Chamber may have in that financial year.
- The House of Representatives shall, in respect of each financial year, provide in the Budget and make available for payment to both Communal Chambers in respect of their respective financial year for the purposes of their respective needs relating to matters within their respective competence an amount not less than two million pounds to be allocated to the Greek and the Turkish Communal Chambers as follows:
- to the Greek Communal Chamber an amount not less than the sum of one million and six hundred thousand pounds; and
- to the Turkish Communal Chamber an amount not less than the sum of four hundred thousand pounds:
Provided that in the case of the increase of the minimum total amount payable to both Communal Chambers the allocation to each of the Communal Chambers of such increased amount shall be made in such manner as the House of Representatives may decide.
- If a Communal Chamber so requests the taxes imposed by it shall be collected on its behalf and paid to such a Communal Chamber by the authorities of the Republic.
- For the purposes of this Article and of sub-paragraph (f) of paragraph 1 of Article 87 “member” includes corporate and unincorporate bodies to the extent of the interest held in such bodies by such members.
Article 89
- The Communal Chambers shall, in relation to their respective Community, also have competence
- to direct policy (“determiner les principes directeurs”) within their communal laws;
- to exercise administrative powers in the manner and through such persons as may be provided by a communal law, with respect to any matter on which they are competent to exercise legislative power under the provisions of Article 87 other than those provided in sub- paragraphs (g) and (h) of paragraph I of such Article for which specific provision is made in the ensuing sub-paragraphs;
- to exercise control on producers’ and consumers’ co-operatives and credit establishments created for the purpose of promoting the well-being of their respective Community and which will be governed by the laws;
- to promote the aims pursued by municipalities composed solely of members of their respective Community and to supervise in their functions such municipalities to which the laws shall apply.
- Nothing in sub-paragraph (e) of paragraph I of Article 87 and in subparagraph (b) of paragraph I of this Article contained shall be construed as precluding the creation of mixed and common institutions of the nature therein provided if the inhabitants so desire.
- In the case where the central administration shall, on its part, proceed to control the institutions, establishments or municipalities mentioned in subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph I of this Article by virtue of legislation in force, such control shall be carried out through public officers belonging to the same Community as that to which the institution, establishment or municipality in question belongs.
Article 90
- Subject to the ensuing provisions of this Article each Communal Chamber shall have power by or in its own communal laws to provide for the application of its laws and decisions.
- A Communal Chamber shall have no power to provide in any of its laws or decisions for imprisonment or detention for any violation thereof or failure to comply with any directions given by a Communal Chamber in exercise of any power vested in it under this Constitution.
- The Communal Chambers shall have no competence to use measures of constraint to secure compliance with their respective communal laws or decisions and of the judgments of the Courts dealing with civil disputes relating to personal status and to religious matters within their respective competence.
- Where it becomes necessary to use measures of constraint in compelling compliance with any law or decision of a Communal Chamber or with any matter connected with the exercise of the authority of control or supervision by a Communal Chamber such measures of constraint shall, on the application by or on behalf of the Communal Chamber, be applied by the public authorities of the Republic which shall have exclusive competence to apply such measures of constraint.
- The execution of any judgment or order of a court in connexion with any matter within the exclusive competence of a Communal Chamber shall be carried out through the public authorities of the Republic.
Article 91
- Each Communal Chamber shall once yearly prepare and adopt a budget of its revenue and expenditure for the ensuing financial year.
- Such budget shall be voted by the Communal Chamber not later than the day fixed by a communal law for the commencement of the communal financial year.
Article 92
The number of the members of each Communal Chamber shall be determined by a communal law carried by a two-thirds majority of the total number of the members of the Communal Chamber concerned.
Article 93
The elections for both the Communal Chambers shall be by universal suffrage and by direct and secret ballot.
Article 94
- Subject to paragraph 2 of this Article every citizen of the Republic who has attained the age of twenty-one years and has such residential qualifications as may be prescribed by the respective communal electoral law shall have the right to be registered as an elector in the respective communal electoral list:Provided that the members of the Greek Community shall only be registered in the Greek communal electoral list and the members of the Turkish Community shall only be registered in the Turkish communal electoral list.
- No person shall be qualified to be registered as an elector who is disqualified for such registration by virtue of the respective communal electoral law.
Article 95
A person shall be qualified to be a candidate for election as a member of a Communal Chamber if at the time of the election that person-
- is a citizen of the Republic and is registered in the respective communal electoral list;
- has attained the age of twenty-five years;
- has not been, on or after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude or is not under any disqualification imposed by a competent court for an electoral offence;
- is not suffering from a mental disease incapacitating such person from acting as a member of a Communal Chamber.
Article 96
- The term of office of the Communal Chambers shall be for a period of five years commencing on such date as a communal law respectively shall appoint.
- The outgoing Communal Chambers shall continue in office until the newly elected Communal Chambers assume office under paragraph I of this Article.
Article 97
- A communal general election for a Communal Chamber shall be held at least thirty days before the expiration of the term of office of the outgoing Chamber.
- When a vacancy occurs in the seat of a member of a Communal Chamber such vacancy shall be filled by a by-election to be held within a period not exceeding forty-five days of the occurrence of such vacancy.
- If an election under paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article cannot take place on the date fixed by or under this Constitution owing to extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances such as earthquake, floods, general epidemic and the like, then such election shall take place on the corresponding day of the week next following.
Article 98
- Either Communal Chamber may dissolve itself only by its own decision carried by an absolute majority.
- Any such decision shall, notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph I of Article 96 and paragraph I of Article 97, provide for the date of the holding of the communal general election with respect to the Communal Chamber in question which shall not be less than thirty days and not more than forty days from the date of such decision and also for the date of the first meeting of the newly-elected Communal Chamber which shall not be later than fifteen days after such communal general election and until such date the outgoing Communal Chamber shall continue to be in office.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph 1 of Article 96, the term of office of the Communal Chamber to be elected after dissolution shall be for the unexpired period of the term of office of the dissolved Communal Chamber. In case of dissolution within the last year of the five years’ term of office of the Communal Chamber concerned a communal general election for such Chamber shall take place for the unexpired part of the term of office of the dissolved Communal Chamber and for the subsequent five years’ period of office of suchCommunal Chamber.
Article 99
Whenever a Communal Chamber continues to be in office until the assumption of office by a newly-elected Communal Chamber, either under paragraph 2 of Article 96 or paragraph 2 of Article 98, it shall not have power to make any laws or take any decisions on any matter except only in case of urgent and exceptional unforeseen circumstances to be specifically stated in the relevant law or decision.
Article 100
A member of a Communal Chamber before assuming duties as such in the Communal Chamber and at a public meeting thereof shall make the following affirmation:
“I do solemnly affirm faith to, and respect for, the Constitution and the laws made thereunder, the preservation of the independence and the territorial integrity, of the Republic of Cyprus.”
Article 101
- The office of a member of a Communal Chamber shall be incompatible with that of a Minister or of a Representative or of a member of any municipal council including a Mayor or of a member of the armed or security forces of the Republic or with a public or municipal office and, in the case of that of a member of the Turkish Communal Chamber, with that of a religious functionary (din adam).
- For the purposes of this Article “public office” means any office of profit in the public service of the Republic or of a Communal Chamber the emoluments of which are under the control either of the Republic or of a Communal Chamber and includes any office in any public corporation or public utility body.
Article 102
The Communal Chambers shall, by Standing Orders, make rules relating to all matters of procedure including the holding of ordinary and extraordinary meetings, the dates and duration of such meetings, the manner of voting and the transaction of business.
Article 103
- The meetings of the Communal Chambers shall be open to the public and the minutes of its debates shall be published.
- Any Communal Chamber may, if it thinks necessary, hold secret sessions on a resolution carried by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of its members.
Article 104
- The laws or decisions passed by the Greek or the Turkish Communal Chamber shall be published in the official Gazette of the Republic immediately after being signed by the President or the Vice-President of the Republic respectively within fifteen days of the receipt by him of such laws or decisions.
- A communal law shall come into operation on its publication in the official Gazette of the Republic unless another date is provided by such law.
Article 105
- The President of the Republic with regard to the Greek Communal Chamber and the Vice-President of the Republic with regard to the Turkish Communal Chamber may, within fifteen days of the receipt by him of any law or decision passed by the respective Communal Chamber, return such law or decision to such Chamber for reconsideration.
- If the Communal Chamber concerned maintains that the law or decision so returned to it shall stand, the President or the Vice-President of the Republic, as the case may be, shall sign and publish such law or decision in accordance with the provisions of the immediately preceding Article.
Article 106
- A member of a Communal Chamber shall not be liable to civil or criminal proceedings in respect of any statement made or vote given by him in the Chamber.
- A member of a Communal Chamber cannot without the leave of the High Court, be prosecuted, arrested or imprisoned, so long as he continues to be a member. Such leave is not required in the case of an offence punishable with death or imprisonment for five years or more in case the offender is taken in the act. In such a case the High Court, being notified forthwith by the competent authority, decides whether it should grant or refuse leave for the continuation of the prosecution or detention, as the case may be, so long as he continues to be a member.
- If the High Court refuses to grant leave for the prosecution of a member of a Communal Chamber, the period during which such member cannot thus be prosecuted shall not be reckoned for the purposes of any period of prescription for the offence in question.
- If the High Court refuses to grant leave for the enforcement of a sentence of imprisonment imposed on a member of a Communal Chamber by a competent court, the enforcement of such sentence shall be postponed until he ceases to be such member.
Article 107
The seat of a member of a Communal Chamber shall become vacant-
- upon his death; or
- upon his written resignation; or
- upon the occurrence of any of the circumstances referred to in paragraph (c) or (d) of Article 95, or if he ceases to be a citizen of the Republic or if he ceases to be qualified to be registered as an elector in the respective Communal electoral list; or
- upon his becoming the holder of an office mentioned in Article 101.
Article 108
- The Greek and the Turkish Communities shall have the right to receive subsidies from the Greek or the Turkish Government respectively for institutions of education, culture, athletics and charity belonging to the Greek or the Turkish Community respectively.
- Also where either the Greek or the Turkish Community considers that it has not the necessary number of schoolmasters, professors or clergymen for the functioning of its institutions, such Community shall have the right to obtain and employ such personnel to the extent strictly necessary to meet its needs as the Greek or the Turkish Government respectively may provide.
Article 109
Each religious group which under the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 2 has opted to belong to one of the Communities shall have the right to be represented, by elected member or members of such group, in the Communal Chamber of the Community to which such group has opted to belong as shall be provided by a relevant communal law.
Article 110
- The Autocephalous Greek-Orthodox Church of Cyprus shall continue to have the exclusive right of regulating and administering its own internal affairs and property in accordance with the Holy Canons and its Charter in force for the time being and the Greek Communal Chamber shall not act inconsistently with such right.
- The institution of Vakf and the Principles and Laws of, and relating to, Vakfs are recognised by this Constitution.All matters relating to or in any way affecting the institution or foundation of Vakf or the vakfs or any vakf properties, including properties belonging to Mosques and any other Moslem religious institution, shall be governed solely by and under the Laws and Principles of Vakfs and the laws and regulations enacted or made by the Turkish Communal Chamber, and no legislative, executive or other act whatsoever shall contravene or override or interfere with such Laws or Principles of Vakfs and with such laws and regulations of the Turkish Communal Chamber.
- Any right with regard to religious matters possessed in accordance with the law of the Colony of Cyprus in force immediately before the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution by the Church of a religious group to which the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 2 shall apply shall continue to be so possessed by such Church on and after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution.
Article 111
- Subject to the provisions of this Constitution any matter relating to betrothal, marriage, nullity of marriage of members of the Greek-Orthodox Church or of a religious group to which the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 2 shall apply shall, on and after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, be governed by the law of the Greek-Orthodox Church or of the Church of such religious group, as the case may be. A Law shall provide for an attempt of reconciliation or of spiritual dissolution of marriage to be made before a Bishop.
- Any matter relating to divorce, judicial separation or restitution of conjugal rights or to family relations of the members of the Greek-Orthodox Church, shall be cognizable by family courts each of which is composed:
- For a divorce trial, of three judges, one of which is a lawyer ecclesiastical officer appointed by the Greek Orthodox Church and presides over the Court and the other two of high professional and moral standard belonging to the Greek Orthodox Church are appointed by the Supreme Court among lawyers. If no ecclesiastical officer is appointed as above, the Supreme Court appoints the President of the Court as well.
- For any other trial, or one judge as a law shall provide.
- The divorce is maintenable only
- For the grounds, under the Charter of the Holy Church of Cyprus, as are in force at the date of Enactment by the House of Representatives, of the First Amendment of the Constitution Law of 1989, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the Constitution;
- When the relations of the spouses have been so strongly shaken by a ground concerning the person of the defendant or of both spouses, which justifiably render continuation of the marital relation intolerable for the plaintiff, and
- For any other ground that a law may provide after the views of the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus are being heard.
- Any matter relating to divorce, judicial separation or restitution of conjugal rights or to family relations of the members of the Greek-Orthodox Church, shall be cognizable by family courts each of which is composed:
- Any matter relating to divorce, judicial separation or restitution of conjugal rights or to family relations of the members of a religious group for which the provisions of the third paragraph of section 2 apply, shall be cognizable by a family court for which a law shall determine its establishment, composition and jurisdiction, mutatis mutandis to the above.
- Law shall provide for appeal against decisions of the family courts, for the composition of those who shall adjudicate and decide on these appeals and for the jurisdiction and powers of these appellate courts. A law enacted in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph may provide that the appellate court may be composed of one or more judges of the Supreme Court, sitting alone or together with another judge or other judges belonging to the judicial service of the Republic as the law may provide.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of the first paragraph of this section, the free choice of a civil marriage is offered to the members of the Greek Community.
- Nothing in paragraph I of this Article contained shall preclude the application of the provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 90 to the execution of any judgment or order of any such tribunal.